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Jessica Dec 8th, 1999 02:48 PM

First trip to Guatemala -- lots of questions!!
My boyfriend and I are going to Guatemala for 2 1/2 weeks in January. We want to see as much as possible (fairly cheaply) -- should we try to visit all the major regions (Highlands, Peten, Caribbean coast, Pacific coast, etc.) or is this too much for one trip? Can we easily stay in most towns for $10/night? Are buses fairly cheap and safe? <BR> <BR>We arrive in Guat City at 10 pm -- where is a good place (that's not too expensive) to book in advance for this first night? <BR> <BR>If we wanted a few days on the beach (Caribbean coast), should we stay in Guatemala or take a short (2-3 day) trip to Belize or Honduras (the islands)? How easy is it to get into these countries from Guatemala? By bus? By ferry? <BR> <BR>The bus ride to Flores/Tikal (from Guat City) sounds long and a bit dangerous (true?). Are plane tickets expensive from Guat City? Any advice on how best to get to this part of the country? <BR> <BR>Besides the obvious must-sees, any lesser known (less touristy, perhaps) towns, sights, vistas, ruins, markets, etc. that we shouldn't miss? <BR> <BR>Thanks in advance for any info you have!! <BR> <BR>Jessica

lola Dec 14th, 1999 08:15 AM

Do a search, go the library and read up. If you like coast, I'd go to Belize for a couple of days. Don't miss sunday market in Chichicastenango, Tikal, colonial Antigua, Lake Titatlan. Get out of Guatamala City after a day's sightseeing. The countryside is fascinating, and little of it is touristy. We flew to Flores and it was the best way to go by far. Save time whenever possible for the best travel deal--your time is worth more than a few extra dollars. It wasn't expensive.

Dara Dec 30th, 1999 10:06 AM

oh the memories...I spent 1 1/2 months in guatemala a few years ago. It was amazing. The culture is so rich, like nothing I had ever experienced! <BR> <BR>As previously mentioned, markets in ChiChi are a must. Lake Atitlan is wonderful also. Panajachel is the main city at the lake (pretty commerical, as far as latin america goes), but I'd suggest taking the "ferry" across to other little towns...I loved San Pedro, very laid back. There was this American there who was in the midst of creating a resort there...didn't seem right to ruin such a lovely place, but he did have these amazing solar heated hot springs that he made himself. His little restaurant was great also, but like I said, it was a few years back. You can horseback ride and hike to the volcanoes. There are also volcanoes near Antigua (great colonial city...lots of travelers). Be careful though, there are lots of reports of pickpockets on the volcano hike! <BR> <BR>It's not so simple to cross the border up north in Guatemala into Honduras. I was travelling alone, and when I got off my launcha, I was immediately wiffed off by some taxi driver who said he could get me to Honduras that same day. I assumed I was at a regular border crossing, but I ended up doing the "jungle tour" through the Chiquita banana plantations, on motor canoes through the jungle. It took about 8 hours. It was amazing, nothing in my travels compares to it, and I am sure it would be amazing to do with someone else! I believe the only true crossing from Guat to Honduras is down south...away from the islands, but near cool ruins in Cobal. <BR> <BR>It's been a while since I've thought up all of these places. Email me if Ican help you further! Have fun!!!! <BR> <BR>Just a note: Gutemala is extremely cheap. I don't think I ever stayted in a place for more than $10/night.

Dana Jan 11th, 2000 10:15 AM

Just went to Guatemala for Christmas. We stayed in Antigua, cute town. Didn't bother with Guatemala City. Definitely recommend flying to Flores. A round trip ticket is less than $100. <BR>Although Chichicastanango's market was large, I thought it was overrated. A lot of the same thing. I thought Antigua had a bigger, and better variety. <BR>I agree with the above poster. We want to San Pedro, a village around Lake Atitlan. We took a horseback ride up into the mountains. Beautiful scenery!!! Worth every quetzal. Bargain hard--we got 2 hrs. for 2 people--60Q total.

brad Jan 18th, 2000 11:03 AM

belize is very expensive, very. cost to take a ferry from mainland belize city to a key is at least 20us dollars each way. rental cars there are expensive to, about 70us if you get a 4x4 for rainy season. i was not that impressed with belize, although carachol was very nice. guatemala has lots to offer and you will enjoy your trip. definitely see chichi on market day. first night i would take a cab from airport, 25us for up to four people at taxi stand near banks inside airport, to antigua. in antigua there are many hotels/inns/hostels you can stay at for about 10us. read up on the town. problem is if you'll be staying at hotels for 10us or less, chances are they don't have a email to reserve a room. buses are safe, except drivers appear to be a bit suicidal at times (passing in mountain curves etc). airfare to flores is about 60us one way and 80us round trip. add an extra 5us and the travel company in antigua will provide transport from antigua to the charter flight area in guat city, which is not in the same area as the main portion of the airport. i think it's on the other side of the runway. at flores you can take a microbus to tikal (1 hr away) to and from for about 2us each way. buses go from flores in the am and head back in the pm. if you stay in tikal make sure you bring supplies because you can only catch a taxi, 20+us each way, if you try and go to flores in the am and return to tikal pm, plus the 7us entry fee into the park area on your way back if you dont have your days receipt. flores has numerous hotels for cheap as well. it's a neat little town. best wishes.

chgolouie Jan 21st, 2000 05:36 AM

Guatemala is a beautiful place to visit as you have read from your messages. I was there not to long ago and visited Tikal, Antiqua (great place!), And I can't seem to remember the name right now but it's a big giant lake hidden inside mountains and valleys. The city is exciting - check out the museums and zoos.. BUT BECAREFUL! Make sure you don't show off any expensive items (cameras, video, jewelery, keep all your belongings with you close and becareful who you trust...

BRAD Jan 21st, 2000 02:59 PM


Thomas Wheeler Jun 5th, 2000 06:09 PM

I'm a little late in the reply end but I hope you had a good time. Looking for fair rates? Look up my brother He and His wife Luisa run the Dona Luisa Pasaria in Antigua Guate. Look us up any time Thomas

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