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althom1122 Nov 21st, 2007 08:07 AM

A week in Nacaragua?
I'm visiting a friend in Nicaragua in late January. Will have almost a week. She lives in Managua, so we'll prob be doing mostly day trips from there - although would be open to an overnight or two elsewhere.
Am just starting to research but would like to hear any thoughts you all might have regarding an itinerary, must-see sights, and fun activities. I'd like to do a canopy tour/ziplines - never done such a thing! Also interested in a volcano, maybe kayaking, and a dose of local culture - with some opportunities for souvenir shopping. Obviously, my friend (who's lived there for almost 2 years) will have ideas, but would like to hear yours as well.
(Yes, just back from Peru and already off on another adventure! So lucky to have a friend to put me up for a week!)

Jeff_Costa_Rica Nov 21st, 2007 12:01 PM

All the things you're looking for are less than two hours from Managua.

Granada - lovely colonial city, about 60 minutes south, a little more if there's traffic

Masaya - great souvenir shopping at the market, about 45 minutes away

Masaya Volcano - active volcano just outside Masaya

Mombacho Volcano - dormant volcano with cloud-forested summit and canopy tour, just outside Granada

Lake Nicaragua - kayaking, outfitters based in Granada

Leon - another nice colonial city, about two hours north, although if you have to choose between Granada and Leon, I'd choose Granada

althom1122 Nov 21st, 2007 04:59 PM

Jeff - thanks for the response! Those were indeed some of the places that appealed to me at first glance. I think we'll easily be able to fill a week. Do you know if we need to arrange tours (like the canopy tour) in advance? Or can we make arrangements when I get there? (My friend Carol hasn't done a canopy tour - and hasn't decided whether she's up for it or not!)

dariow Nov 30th, 2007 01:22 PM

Jeff as usual did a great job at highlighting some of the best places in Nicaragua. I would also add Isla Ometepe.

Tess_Durberville Nov 30th, 2007 03:38 PM

If you are thinking of visiting Ometepe, key an eye on the volcanic activity. Concepcion -- the larger/higher of the two volcanoes -- recently erupted. No one was injured >>>

zeta Dec 16th, 2007 07:34 PM

I visited a friend that lives in Nicaragua for a week almost two years ago. I left the itenary up to her for the most part and while we had a great time I think we tried to squeeze in a little too much. She lives in Managua from there we went to Granada, San Juan Del Sur, