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tyrak33 Jan 27th, 2009 06:23 AM

THANK YOU so much for your detail! I really helps me get a picture of how my upcoming trip will be. This is my 1st trip in a country that doesn't speak english primaily--so I am very excited, but nervous. We have changed the plans for our trip dramatically due to everyone's posts! I can't wait to give "my report".

Shillmac...could I get your directions to arenal? I am going to be staying at Arenal observatory lodge though. It was more in our budget than Lost Iquana. I will be in arenal 3 nights then we will drive to manuel antonio for 4. I wish I had more time! It is hard to decide what to let go of...I want to see EVERYTHING! lol

volcanogirl Jan 27th, 2009 09:13 AM

We saw a brochure for some upscale condos while we were in MA. They were priced at $750,000 - we had some sticker shock! I'm sure there are some more affordable spots. I think everyone is wishing they bought several years back. Can you imagine the dinero we could have made? mm, I hope you are able to find your dream spot.

marysmommy Jan 27th, 2009 11:00 AM

I saw that $750K figure back in March and was told that had been the price for the entire two-level/2BR/2BA places in Tulemar (like the part we stayed in, plus the lower level BR and bath condo). Since then, they've dropped those to around $620K. The condos we were looking at were more in the $300K range (1 BR/BA with Kit/LR combo). The folks at Tulemar were saying the economy is hurting them a bit, but they are still doing okay. They said MA hotels are at about 60% capacity, but that Tamarindo had dropped to about 20%. Having never been there before, we didn't have anything to compare it to, but most restaurants were fairly full for at least one seating at dinner. Not too much of a line anywhere or traffic jams or anything, but not desolate or lonely either. Just right.

steph270 Jan 27th, 2009 11:50 AM

your trip report is great! it really makes me want to return again this year but my hubby and i are trying to "force" ourselves to try something new this year and then return next year.
we had an identical experience on our return trip to airport from MA, just north of jaco as well. a policeman pulled us over at a "speed trap" and after looking in our car said he pulled us over b/c i didn't have on my seatbelt. well, i had taken off my seatbelt after we stopped to get out my passport in case we needed it. he took our passports (all 4 of us) and then said he was going to give us a ticket. the jersey girl came out in me and i defiantly told him i had my seatbelt on. after a few "roundabouts" with the officer and my husband shooting me the zip it look in the rear view mirror, the police man took our passports to his car, came back and told us he wasn't giving us a ticket and to watch our speed, safe trip, etc.
i may be naive, but i still think it's b/c he saw we had been to CR 4x in our passport and we had just spent 10 days and were on our way to airport...or maybe it was my "jersey girl charm" anyway, i think we were very lucky - we were told never to pay the police as well.....

marysmommy Jan 28th, 2009 05:19 AM

One more impression DH reminded me to share is that Costa Ricans seem to keep their yards, homes, and restaurants incredibly neat and well-maintained. Even the humblest home was neatly painted and had an immaculate lawn that was beautifully landscaped. We saw people daily sweeping their walkways and yards, grooming them to perfection. We had a late lunch at a restaurant in La Fortuna where they were painting part of a wall--and we couldn't tell why. The paint job was absolutely flawless already! Needless to say, we were ashamed when we got home and remembered we never even raked our leaves this year. Now it's snowing and I want to go back.

kawh Jan 28th, 2009 04:52 PM

really enjoyed your report. we're going feb of '10 and there were some helpful tips. will look into the keens... i know they have many fans!

volcanogirl Jan 28th, 2009 05:42 PM

Yes, so true about everything being tidy, neat, and well-cared for. I really love that. Even the simplest places seem to have charm.

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