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cameronallan9537 Sep 27th, 2023 11:23 AM

Backpacking across December - but where to spend Christmas?
I'm planning to be across Guatemala and San Salvador between the 11th Dec - 29th Dec. I've got to be back in the UK for NYE so that's my hard cut-off unfortunately.

I'll be solo, so happy to stay in hostels for the social aspect, and looking to hike, relax, soak in the scenery while also being able to party if I'm in the mood for it.

There's a huge amount of choice where to visit so no concerns there having gone through other peoples' posts but the gap I have is this - where do I spend Christmas itself (23rd - 27th?)

My initial thought was basing myself around San Juan off Lago Atitlán, but all ideas or suggestions welcomed - cheers!

CanadianRedneck Sep 28th, 2023 06:27 AM

Not too sure about christmas- curious what your itinerary is- mine is in another post below- do you have a similar plan?

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