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Mamaw Jul 25th, 2013 10:38 AM

Sweet Cancun....
Just got home from Cancun last night. I am tired but soooo happy.

Stayed at the Ritz Carlton. I highly recommend it...

My flight there wasn't too bad. I flew Delta out of Detroit. Usually Delta has non stop flights by not during the summer. So I had to connect in ATL. That airport is huge. I felt like I had to walk 2 miles to get to the next gate. When I finally got there sweating like a pig the lady at the counter informed me the flight already left. I started to have a little meltdown. She asked to see my boarding pass. Well come to find out I was at the wrong gate. She walked me over to the right gate. That was kind of her.

Thank God i upgraded to First class to Cancun. The seat on the flight from Detroit killed my tailbone. the seat was in terrible shape. By the last 1/2 hour I was in such pain I was crying inside. My seat in first class was much better. Because we weren't going a certain distance no food service. I was starving and had stayed up all night before going to the airport. The served drinks and a basket of snacks. Banana's, nuts, frito's and some other junk. That was a huge disappointment. Oh well. The lady next to me passed right out. So that was a good thing.

Flying into Cancun is awesome. It makes my heart stop for a moment. The hotel zone can been seen and the sea's color's will blow your mind. I was jumping in my seat..I couldn't wait to get off the plane.

shocking. Customs was quick and immigration didn't check my luggage and I was able to press the green/red button. Got green and off I go. Then you basically fight through a crowd of sharks...People trying to get you to book trips, get a ride into the city, money exchange and all sorts of stuff. I just walk by and say no Thank you...

My ride was waiting and I hopped into the air conditioned van and off we go...I love coming around the curve right before the hotel zone. You get the most beautiful view of the beach and sea. Then I know I'm really in Cancun. Got to the hotel within 15 minutes. The hotel is always on high security. you ain't getting on the property if your not registered. The guard knew it was me as soon as he looked in the van. Welcome home Mrs. Marino. The bellman were there to welcome me home and take me right up to the Club Level.. I love the private check in. No waiting. As I sat down the server from the Club brought me over my favorite drink (Mechilida) and a cold scented cloth...Ahhhh.

I was in my room within minutes. My room was amazing with a fab view. I love the room. There is a note welcoming me back to the hotel.. I cleaned up and headed right to the Club Lounge for lunch. The hotel has 5 presentations through out the day. And everyone of them are fantastic. So fresh and delish. All sorts of salads, pasta salads, sandwiches, soup, cheeses, breads, olives (several kinds) fresh fruit and much more.
And the most beautiful desserts. And of course anything you want to drink. Wines and Champagnes are on ice to help yourself. Home made ice tea. Which I love. After eating I had to take a nap.

I headed to the pool to take my nap. My favorite "cabana boy" was there and we hugged. I've known him since I first came to the hotel. He set me up with a chair all cushy with towels and of course an umbrella. I laid right down and passed out for 2 hours. I woke up hot as he{{. It was so hot everyday there. Got another Mechilida and took a swim. Headed out to the beach to lay around for a while and so some people watching. Loved see the solider with a machine gun slung over his shoulder. He and to be dying of heat stroke in that uniform and big black boots. And Oh my word! he was so handsome. Of course I had to walk over there and say Hola. He didn't speak English and I don't speak Spanish. But that didn't stop up from trying to have a conversation. The life guard came over to say hi to me and he did some translation between us.

Headed up to my room about 5pm. I needed a shower really bad and wanted to sit in the lounge and have hor devours and a drink. The Club was packed with young teenagers. And their parents were letting them drink. I was shocked. And I mean these boys were downing shots of Ta-kill-ya and whiskey. After a while they started getting loud and stupid. Finally they took off for party center. And their parents sat there and drank. Never in my life did my parents take me on a vacation like that. I'd see much more of those guys through out my stay. And it wasn't pretty. Back in the day there were hardly any kids on the Club floor. But now these baby boomers have money and teenagers and they bring them along. And I know they are paying high dollar to stay on that floor. I'm just jealous we never got to vacation like that.

