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travelbug821 Dec 7th, 2005 10:36 PM

How long does it take to get through customs
I'm going to Costa Rica for my honeymoon in February and is in the process of arranging transportation. I'd like to know how long it takes to get out of the airport? My flight lands at 7:29am. Interbus has a shuttle that leaves for Arenal from the Green Turtle Hotel at 8:45pm. Do you think I'll be able to get through customs, hop on a taxi, and make my way over to the hotel in time to catch the 8:45pm shuttle, or do you think I should play it safe and wait for the afternoon 3:00pm shuttle. I just don't know what to do from 8am to 3pm around San Jose. I'm going for the first time and don't know where anything is located or their approximate distance. Thank you for sharing.

Heather49 Dec 8th, 2005 03:13 AM

The first time we went to CR we didn't get through that quickly, the second time was much faster. However, it would add to my stress level so much that I wouldn't try it.

dfarmer Dec 8th, 2005 04:46 AM

Same here - in our trips it has taken as little as 30 mins to as much as 2 hours.

Possibly only take carry on luggage, this will shave a little time.

I have no idea where the Green Turtle Hotel is - sorry, hopefully someone else does.

RufusTFirefly Dec 8th, 2005 06:55 AM

There are so many variables that it would be very difficult to say for sure. You might make it; you might not.

We had only carryon luggage at it took us about 15 minutes to get through.

faithie Dec 8th, 2005 11:53 AM

Debbie ....? Stop please .

albertabob Dec 8th, 2005 12:52 PM

yes, Debbie..pleeeease stop....onto more important matters...I am also catching a bus from the Green Turtle Hotel - was going to get some directions from Interbus but would appreciate knowing first hand how far it is from the airport????

raderbarbarian Dec 8th, 2005 02:14 PM

The Green Turtle is not a hotel. It is a souvenir shop across the freeway from the airport, behind the Hampton Inn. It will take about 5-10 minutes via taxi(depending on traffic) to get there from the airport.

TioGringo Dec 9th, 2005 07:44 AM

If you don't manage to make it by that 8:45 shuttle, I'd suggest checking the luggage if you can and heading downtown for a few hours. San Jose isn't a particularly scenic city, but there are a couple of interesting museums and it's nice to stroll around down by the Teatro and grab a cuppa joe on the veranda at the Gran Hotel.

I'd suggest doing the museums that are in the bunker underneath the Plaza de la Cultura. My favorite there is the Museum of Gold (Museo de Oro). The Museo Nacional, a few blocks walk from the plaza, is also kind of nice....good for an hour maybe, but not so big that you'll want to spend much more.

Have fun!

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