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girlonthego Apr 27th, 2009 06:26 PM

I actually used Tamiflu this past February for the first time. My DD came down with the flu. She was swabbed and diagnosed. I was shocked because we all had the flu shot. Go figure. Anyway, she was early enough to start on Tamiflu. My other DD and I took it as a preventative since my DH had a heart attack only 6 months before. We were trying to contain it to the one person. It worked. The rest of us stayed healthy. I also clorox wiped everything. Normally we would not have taken the Tamiflu.
I would not travel to Mexico any time soon. It is not worth the risk. I am surprised they are still allowing travel.

Percy Apr 27th, 2009 06:33 PM

Hi Jeff

I just watch Larry King Live and they had three Medical Experts on there.

I am glad that one of the 3 Experts ...Dr.Bob Arnot agreed with my previous comments on the use of Tamiflu.

I am not advocating stock piling Tamiflu. I have two boxes of Tamiflu at home and the expiry date in 2011 and 2012.

I take it with me on holidays just as I take Cipro and Imodium, but always hoping that I never have to use it.

If I was going to Mexico right now (and I am not )and IF I was worried about the Flu, then I would take Tamiflu...and only because right now that is where all the problem is .

But if I was going to Cancun or Huatulco, I would not take Tamiflu prophylactically because in my opinion I feel the risk there is very little ( right now!).

But for those that are booked to go to Mexico and if you are concerned ...then you have an option... you can take Tamiflu.

I agree that the side effects of Tamiflu and mild and I have not heard from any of the people I know who have ever taken it that they had a side it is pretty well tolerated.

Not only was Tamiflu less effective against the routine strains of flu viruses this season...BUT the flu vaccine as a whole was less effective.

Hopefully the Experts decision for this coming year's vaccine will be a little more accurate in their "guesstimate" for the vaccine.

Thanks Jeff...always like hearing from you :)

HoDale Apr 27th, 2009 06:39 PM

I just talked to a friend who came back yesterday from Cancun. not much going on there with the pig flu. I am slated to go to Acapulco May 20th. I think I will wait a week to see what happens in Mexico and go to Costa Rica if travel is halted to Mexico. CUrrently this is being blown out of proportion IMHO.

Percy Apr 27th, 2009 06:49 PM

It may be blown out of proportion ( a bit !) BUT if the government did not take action and keep the people informed

we would all be hollering for their lack of action and slow to recognize the seriousness of the situation!!

I guess better to have a little overkill right now, then to be guessing about some things !!

By May 20 will for sure know what the situation is.

Have a good time.

Jeff_Costa_Rica Apr 27th, 2009 07:04 PM

Always nice to hear from you too, Percy. :)

No, probably no one individual is stockpiling Tamiflu. One box will do. If everybody traveling to Mexico, though, gets a box "just in case," it'll have the same effect, and that'll be that much less available in an emergency. There's my concern.

Price is another issue. Some prescription insurances do not cover Tamiflu when used this way to prevent the flu. That's been the case up until now, although who knows what could change with this situation? In a nursing home situation as I mentioned above, of course, they always have. In travel situations, though, so far, it's not automatically covered under some plans. The retail cost runs over $100.

Percy Apr 27th, 2009 07:45 PM

Hmm Wow $100.00 is a high cost.

It cost about $60.00 here and the government health care plan does not cover it.

But the Flu vaccine is covered for many , for example if you have Diabetis...your flu vaccine is free.

I have had my Tamiflu for 3 years now.

I know you have to take it almost at the first sign of being sick.

Two years ago when I was in was 72 F, I did not get sick!!

Then I flew from Tasmania to Melbourne was 85 F in Melbourne...I did not get sick in Melbourne!!!

then I flew from Melbourne to Alice Springs in the Outback and it was 105 F !!! THAT is when I got sick.

Can you imagine 105 F outside and you start getting a fever.!!

So I took two Tamiflu right away at the first sign of what could be the Flu ( and went to bed early) and the next day I took two more Tamiflu and on the following day I was much much better and was able to go touring around.

I am one of those people that gets sick ( with the Flu) at the drop of a hat!!!

But I have to say that once I get the flu and I am good and sick...then taking Tamiflu on day 3 or 4 or 5 ..makes little difference,at least I do not notice the reduction of symptoms in it is bed rest and fluids and achy bones for the next 7-10 days !! :)

Good Night Jeff

shillmac Apr 27th, 2009 07:49 PM

I don't think it is being blown out of proportion. Teaching in a school with a student population who travels frequently to Mexico, I'm keeping my ears wide open--and my hands washed, advising the same to students. In matters of this nature, I would prefer my government err on the side of caution. As I heard on the news tonight, best case scenario would be that there have actually been many millions affected in Mexico, way more than currently reported, making the death toll less dramatic per number infected.

lululemongirl Apr 27th, 2009 07:52 PM

tamiflu or not, why would anyone go to mexico at this point. how relaxing do think it will be with every local ( waiters, bellman, cooks, maintenance, housekeeping ) employee freaked out about their family or getting sick. i don't think i want to be served dinner from a waiter wearing a surgical mask. not to mention the risk to your own health. unless you're an adventurer, nothing says "adventure" like a stay in a mexican hospital :)
i feel for the locals because this " pandemic" will certainly not help the tourist industry.