My big beautiful bed was calling my name...So Headed back to my room to unpack and hit the sack. However, when I went unto my balcony I could see the leatherneck turtles coming unto the beach to lay their eggs...I changed and ran down there to watch and help.

Mamaw Jul 25th, 2013 04:09 PM

The turtle police as I call them could hardly keep up with all the Momma's coming unto the beach. There were too many for me to count. I helped with one Momma turtle. I got to take her eggs as she was laying them and count them. Then they go into a bucket where the Ritz has a little safe haven for them. They rebury them and mark the date and time. They should hatch in 40 days or so. By the time I got back to my room I was beat. Off to sleep with the balcony door open to hear the roar of the sea...

First full day in Cancun. Lovely. The sun came up (I missed it, I was too busy sleeping) and it was going to be a beautiful day. I headed to the lounge for breakfast. Hardly anyone there. I love that. Had a fantastic breakfast with the best orange juice ever...Went right back to my room and changed for the pool. When I got down to the pool my regular spot was all set up. Love those Cabana boys ;).

Laid around the pool all morning. It was so hot. But not as hot as Detroit. There was a great breeze coming off the sea and that helped to keep me from burning up. I do not lay in the sun there. I learned my lesson many years ago. There are 2 things I learned a long time in Cancun 2 things. Never lay in the sun long and don't turn your back to the sea.

Went up to the lounge for lunch. Lucky me the teenagers were up there acting like jerks. Just picking food off the plates that were set up instead of putting them on plates like most human beings. Where are their parents I'm thinking. Oh yeah, they don't care...I ignored them and had a great lunch. I was so ready for a nap by this time. Went right down to my place at the pool and fell asleep. Ahhhh.

I love to watch the kids at the pool. They are so darn cute playing in the water. So I spent hours listening and watching them. There were more Spanish speaking people than English this time around. Seems all of Mexico has their vacation time for 2 weeks. So it was nice to see Mexican families there enjoying themselves.

Stayed at the beach until the sun was down. I love that part of the day. It starts to get quiet around the pool and there's hardly anyone on the beach.

I got all showered and dressed up for snack hour. They had so many yummy things I didn't know where to start. So I ate and loaded pic's unto my computer. I put some on FB for my family and friends. I'm taking a tour of the kitchen the next day and I'm really excited about that. Went to bed really early. Ended up waking up at midnite and sure enough a bunch of turtles were on the beach. I got dressed and headed down there. A huge crowd was there this time. Met some people from London and this was their first time to Mexico. They said they love it. And were thrilled to death to see the turtles coming on the beach, digging a huge hole and laying the eggs. A lifetime experience. We talked a long time...It was 3 am and I had to get some sleep. Off to my wonderful bed...

emd3 Jul 27th, 2013 05:22 AM

Mamaw, are you going to finish, or did you get in that nice bed and never get up? I like your report, feels like I am there with you. ESP like your details about the turtles.

Little_Man Jul 27th, 2013 06:52 PM

yes, finish your report! Sorry to hear about the teens on club level :(. Will be there next month...

Mamaw Jul 30th, 2013 07:26 PM

Sorry it's taken so long to get back to this TR. But my DD is having triplets and it's been crazy!

Could hardly drag myself out of bed for breakfast after all the turtle activity. It took me forever to fall asleep. I'm usually the first person down at the lounge for breakfast. Gotta have that coffee. They have a coffee machine in the lounge that I'm totally in love with and would steal it in a Detroit second. Makes a fine cup of coffee, espresso and cappuccino. I basically drink coffee all day.

But this morning I didn't get down there until 9:30. I had the most amazing breakfast. I love fresh fruit and they just lay out plates and plates of it. And the fresh squeezed Orange Juice is sooo good. I also love the fact have hot Oatmeal and muesli that's made in house. I take on back to my room for a snack later. It's very quiet in the lounge. I knew those boys wouldn't be there. They were likely out drinking all night and couldn't drag themselves out of bed.

Ran down to the pool to lay out. My cabana boy "just a endearment" had my place all set up for me. I love to smoke cigars in Cancun. So I had a bucket of ice, an ashtray, an umbrella since I never lay in the sun in Cancun and extra towels. I was ready for the day. And what a beautiful day it was.

