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geenance Dec 14th, 2013 03:13 PM

Help with itinerary
So sorry that I am not totally up to speed with Argentina, but looking for people to push me in the right direction....

I am a fairly "young" 50-something female. I am taking my sister, who lives in downtown Toronto, to Argentina for her 60th birthday for about 11-12 days (upon arrival). Unfortunately she has a bad knee so significant walking/hiking is not going to work. We obviously plan to go to BsAs and will likely book accommodation through airbnb, but we don't want to spend all of that time in one city.

I am looking for itinerary suggestions. Should we go to Mendoza or the Salta area? Are both best reached by air or by other transport? Is there another spot we should stop in on the way there or back? Are either Cordoba or Rosario worth visiting?

I'm guessing that Iguazu is not the right place for us?

My sister used to ride horses (including modest horse jumping). Would it be worthwhile stopping at an estancia?

Thanks so much for any input!

geenance Dec 14th, 2013 03:15 PM

Oh, I should add that we are likely to go there late February or early pretty short notice.

avrooster Dec 14th, 2013 04:46 PM

You obviously know you'll be coming during our summer.
I feel you should investigate our South, unless you like quite warm weather (which I don't).

You should fly to any of the places you mention.

You know all about the "blue" exchange rate? If not:

If your sister still enjoys riding, you could spend a couple of days here:

Have a great time in my country with your sister, geenance.

geenance Dec 14th, 2013 05:17 PM

Thanks av.

Yes, I realize we will be there in the summer. Regarding temperature, well, here in southern Ontario Canada we actually have very warm (humid) weather in the summer. We are used to days that are 30+ degrees celsius, with humidity on top of that. I remember going to Belize and people 'warning' us about the humidity. It was not an issue.

People in Western Canada never have the same heat we do here in south-central Canada.

Having said that, where would you suggest we go? Our idea is to spend a week or so in BsAs, staying in an apartment, getting to know the neighborhood. We would like to hit a couple of other places for 2-3 days each.

We like wine, food, spanish culture and simply getting to meet local folks. We don't need super fancy places, but would rather simply meet Argentinians. We are traveling on a modest=moderate budget. We don't mind the occasional splurge but don't believe we need (or want) to do that often.

I would love to take in a tango show, visit local stores and restaurants, and hit a few towns/cities outside of BA to get a better feel for the local daily life.

I realize that Argentina is a large country (as is Canada) so what I am looking for is a reasonable itinerary so that we simply hit at a least 2 or 3 spots that have a different flavour.

My apologies for being so 'oblique' and open-ended in asking for advice!



geenance Dec 14th, 2013 05:19 PM

Forgot to add that yes, I read about the 'blue rate' thanks to you in other posts.

avrooster Dec 15th, 2013 01:13 AM

Well, geenance, I would suggest spending a week in BA, as you say and the rest in Bariloche and7or El Calafate.

This VERY long thread should cover all the possible alternatives:

Have a great time in our country.

geenance Dec 15th, 2013 06:57 AM

Thanks for the links! They are perfect for what I need. This trip has come up on fairly short notice so I better get up to speed quickly! ;)

I am off to read.

tower Dec 15th, 2013 12:34 PM

Geenance...I'm sure AV will agree that there are ways to bypass the high prces of tango shows, expensive meals, and far-afield travel within the country. Here are some familiarization pics to show you that a Sunday afternoon in the San Telmo district will bear fruit full of pro-am tango shows...a very colorful scene as you can see.

...the walkways alongside the falls at Iquazu can be walked with out too much strain..I know this to be true on the Brazilian side and I'm assuming it's the similar on the Argentine side.

From personal experience I know that a cane can prove invaluable for your sister.

Suggest a side trip for 2 days to Bariloche and vicinity.
Perhaps a two day very scenic roundtrip across the Andean lakes, Bariloche to Puerto Varas (Chile). Time-permitting, you could also take the morning ferry to Uruguay for a two day visit.(Check on the costs of visas if you decide to add another country..could be quite high, I just don't recall specifics)

You will find more than enough to keep you busy in BA itself. The people, except for the occasional AVRooster-types, are friendly and warm to visitors..even Canadians, eh?(Photos below)

tower Dec 15th, 2013 01:04 PM

tower Dec 15th, 2013 01:14 PM

The first part is all Chile (which we love) and the second part is the Andean Lake Crossing (0vernight, or non stop one full day).

You will enjoy every moment of South America,..happy travels! (Don't forget the cane for sister...seriously, it helps a heckuva lot)!!

avrooster Dec 15th, 2013 02:30 PM

How soon should we expect you back, tower?

Happy Holidays.

avrooster Dec 15th, 2013 02:38 PM

Well, Stu, after reading your posts above more carefully, with particular reference to your "AVRooster-types", I´ll change my above post to: "We hope you won´t be back for quite a while, Stu"!