girlonthego Apr 28th, 2009 04:29 AM

I imagine that they are not blowing it out of proportion. That it is the complete opposite. Mexico does not want to hurt their tourist trade and probably kept the lid on it longer than it should have. I doubt they have high standards when it comes to making sure it doesn't spread.They haven't even gone to the homes of the people who died. Those people were all living with the people who died and of course were exposed. They can barely take care of the ones who show up sick at the hospital. I would guess that people are showing up at their sickest rather than looking for preventative care in Mexico.
I would stay away from Mexico right now. And I do feel sorry for all the workers who depend upon the tourist trade.
I hope Mexico gets the spreading of the flu under control soon.

MonicaRichards Apr 28th, 2009 05:34 AM

girlonthego, you realize Mexico is a huge country though, right? If you look on that CDC map you will realize there are many parts of Mexico that are farther from Mexico City than many US cities, and of course a virus won't respect borders. I think in the next few weeks we'll see which way this is going--much ado about nothing or something so dire nobody should get on a plane to anywhere.

shandilee83 Apr 28th, 2009 06:01 AM

We are suppose to be leaving for Cancun on May 8th and having our small beach wedding ceremony on May 12th...We have already paid for everything granted we only have a couple of friends coming thank goodness cause that would have been a mess....I'm left wondering what now...we still want to go but not sure that it is a good idea....what should we do???

Percy Apr 28th, 2009 07:04 AM

I'm with you shillmac !

When the government did not repond quickly to the Kathrina Disaster...the out cry was wide and deep.

When China did not respond ( but actually tried to cover it a bit) during the SARS problem.
We all know how the world criticized China ( and rightfully so).

In 1976 President Ford asked for all American to be vaccinated

He had to stop the programme about 2 months later because of the Guillian Barre side effect that about 60 Americans got.
Ford did the right thing back then.


You do have a concern problem ...and you have everything paid for already.

The airlines are being very flexible about altering your flights ( but this may be only to Central Mexico right now).

Personally ,right now I would carry on with your plans....unless as the days go bye, the situation worsenes in Mexico and starts to involved the tourist areas (which it has not as of right now).

Your the classic case to take Tamiflu with you.

I hope you listened to Larry King Live last night and heard what Dr. Bob Arnot said about is about 100%) ( okay 99% :) ) of what I have said above about using Tamiflu.

People have returned from Cancun last night and out local news reporters and camera men were at the airport interviewing
everyone......but NO problem,other than many places were closed, due to trying to avoid over crowding.

Monitor the situation on a daily basis.. you have 2 weeks yet.

Good Luck

Hi shillmac

jette Apr 28th, 2009 08:53 AM

I have a number of friends living and working today in the Yucatan. If it were me, based on what I'm hearing today, I'd go. I do agree though the situation should be monitored daily. I'm still thinking of booking something for later in May.

And as for staying in a (gasp) Mexican hospital, I know several people who have had life threating issues down there and their hospital stays were every bit as professional as any they've had in the US. Just so ya know, Mexico is not entirely 3rd world any more.

motmot Apr 28th, 2009 09:08 AM

What about all the students in Queens, NY, who traveled to Cancun and returned with swine flu? I thought Cancun was one of the problem areas. Those kids were some of the first reported here in the U.S. I don't want to put a damper on anything, but do want the facts to be straight for shandilee83. Please correct me if I am wrong.

jette Apr 28th, 2009 10:12 AM

The kids from Queens; never confirmed as Swine Flu.

Jeff_Costa_Rica Apr 28th, 2009 01:10 PM

Costa Rica now appears to have its first case: a woman who had just returned from a trip to Mexico. She is apparently recovering.

MonicaRichards Apr 28th, 2009 01:25 PM

Look at this CDC Google map, you'll see where the cases are and how far from Cancun they currently are. That student group could have been booked through Mexico City.

Marginal Apr 28th, 2009 05:20 PM

Do you realize how much a course of Tamiflu costs? It is more than $1500?

Percy Apr 28th, 2009 06:45 PM


I hate to disagree but a course of Tamiflu is not anywhere near $1500.00

I do not know what it sells for in the USA, but in Canada it is $60.00 ( for a box of 10 pills )

I just got off the phone talking to my Pharmacist to make sure I had the price right, it IS $60.00 in Canada.

mah1980 Apr 28th, 2009 07:25 PM

I don't think it's being blown out of proportion. I would do everything possible to avoid Mexico right now. I feel sorry for the people there dependent upon the tourist trade, but based on past behavior by the Mexican government, I don't think that you can really trust that they're being completely forthright because they are so heavily dependent upon tourism for money, especially coming on the heels of the p.r. damage the recent border violence has caused.

How can you relax with a tropical drink on the beach in Mexico if you're worried about contracting a serious virus? Plus, by most news accounts a lot of Mexico is shut down--all schools are closed and residents are urged to stay near home. How is that a vacation?

I'm not one to freak out when the media starts reporting something, but this seems serious and far from contained.

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