I went out to the beach to jump in the sea. The waves were so huge. Down right scary if your not used to it. You better be a strong swimmer to handle the water there. The lifeguards on duty didn't even stay up on the lifeguard tower. They stood on the beach to keep an eye on the guests. The red flags were out all day. The lifeguards were blowing their whistles the whole time I was down there directing people where not to go. I have seen them run out and swim into the water to get a guest who had gone to far or couldn't make it back to the beach. That's a scary thing to watch. Several years ago a couple who were honeymooning from Miami were hit while riding on a seadoo. The bride died and they brought her up on the beach right in front of the Ritz. It was life changing. I cried like a baby. Not that it ruined my trip...I mean my God someone lost their life and the poor husband was in total shock. It took forever for the EMS to get there. At least that's how it felt. The police were there before the EMS and the federal police (caring their machine guns on their backs) were there too. They tried to be as much help as they could. But there was really nothing they could do. I think she had some major head trauma and I also think she drowned as well. Just horrible.

I hope that wasn't a total bummer to the TR. But hey. It happens.

The sun was so hot it was making the tile around the pool so hot. You had better be wearing sandals to the pool and beach. The sand does not get hot there. It's a beautiful white fine sand. Back in the day before Hurricane Wilma tore up Cancun the sand and beach was the most beautiful EVER. But after the hurricane (I have pic's on Tripadvisor of some the hotels that were destroyed and the beaches) Cancun ended up spending like 4 million dollars to fix it. They had sand brought in from the sea and fixed the beach. But that sand just isn't the same as the original. But it is still beautiful.

I had enough of the heat. I headed up and got cleaned up and changed. The Club Lounge gives you some info on Club etiquette. They don't want slobs coming into the lounge. No wet bathing suits or the house robes and such. But do you think people take that to heart? Heck no. They come in all sorts of clothing wear. But the Ladies and Gentlemen of the Ritz (the staff) would never say a word. Even those some of the people get the chairs wet and leave all their stuff laying around. I mean really! Show a little class. Not that I'm some fashion plate. But I always get showered and dress in something decent. I just shake my head...

Lunch is always a treat. They always have homemade soup, sandwiches, veggies and some great cheeses. They have a pasta salad that I LOVE. It's baby scallops with orzo pasta. Mixed with olive oil and lemon. Ah it's to die for. I also love this artichoke salad too. With parm cheese and a very light dressing. And of course a couple of coffee's after lunch.

Now that it's about 2pm..I have a date with the Chef of the hotel to take a tour of the kitchens and rooms in the heart of the hotel..I'm so excited. Being in the restaurant business I love to see other restaurants kitchens. Really facinating...And it surely was...There were 2 couples who were also taking the tour. So I was the odd man out. But that was cool with me. We started where all the fruits are washed. They have 2 separate rooms for the fruit and veggies. The do not want any cross contamination so they keep everything in one room until it's time to wash. They try to get all fruits and veggies locally. The produce they had on hand there looked so good. I just wanted to grab a piece of fruit and eat it. We then checked out the entire area where the employees come in. They have to check with security and get their uniforms. Everything is washed and pressed there for the employees. The staff always look fantastic in their pressed uniforms. The chef was telling us he has 3 uniforms ready for himself in case he gets messy. He said he doesn't want to walk around in a dirty chef's coat. He is on the Club floor every lunch serving to check out the service and food presentation.

Also the fun thing about the tour was all the little treats they had waiting for us. I loved the chocolate room. They make incredible creations. And to see how and where they do it was really cool. And the pastry room was awesome. Since they make everything in house is amazing how much they make a day. Everything was spotless. But what really impressed me was this sheet machine. You put the wet sheet in this machine and it dries, presses and folds it. Just fantastic. I won't bore you with the rest. But, if you get the chance to stay at this hotel do the tour and check out the kitchens they use for the guests to do cooking classes and dinners. It is a cooks dream come true. It looks over the sea. It's all viking products.