Don´t worry OP geenance, we are just kidding! LOL!!!

geenance Dec 15th, 2013 05:50 PM

"You will find more than enough to keep you busy in BA itself. The people, except for the occasional AVRooster-types, are friendly and warm to visitors..even Canadians, eh?"


We promise not to wear our touques and we will try to subdue our 'hoser' nature, eh!?

While I don't buy your warning about AVRooster, I DO appreciate your photos. ;)

I love the photos of San Telmo. I also love your photos of Chile, but I am irked, yes, you heard me correctly, 'irked', that you shared so many photos of Chile. I have secretly wondered if we could do a quick hop to Santiago during our trip. (where are the emoticons when I need them?? I need the tongue in cheek ones in particular.)

Your photos 13 and 14 from Chile hit a chord with me. A number of years ago my hubby and I took our sons to Mexico. We stopped in Zihuatanejo. on the Pacific coast, but rented a car and drove inland to Paracho, the 'guitar-making village of Mexico'. There we bought a guitar for our son and then headed on to Patzcuaro. My son grabbed his new guitar ('Isabel') and serenaded us from our hotel balcony which looked shockingly like the balconies in your photos.

Sorry for the OT!

Now, back to Argentina! I am soooo excited.

My latest thinking is that we will be in BA for 6-7 days, with a possible trip to Colonia in the middle of that, and then head off for another destination for 3-5 days. The question is where should we go?

Bariloche? (too much hiking/cycling/outdoor activities for my sister?) El Cafayete...same comments. Mendoza? (too boring?..although wine can't be too boring, can it?) Could we tie this in to a hop over to Santiago? Iquazu? (can this be thoroughly enjoyed without extensive hiking?) Salta? (is this too far from BA to be practical?)

So many questions, so little time!

Thank you to everyone who has posted on this forum. Your comments have already been invaluable.

thursdaysd Dec 15th, 2013 08:39 PM

You can enjoy both the glaciers around El Calafate and the views around Bariloche without hiking. A certain amount of walking is required at Iguazu, but it is mostly level and well rewarded.

avrooster Dec 16th, 2013 12:53 AM

I don't think much of Colonia, but it's a matter of taste.

I still feel your best bet for your time away from BA is our South (Bariloche and/or El Calafate, not to be confused with Cafayate, in Salta).

And I believe it is not the right time of the year for our NW.

Have a great time in my country.

tower Dec 16th, 2013 12:59 PM

Note to the ultra charming "Rooster"...sorry i don't exect to be back. I'm somewhat finished with my long range travel due to my wife's incapacitation. I would have loved to meet with you. If you could handle the Kimbals (Bob and Karen), I see no reason why you and I couldn't get along!! Just be sure to treat Greenance and sister well. Hasta la vista AV!

Greenance thank you for you kind comments on my amateurish pix. Walking at the falls will not be impssible for sister in my opinion...but, please, a cane!

stu tower

tower Dec 16th, 2013 06:55 PM

sorry, meant "geenance" above..

crellston Dec 16th, 2013 09:40 PM

Greens ce, I think your sister would be ok at Iguazu. The walk ways are well maintained and fairly level and there is a train which will take you the longer distances. We found it begs to start early, stay on the train to the end and work our way back to the entrance area. Fewer crowds that way.

I have to disagree with Avrooster re Colonia. We found it to be a charming place, Lots to see and very picturesque. Just avoid the weekends when it tends to fill up with weekending Portenos. It is also possible to rent golf carts to get around which is great fun and would help with your sisters mobility issues.

We really enjoy a road trip around the north west from Salta. Most of the sight seeing can be done by car and there are some great places to stay at all levels along the way.. If you like wine then it has a vibrant wine industry centred on Cafayate. Not as well known as Mendoza but IMHO it has some fantastic wines ( but then, I am reasonably easily pleased). Easy to spend a couple of days in Cafayate just visiting the vineyard, which indeed we did earlier this year. All very well but I am not sure that it is the best time of year for that region.

As other have suggested heading south may be your best option. Bariloche and teh Seven Lakes area is beautiful. We drove from San Martin, down through the lakes to Bariloche. I would also think about a side trip to Pucon in Chile which we really loved.

Have a great time in Avrooster's country :-)

avrooster Dec 17th, 2013 02:06 AM


It will be a pleasure to LEND top poster crellston my patented "Have a great time in my country"!


MarnieWDC Dec 17th, 2013 04:28 AM

Just to chime in:

I agree with Crellston that Colonia is well worth a day visit via BueQueBus, and the golf carts he describes will make it an easy day for your sister. It's a welcome change from the intensity of BsAs, and then you'll be re-invigorated to return after your 'day on the quiet side'.

I also agree with AV that Bariloche or the South would be doable, and interesting, with much of the site-seeing done by car. On the other hand (ladies always have the right to an 'other hand, no?) I think Iguazu would be a delight and not inaccessible given the well designed paths, train etc. It depends on what you prefer - Falls or Bergs or Lakes.

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