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Cattail Nov 7th, 2010 11:53 AM

Tikal Inn
My February trip to Belize is starting to come together, thanks to tips from hopefulist and others.
We have decided to stay 2 nights at the Tikal Inn, but have a few minor decisions to make before booking:

Would you recommend a room or a bungalow? I can't tell from the hotel's description whether the costs are per room or per person.

Should I book a plan that includes meals, or are there places within the park where we can grab a bite?

I read several reviews that said towels were to be paid for separately! Is this a quirk common to Tikal hotels?

Any other Tikal advice?

hopefulist Nov 7th, 2010 01:44 PM

I don't remember having to pay separately for towels but I always have a travel towel with me so I might not have noticed. The bungalows are nice, I've stayed in one by the pool both times but don't remember paying more - I usually go with cheaper if it's available. In 2007 my friend and I paid $75/double which included dinner and breakfast; in 2009 there were a dozen of us with 3-4/room so I can't really quote the rates. I'm not much help, am I?!

As for food - I like the restaurant there and it's convenient, but (unless they give you a great package) it's actually cheaper to eat at one of the little comedores up the road (an easy walk). Tikal Inn could pack you a boxed breakfast if you ask ahead, nice for early morning tours of the ruins (they did that for us).

I'm sure you've read this before, but - just in case - I HIGHLY recommend archaeologist/naturalist Roxy Ortiz for an early morning trip if she's available; worth paying extra if that's what it takes - she's amazing. Happy trails!

cgenster Nov 7th, 2010 01:47 PM

I was there with hopefulist and group. There are other places to eat nearby, but not many and they all close early because they shut the generators down at night.

The food at the Tikal Inn was very good, and we did not pay extra for towels. We had a room and it was clean and adequate for our needs. These are not deluxe accommodations, they are quite rustic but comfortable. I don't know if a bungalow would be different from a room.

It is best to get your ticket to the ruins after 4:00pm. You can go in that afternoon/evening and tour the place without the day crowds. Your ticket will then be good for the next day too.

I am sure if you have had advice from hopefulist that she recommended Roxy Ortiz as a tour guide for Tikal if she is available. I would second that recommendation as she was wonderful. She is an archaeologist and seemed to know Tikal like the back of her hand. She had our entire group enthralled with her stories and details of the ruins.

Have a great trip and be sure to report back.

cgenster Nov 7th, 2010 01:49 PM

Hi Stacey--We were posting at the same time. Hope your school year is going well.

RAC Nov 7th, 2010 04:53 PM

Bungalow, bungalow, bungalow!

Get meals separately--more choices without much extra cost.

Cattail Nov 8th, 2010 05:00 AM


There is a difference in the price in February. You went in the summer, right, hope?

I did request Roxy, but they didn't respond to my question on whether or not she'll be available. Maybe it's too early.

We bring quick-dry towels as well, so not having them wouldn't be a deal-breaker. Just thought it was a rather funny!

I ask about the food more for convenience than price. We like good food as much as anyone, but would rather spend our time outside if given the choice. Good to know that we can get breakfast packed.

It seems that part of the reason for the mixed reviews for Tikal Inn stem from the fact that they hire high-school age kids who might or might not be helpful. It's been my experience, in Costa Rica at least, that language mis-communication has been more of a problem than anyone being intentionally rude. Also, bugs, noisy creatures, etc. just part of the experience.

Good tip about going in after 4 on the first day - thanks, cgenster!

hopefulist Nov 8th, 2010 05:59 AM

Hi, Carla - year is going well! That was quite a trip, wasn't it? I really enjoyed it.

Some guards will stamp for the next day after 3:00 or 3:30, depends on the day, I guess. If you arrive in the morning it might be worth the extra $20 each to be in the ruins another day, otherwise visit the museum, swim, nap, etc. until the daytrippers head out at least. Happy trails!

Cattail Nov 9th, 2010 05:53 PM


RabinAjau Dec 10th, 2010 10:03 PM

Hello everyone!!! I also higky recommend Tikal Inn Hotel. I have stayed there several times and I assure you you don't have to pay extra money for the towels. The hotel features a huge beautiful swimming pool (very clean) and nice big bungaloes. Beautiful grounds surrounded by the wild life.

Concerning Roxy Ortiz she is wonderfully knowledgeable. Her personal e-mail address is [email protected]
This is the way I contacted her to book a tour with her.
Besides guiding in Tikal, she guides to other sites close to Tikal. Visit her blog to check out the truck in which she will take you into the jungle! I took this tour and we had the most wonderful experience in our lives.

Cattail Dec 12th, 2010 07:48 PM

Thanks lots for Roxy's web-site,Rabin! I am supposed to be scheduled with her for Feburary sunrise tour, but now I'll be able to confirm directly, and also see if she's offering any other tours.

hopefulist Dec 13th, 2010 05:29 AM

Yes - glad to have the direct contact info to pass along! Her tour was a highlight of our trip.

hipvirgochick Dec 13th, 2010 08:54 AM

So can I tag along for a minute because I can't find my notes on something and my head is spinning. :-)

If I want to take the bus or shuttle independently from San Ignacio, is there a shuttle from San Ig to the border of Guatemala and then I switch to a bus from there or is there a transfer that will take me the whole way? How many shuttles/buses do this route per day?

hopefulist Dec 13th, 2010 10:18 AM

Hi, hip -
Shuttles aren't on regular schedules for that route. You could check with Pacz tours or Mayawalk about what they offer in terms of transportation. You can bus to Benque and taxi to the border or just taxi from SI. At the border you can change some $, check out of Belize and in to Guatemala (2 stops), and there will be van drivers waiting on the other side to drive folks to Tikal; you'd want to do this in the morning as I wouldn't recommend traveling that road after dark. In 2003 we paid $50 for 5 of us each way; we arranged for our driver to come back at 1pm the next day to transport us back to the border. There are buses on the other side but they don't go to Tikal. They're headed for Flores; if they drop you at the intersection nearest Tikal you'd have to hitch a ride somehow for the last half hour or so. Hope that helps!

volcanogirl Dec 13th, 2010 01:00 PM

hip, we had a woman ride with us when we used Pacz to go to Tikal; she didn't do the tour with us, just used them for transportation.

hipvirgochick Dec 13th, 2010 02:32 PM

Thanks for all your help. I e-mailed Tikal Inn too so I think I'll be covered! :-)

Cattail Dec 13th, 2010 05:31 PM

hip, when are you leaving?

hipvirgochick Dec 13th, 2010 06:30 PM

Sadly, not soon enough. LOL! Aiming for Aug 1-15. It's so early but my OCD means most the trip is planned already! Looking forward to your trip report! Where else are you going?

Cattail Dec 13th, 2010 06:37 PM

I'm disappointed; I was so hoping to run into you... and trade stories about shillmac! :)

hipvirgochick Dec 13th, 2010 07:15 PM

I know that would be a hoot! I've got lots of dirt on shillmac. ;-). J/K. You'll just have to meet up with me, shillmac and tully July 2-9 at Bosque del Cabo. ;-)

RAC Dec 14th, 2010 09:06 AM

Hip: Your best bet is probably to tag along with a tour and just pay for transportation--that should be low season, and they'll gladly take your money.

We felt much better having someone there to make sure the process--including changing dollars into quetzals as well as the immigration and safety issues--went smoothly. The area on the Guatemala side of the border is kinda rough.

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