After the tour I needed a nap. I headed right back out to my spot at the pool and took a nap. By the time I woke up it was really late. The sun was setting...I woke up and my heart was beating out of my chest. You know that feeling you get when you wake up and your like what time is it. What's going on....That's how I felt. But I knew one thing...I was walking across the street later and having me some pasta..

I took a nice long shower. Got dressed up and walked across the street to Roldoni's (?) for dinner. I try to go here every time I'm in Cancun. The food is out of this world and the service is spot on. However, the service wasn't so spot on at first...When I walked in the hostess wants to know what hotel I'm staying in. No offense, but you know what, it's really none of her business where I'm staying. I came for dinner not a condo presentation. Just sit me down already. Now mind you walking over from the hotel was a hot trip. I was basically sweating like a pig by the time I got there. The hostess was already a little tiffed since I told her I was staying at "some hotel". She took me towards the deck outside. I don't think so...I told her very nicely I'd much rather sit inside in the A/C. After a little huff, she turned around and sat me near the window over looking the deck. That was fine. But what happened afterwards was not fine. I literally sat at the table for approx. 10 minutes before some one came over to take care of me. I almost got up and left. But I was starving and I knew my dinner would be really good. Finally a bus person came over and asked if I had been taken care of. Well, after I told him no, he hopped right on it. He cleared the other 3 plate settings and got me water right away along with a dinner menu. What really put my panties in a twist was the hostess with the mostess walked by me 3 times with other couples who were set up right away with water, drinks and bread.

Anyways...A waiter came over and apologizes and took my order. The bread there is so good. And they serve it with Olive oil and Balsamic that is really thick and yummy. I also ordered my favorite drink when in Cancun. Mechilida. It's beer with hot sauce, lime juice and salt around the rim. I could drink them all day. Supposably it's what the Mexicans drink to cure a hangover..

I started with melon with prosciutto with melon. The melon was perfectly ripe and sweet. They also put a ton of prosciutto on the place. I was in heaven eating that. I really took my time savoring every bite. Then my entree was the house made pasta with meat sauce. I couldn't wait to dig into it. Lots of parm. cheese and a napkin tucked into my bra..and get out of the way. I'm ready to indulge.

I was so full I couldn't even think of dessert. Even though the waiter felt terrible and wanted to buy me dessert. I told him next time he could buy me dessert and I would ask for him to be my server. That made him feel a little bit better. I wasn't looking forward to my walk back to the hotel. It was hot and I was so full. I think I slept walked back. JUST KIDDING! You never do that in Cancun. The traffic is down right crazy. The bus drivers race each other down Kukulkan Blvd. I'm not even joking. And the locals drive nuts. There are police everywhere. But that doesn't seem to stop them. I would never ever drive in Cancun. And I sure wouldn't rent a car. I hate to say this, but the Police are just looking for tourists with rental cars so they can shake them down.

After I got to the hotel I had to have me some of that coffee. When I go to the lounge I had to hit the ladies room to wipe all the sweat off my face. That's when I noticed the teenagers in the lounge drinking..So I grabbed my coffee and a couple of homemade marshmallows dipped in the chocolate fountain and headed to my room. I have the A/C set at 60* degrees. I know I know! But that's the only way to keep my room cold like I want it. So I sat down, called my family (Thank God for magic jack) and talked to them for a while. And then I waited for the turtles, cause I know their coming.

Finally headed down to the beach to see the turtles. My God there were so many. This time I just sat in one of the Casita's and watched them. So many people out there watching and helping with the reburying of the eggs. The full moon made it so special. I sat out there for a few hours just smoking a cigar and watching. I headed back up to my room, put on my bathing suit and took a swim. I wanted to hit the hot tub but, it was full of men. And I just didn't feel comfortable. Back in the day I would have hopped right in there. But I guess I'm getting a little shy as I get older and expanding..:)

Took a nice hot shower and hit that heavenly bed. My room had been turned down and looked like a picture. I opened my balcony door so I could hear the sea. I was asleep in no time.

I'll skip a few days since it was the same...Lounging, sleeping and eating. Lots of people watching too. I love painting the ceramic's along with the kids. The Ritz sets up a table with all sorts of ceramic figures. I did a heart shaped jewelry box for my Grandbaby and did a sea horse for the triplets room. That took me a few hours. And it's fun watching the kids paint.

