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buscadorodave Feb 14th, 2019 05:35 AM

Bogota to Santa Rosa, Argentina in 2 months
I am planning to begin a 4 month trip to South America in November. I have a friend in Santa Rosa, Argentina that I plan to meet. My (very rough) plan now is to begin my trip in Bogota, Colombia on November 1 and get to Santa Rosa by New Years. I plan on traveling down the west side of South America, heading south through Ecuador, Peru, and through either Chile or Bolivia (if time permits) into Argentina.

My question is: is it reasonable to travel this distance in 2 months? As in, will I constantly be on the move? Are buses available along this route?

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated!


crellston Feb 14th, 2019 08:14 AM

Not only is it reasonable, it is a fantastic journey!

We have done something similar a couple of times in both directions albeit over a longer time period. Some detail and photos of some of our travels in Canberra found in the South America section of our blog It doesn’t cover everywhere we have been but I am happy to answer any questions you may have on route variations etc.

Buses are available on all sections of the route. In some countries like Argentina and Peru you can save money and time with overnight buses which are safe, relatively inexpensive and very comfortable. In other countries, notably Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia you couldn’t pay me to take a night bus. Some places such as Chile and Colombia budget airlines make it a cheap to fly as take a bus.

Four things I would recommend:

1. Check out the weather situation in the areas you plan on going at that time. In some places it could be the rainy season in the Andes which can wash out roads etc.
2. Identify your key, "must see" locations and work your route around those. I have some strong favourites but my interests may well be different from yours.
3. Bear in mind when planning that moving from location to location, you will lose a day each time in travel. Two nights in a palce only gives you one full day to explore - although overnight buses can help mitigate this to an extent.
4. Check your visa situation for each country and any government travel advisory’s. We crossed the Ecuador / /Colombia border a couple of years ago and it was ok apart from a few scams but I have read that there are a lot of issues, delays etc. because of refugees from Venezuela.These things change all the time!

Happy travels!

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