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Gariem Mar 30th, 2012 12:36 PM

EZE to Hotel in Time for Opera?
Calling avrooster, Marnie or others - I'm on a Pluna flight from MVD arriving Saturday April 28 at 6:55 pm, EZE. I desperately want to go to the opera at Teatro Colon starting at 8:30 pm. Is this feasible by taxi with a hotel nearby to drop off luggage? How is Saturday night traffic in Buenos Aires? Thanks!

MarnieWDC Mar 30th, 2012 12:58 PM

I will defer to my Porteno friends, but I honestly do not think you can make it. You will need to arrive, go through customs etc. And EZE to the location of Teatro Colon is a distance (forget the luggage)of more than 45 minutes. So, I think you should try to make alternative plans.

avrooster Mar 31st, 2012 03:05 AM

Even with only carry-on luggage it seems impossible, Gariem.

Gariem Mar 31st, 2012 08:08 AM

I was afraid that would be the case. I'll have to settle for the day tour. Muchas gracias!

Graziella5b Apr 2nd, 2012 04:41 PM

Why are you taken a flight from Montevideo to Ezeiza?
not a good choice , unless Aeroparque is closed, different story if you would arrive at Aeroparque although
you should check with avrooster, may be if you change your flight you can go to the Colon.....after all.....

avrooster Apr 3rd, 2012 05:14 AM

Well, Graziella5B, I also wondered about that, but I figured it might be complicated to change the flight reservation to land in AEP and Gariem probably would not make it to the opera anyway....

Have a great time in our town.

Gariem Apr 3rd, 2012 05:55 AM

Pluna only files to EZE that day, and the Aerolineas Argentina flight to AEP is full. The Pluna flight was originally scheduled to depart at 5pm, before the AA flight, but I have had so many flight changes for this trip that I don't want to talk about them! I'm with a group in Uruguay, and the tour does not end until 4pm. I may still considering buying an opera ticket and missing the first act. I'd still get to experience the spectacle and the wonderful acoustics I've heard so much about at the Teatro Colon.

avrooster Apr 3rd, 2012 07:18 AM

Gariem: you may not want to do more changes and that's up to you, but Pluna has several flights from Montevideo to AEP that day with tickets available right now.

If you could somehow get on their 5 PM 177 Montevideo/AEP flight, you might make it to the opera's first act.

Have a great time in our town.

Gariem Apr 3rd, 2012 07:48 PM

Caramba! I'm going to try to do that, avrooster. I've e-mailed Pluna. Perhaps they will let me switch flights, since they already rescheduled my flight twice. Stay tuned!

Graziella5b Apr 4th, 2012 09:51 AM

good luck. hope Pluna can help you out

Gariem Apr 5th, 2012 10:42 AM

Thanks, Graziella, but Pluna won't let me exchange my ticket because the destination is different (AEP vs EZE). Having said that, the EZE ticket cost US$116, and it may be worth it to forfeit that money and just rebook for AEP on my own if I really want to see the opera, which I do! Who knows when I'll ever get down there again?

avrooster Apr 5th, 2012 11:54 AM

The Pluna ticket for the Monte/AEP flight 177 at 5 PM on April 28 apparently costs U$S 124,13

If you really want to go to the Colón, maybe you should do as you say above.

As you know, I stand ready to help in any way I can. You have my e-mail.

Graziella5b Apr 7th, 2012 01:01 PM

Gariem the best of luck, I think it is wonderful that you loveOpera as you do. It lift my spirit.
Count on avrooster who knows well Buenos Aires, and I imagine that following his advice you will do ok,
PLuna, up to know... it belonged to the Uruguayan Government, if it still does, I am guessing everything will be more difficult because nothing is as bad as bureocrats, however may be you can get credit of money from your Ezeiza ticket.... at the same time Uruguayan people are usually helpful.

Graziella5b Apr 7th, 2012 01:04 PM

I meant Pluna up to now belonged to the Uruguayan Government, but there were rumors that it is going to be sold..... hope so, because unfortunatelly Uruguay a tiny country has a big probably know what this means, it means for instantce that since electricity and phone are a monopoly from the State in Uruguay both are VERY expensive... but VERY expensive...

MarnieWDC Apr 8th, 2012 05:39 AM

We had a good experience flying Pluna from Montevideo to Buenos Aires (AEP) just 2 months ago.

avrooster Apr 8th, 2012 06:17 AM

Coming from my leading candidate for Chief DE, that's a comment worth paying attention to, Gariem!

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