Tuesday I headed to La Casita's Children's home. My DH and I have been going there for about 10 years. The first time we went there we were just going to make a donation. I mean really, do my nieces and nephews need a t-shirt or key ring from Cancun? They have EVERYTHING..So my DH and I always find a Children's home wherever we vacation and make a donation. Boy do I got some stories about that...Once we walked in the door at La Casita we fell in love with the children and have been going back since.

So I took the bus there. It takes about 45 minutes to get there. It was so hot I was once again sweating like a fountain. But I was doing like the locals today and carried a towel with me to wipe off the sweat. Finally I got off at my stop and walked a few blocks to the home. Mind you, this is way downtown Cancun. A very poor area. People living in lean two's (?) just made out of some sheet metal and wood. It's really sad to think 15 miles away is total paradise. Dogs wondering around with their nipples dragging the ground. And they are so skinny. I always think "who's dogs are these and does anyone feed them"? It truly is sad.

Got to the Children's home. It's a protected compound keeping the children safe. Most of them are children just abandoned on the street or just dropped off. Most of the children are Mayan. The ladies that run the home told me the Mayan's are treated like second class citizens. It's hard for them to get work and they can't take care of their children. But Thank God they are in a very nice home and well taken cared of.

The kids went wild when I walked in to the dorm area. I got crushed by the hugs I was getting. They have some little girls 3-5 years old and I just love them to pieces. I'm so happy they always remember me. After all the love and kisses we all sit down on their beds and talk. Well, I talk and my friend there Adriana (who by the way is an Angel) translates. The children take English classes, but like me they are shy to use English, like I'm shy to use Spanish. I understand much more than I can speak.

We talked about how school went (since I hadn't been there since Dec) they showed me their art work and all the things they have been working on. About 5 years ago when my DH and I were there at the children's home they were having a problem with the oven. So my DH fixed it with what tools he could find there. They were also having trouble with the stove too. When we walked in there and my DH turned it on we just about had a heart attack. Flames came shooting out of the top and side. It was downright scary. My DH tried his best to fix it. They called a cab for him and he ran to Walmart to try and get some parts. We were so depressed when we left there thinking "my God, they could have a fire there at anytime with those burners".

We got home and couldn't get that off our minds. So we got some parts here in Michigan and sent them to the Ritz and had them drop them off at the children's home. But they were still having trouble. So we hit up several of our friends who we knew would help with the "Stove project". We ended up going back to Cancun within 2 months with enough money to buy a commercial stove for them..

Now we get to the Ritz, they are holding some tools we sent via Fed Ex. After we checked in we called the home and told them we would be there in the morning. The Ritz told us where there was a restaurant supply/equipment place downtown Cancun. They'd give us a ride there in the morning. Perfect..We needed a good night sleep. We knew it would be a long day and my DH was a little stressed wondering if he could get the stove, get it too the home and install it. The pressure was on.

The next day we first headed to the children's home to get a couple of ladies who help run the home. And then we headed further downtown to the restaurant equipment store. I was shocked to see this huge restaurant supply place in the middle of the city. And it had everything we needed. However, the 2 old ladies with canes and were round and short as can be. I'm 6 foot and they were about 4'5. But cute as can be, but little did I know how tough they were.

We walked in and the old ladies asked for the manager. So this young guy comes out and asks them how can I help you. Well those 2 old innocent looking ladies proceeded to tag team this guy. They were yelling and pointing their canes at him and then at us. I was so confused and couldn't understand what they were saying. My DH and I just stood there looking at each other. This went on for at least 15 minutes. I went outside and stood on the sidewalk wondering what the h@ll was going on. After about another 10 minutes my DH came out to get me.

We went back inside and come to find out those 2 old ladies just got 2 really nice stoves for the price of one! What! Are you kidding me? The ladies were telling the manager that we had come all the way from Michigan with money we collected to buy a stove for the home and the least they could do is give them a good deal. And Oh Lord what a deal they got. Now there was another problem..How to get the stoves back to the home? Well, one of the old ladies whipped out her cellphone a made a call. She told us she had a truck coming right up there. Great. That problem was solved. Well, here comes this broke down looking small pick up truck with this ancient old man driving it. Now my poor DH had to load the stoves into the back of this old pick up truck. Thank God the manager came out and helped.

