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jbro May 14th, 2003 06:18 AM

Turtle nesting-Costa Rica
We are going to Costa Rica in the last week of October and staying in Guanacaste (sp?). Is this turtle nesting season? Any recommendation on how one might get to see this?

Suzie2 May 14th, 2003 06:55 AM

The Leatherback season is Oct.-March
The Ridley season is Sept.-Nov.
There are other turtles that are around most of the year. Most hotels will have tours that you can go on. Be sure to go on one that does not allow you to walk on the beach in the nesting area so you don't step on and crush the eggs. Also, be sure you don't use regular flashlights. The red lighted ones are the best. The regular ones confuse the turtles and they will try to follow them trying to follow the "moon" they won't nest if they do that. Also, standing in front of one will cause it to turn around and not nest.
I have copied these for you from some web sites. The times are variable between the two but the general time frames are basically the same.
Leatherbacks: can be seen in Playa Grande, Nancite and Playa Naranjo from October to March.
Olive Ridleys: come ashore at Playa Grande, Ostional Wildlife Refuge, Nancite and
Playa Naranjo, most of the year, but peak nesting is from July to December.
Pacific greens: found at Nancite and Playa Naranjo, most of the year.

Species Season Location
Leatherback Oct.-Mar. Pacific
Ridley Sept.-Nov. Pacific

jbro May 14th, 2003 09:41 AM

Thank-you so much for the wonderful information. Is there a particular tour company that you would recommend.

Suzie2 May 14th, 2003 10:15 AM

I really don't know of one for the turtles in that area. Different hotels and areas will have different tour operators. I talked to some people a couple of years ago who were very upset about the way the tour went so sent you some guidelines of what to ask before going so you can be a responsible turtle watcher. They actually turned the company in to the authorities but who knows if it did any good.
I should think you would be able to see the turtles around the Tamarindo/Conchal/Flamingo areas also.

Ally May 14th, 2003 10:53 AM

Regarding the Ridley season being Sept-Nov, well all I can say is that my husband and I were in the Ostional Beach (just north of Nosara) area the first week of Jan. and saw dozens and dozens of turtles coming in to nest. We had also heard that they do so at night, but we were there at sunset and it was a beautiful sight! We did not take a 'tour' but just paid a small entrance fee to the beach and were able to walk right up to the turtles,(they were ALL OVER the beach) and watch them...from coming in from the sea, to digging their nest, to laying their eggs and then returning to the sea. We were also told the turtles come in for 2-3 days every month.We just happened to be there at the right time of the month!

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