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lvk May 24th, 2005 06:20 PM

Brazilian Chacaça vs. Costa Rican Guaro
Can anyone tell me what the difference in taste or alcohol content between the two?

lvk May 24th, 2005 06:21 PM

Oops, dyslexia is setting in! That's Cachaça! :)

Jeff_Costa_Rica May 25th, 2005 08:16 AM

Cachaça is about 40% alcohol; Guaro, 30%. I've never drunk either straight. The government here -- and, yes, the government of Costa Rica owns the distillery that makes guaro -- sells these cheap, small-size bottles that the street bums buy and drink when they get outside. People in Brazil who drink cachaça straight often spill a few drops for the saints.

Brazilians seem more imaginative in how they make their cachaça drinks. The classic Brazilian caipirinha drink mixes mashed lime slices and sugar in with the cachaça. Costa Ricans will often just mix guaro with Sprite or Fresca. It's okay, but a caipirinha goes down much more smoothly and has more panache.

lvk May 25th, 2005 08:48 AM

Thanks, Jeff.

So, you think I could substitute Guaro for Cachaça in my Caipirinhas? (I have Guaro, but no Cachaça.)

dfarmer May 25th, 2005 02:16 PM

Yes you can substitute. They are very good, but can sneak up on you fast!

Jeff_Costa_Rica May 26th, 2005 07:04 AM

I agree with dfarmer. I've never made my own caipirinha, but there's no reason you couldn't substitute. Give it a try and tell us how it was when you made with guaro. And dfarmer is VERY right about how quickly they can sneak up on you. I discovered that the hard way. Moderation in all things ... except travel. :)

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