The 2 old ladies told me to get in the car we went there in and we headed back to the home. My DH came back with the old man. But his old man had power like an ox. He helped my DH get the stoves out and into the home. Now here comes the hard part. Getting those suckers installed.

Mamaw Aug 2nd, 2013 06:30 PM

After tugging and scooting we got the stoves into the home. Now the hard part. Installing. Really how do you ask someone in Mexico you need dope. It's some kind of tape/sealer. But believe it..They had some. So now my DH gets his tools out and goes at it. I'm so impressed with his work. We had to basically lock the kids out of the kitchen. They have a door with bars on it (think jail)so we could keep the kids from getting in the way or hurt. I have the cutest picture of them standing behind the door.

It was really easy installing the stove. My DH was able to put a little 2 burner together for the girls in the home to make jelly to sell for extra money. They were thrilled to pieces.

Let me continue my TR. Sorry I got a little crazy there...

After about 4 hours I headed back to the hotel. I was once again so hot and sweaty I could hardly walk. I stood at the bus stop for an hour. The 27 bus runs about every hour. I bought a orange pop and stood in the shade of the store. Several locals gave me that "what the heck are you doing out this way" look but several said good afternoon to me. I love that. I almost flagged down a cab. But did I really want to spend 25.00 USD when I can spend .60 on the bus.

Finally that Iron pimp showed up (that's what we call the bus in Detroit) I had to wait to get on. The driver had to hang out with the other drivers under a blue tarp across the street. I was thinking you dirty dog. So after about 10 minutes he comes back and pops open the door. By this time there are several locals catching the bus to the hotel zone where most of them work. I got a window seat so I could get cooled off somehow. A big lady sat next to me. Took up most of my seat as well as hers. I mean it was a skin to skin thing. Ahhhh. I don't know If I can take this. The bus stopped at so many stops picking up people he was having people pay up front and then have them come in the back door. It got really crazy. I got up and let a lady and child sit in my seat. I didn't care at this point whether I stood or sat. Hot is Hot...

It took over an hour to get back to the hotel. I could see the hotel from the bus as we got closer. And I just couldn't wait to get in the A/C and take a shower. I was also dying of thirst. I already had downed 2 bottles of water and a pop. I needed something to drink really bad. I started getting that dry cough and couldn't stop couching and clearing my throat. Finally I get off the bus, walk up the drive way of the hotel dragging a@@. The doormen said "were happy to see you got back safely"..So was I.

I ran to my room and stripped and took a long cold shower. I laid on the bed for an hour cooling off. I was so hungry but too tired to get dressed and go to dinner. Finally I peeled myself off the bed got dressed and headed to the lounge. It was really quiet and nice and cool.

I had a beer and ate so much I was too lazy at that point to do anything but head back to my room. Another couple were there that had been there in Dec. when I was there. They started talking to me and I could hardly pay attention. And this Guy was a talker. He kept going on and on about his Wine business. I couldn't escape this Man voice the entire time I was there. In the lounge, around the pool, at the conciegre (?) desks and in the lobby. I couldn't take it anymore and excused myself. I hope I wasn't too rude. They never talked to me after that...

Slept like a baby all night. I was up early to see the sun come up. It really makes me feel alive and Thankful to God I'm living another day. Got some breakfast and headed to the pool. My last full day in Cancun. And I really wanted to get some sun. I laid down at the beach. Had a great spot to just watch my queen the sea. Within 2 hours the beach was packed with people. And the waves once again were huge. I went in the sea for along time. There was a sand bar not too far out. I just stood out there and took in the scene. After a while I couldn't take the sun, so I went and laid on the chair for a while. I didn't want to leave the beach so I ordered some lunch. Man, talk about spoiled. Sitting on the beach having lunch. Some one serving me...Not me serving some one. I love that.

I had the Ritz Carlton salad. Lots of mixed lettuce, grilled Maui onions, cheese, tomatoes with house dressing...Tore that up. I love love their chicken wings. So I had those too. A plate of fresh veggies with a Mexican spice I can't remember that you dip the veggies in. So fresh and yummy. And to finish off I had homemade chocolate gelato. As good as in Italy. Then of course it was nap time...

After the sun went down I went right to my room to shower and rest. I had to make the most of my last night.

I had dinner in the lounge and played on my ipad. Then headed down to the beach to lay on a beach bed and soak in all the stars and moon. Of course at about 10:30 the beach started filling up with people to see the turtles. Oh, how I wish I was gonna be there for the hatching of the babies. But I'm so thrilled that a lot of the tourist and kids will experience the hatching. And will also try to make sure that the turtles are never endangered. That would be so sad.

I stayed up till 2am. Nothing packed or ready to go the next day. I wasn't being picked up until 1:30pm for the airport. so I had plenty of time in the morning to get ready. Such a nice night. Slept on and off, but hearing the sea was really special. I wanted to tape that sound in my head. So when I get home sick for Cancun I can recall that beautiful sound in my heart and head.

Got up early and took a walk down the beach. Hardly anyone out there. So that was nice. Picked up some shells for my GB. Sat down for about on hour on the beach in front of the hotel. Got a coffee at the restaurant in the hotel. They have a big coffee table outside of the restaurant so guests can help themselves to coffee. Walked past the gym which is really nice and the equipment is pretty new too. I thought about working out. NAH. I didn't want to waste my last few hours sweating...I have had enough of that.

Had some breakfast in the lounge and headed to my room to pack. I swear dirty clothes weigh more than clean clothes. I was praying I won't go over the 50lb limit. Packing didn't take me long at all. I just threw everything in and closed it. I'll deal with it when I get home. I went back into the lounge to talk with the staff. I wanted to make sure I had all the names of the servers on the Club Lounge. I always make out Thank You cards I bring from home. I tip all the servers and write a little note. So I got that done. Passed out the cards to the servers that were there and gave the rest to the manager to give the others out when they come in to work. Now it's really over and time to go home. But not before the staff packed me an amazing lunch to take on the plane. Pasta salad, Roast beef sandwiches, cookies, Cheese and crackers and bottle of water. They are just too good to me.

My ride was right on time. However, they have this new law in Mexico that you can only exchange 1500.00 USD for pecos. What? I always pay my bill in cash. That wasn't the deal in Dec. when I was there. So I have this pile of money and they will only take 1200.00 of it because when I went to the casino there I exchanged my money before I left. Damn. I really didn't want to put anything on my credit card. But I had no choice. And it took the front desk forever to count the money. They counted it 4 times. 2 Different people as well to double check. My ride was waiting and my flight leaves at 3pm. I needed to get going. So literally after 25 minutes I was on my way to the airport. It's only about 15 minutes to the airport..So I knew I'd be on time but still...

My driver dropped me off right in front of Delta...They are not allowed to go into the airport. So I lugged my stuff in. Thank God for the Delta Sky Mile Am.Exp. card. I can walk right up to the counter. Thank God! My bag only weighed 46.5 lbs. That's a miracle. It only took me a minute to get my ticket and a few minutes to get through customs..

I stopped in the Duty Free to buy one of my cooks a bottle of Tequila. Got one that the Tequila Master at the hotel recommended. Great. That's done. So I headed to the gate. The gate area was packed. But I had upgraded to First Class from Cancun to Atlanta so I wouldn't have to stand in line to get on the plane. The Delta Desk attendants warned everyone that this flight was full..I'm so glad I wouldn't have to sit in coach. There were a lot of kids and I just didn't want to be swished in coach.

Boarded the plane. Got all comfy, buckled in and I was so happy when they announced they were closing the plane door. No one was sitting next to me I was overjoyed. My joy was short lived. At the last minute a lady sat down next to me..Dang...

This lady reeked like booze so bad it was horrible. Seems she was sitting in the bar in the airport partying. She started talking and never stopped. She was so loud she over talked the flight attendant making the announcements. After take off they started drink service. She started off with a beer. But when she found out the drinks were free she moved onto Vodka with a tiny bit of squirt. And from then on it was down hill. She drank 4 drinks and just kept going on and on. She talked about plane crashes, hijackers and 911. Now I know the flight attendants could hear her. The whole first class section could hear her. I was so pissed I could have jumped from the plane. This went on for 2 1/2 hours. I was a mess by the time the plane landed.

I have always had the luck of flying non stop to Cancun out of Detroit. But Delta doesn't go non stop during the summer. Only Fall and Winter. So I had to go get my luggage and go through customs again. Atlanta is huge as I said. I swear once again I was running from one place to another. I finally checked my luggage and headed through customs. Put all my stuff on the conveyer belt and went through the the xray machine. Now they pull me out of line and tell me I can't take the bottle of Tequila on the plane. What? Are you kidding me? The TSA dude said I'd have to walk back to where I checked my luggage and store it in my suitcase. I was shocked. I didn't know that. The TSA dude said it was announced on the flight. "They always do".. Well, they likely did, but with that lady sitting next to me over talking everyone I'm sure I didn't hear it.

My next flight was in 30 minutes and I had to go across the airport for my flight. I didn't know what to do. I spent a good amount of money on that bottle. But I knew I couldn't run back to check baggage area. So I told them just to take it. I was so pi@@ed I couldn't think straight. Why, Why, Why? Just my luck. I bet someone was doing shots of that Tequila from TSA...

And of course my gate was a h@ll of a walk and train ride. I'm running to my gate at this point. I was so worried about missing my flight. I finally get to the gate. And it doesn't say Detroit. I walk up and ask the attendant is this the gate for Detroit. She say no! It's been moved to another gate. Oh, great. So run over to that gate. Guess what? The gate has changed again. So now I run to that one. Yes, this is the right one. After sitting down with 12 minutes before boarding the attendant comes on the intercom system to say the Capt. was there but no flight crew, they are on another incoming flight and are running about 1/2 hour late. ARG....I could have died right there.

So I went to the bathroom, wiped all the sweat off my beet red face and got something to drink. Went back to the gate to wait. Finally after almost an hour the flight crew got there to a round of applause. So Delta boards us really fast. I have a Economy upgrade. And there are only 2 seats on the bulk head. I was thinking who am I gonna sit next to this time....Well it was a young very polite man. Oh Lord, you are giving me a break. That flight was quiet and smooth.

I couldn't wait to see my DH. But I know Immigration would be soooo slow at DTW. They always are. And I was right...It took over 30 minutes to get up to the counter. And of course since I'm traveling alone they have a lot to say. Then now it's time for customs. Of course they pull me aside and go through my suitcase. This happens just about every other time. So I kinda expect it. Were told our luggage would be on carousel 4. So we all go there to wait. And it's not on that one..It's on number 7...Oh, I can't wait to get out of this place. I promise myself I will not go back to Cancun unless it's a non stop flight.

Finally get out of the airport and there is my DH parked out front waiting for me...After kissing and hugging I say Honey, you ain't even gonna believe this Sh@t.....

TDudette Aug 4th, 2013 07:13 AM

Very enjoyable! Off to read about your triplets and hoping all is OK with them.

Little_Man Aug 4th, 2013 02:44 PM

Enjoyed reading every Detail of your great adventure!

Mamaw Aug 4th, 2013 04:18 PM

Thank you so much Tdudette and Little Man..I really had an amazing time.

emd3 Aug 4th, 2013 08:00 PM

Mamaw, you are a good writer! I loved your report, and I cringed and laughed out loud about the boozy lady in 1st class.


Seamus Aug 7th, 2013 12:01 PM

Mamaw - if you connected in Atlanta and went through immigration and customs there, why would you have to go through immigration again in DTW? I'd expect the ATL-DTW to be a domestic flight, no need for immigration/customs.

Mamaw Aug 8th, 2013 03:18 PM

OMG Seamus. I just re-read my TR. And you are right. I must have been on another planet on that last paragraph. That was what happened in Dec. when I came back from Cancun. As we say in our family " I look like Tiny don't I momma"

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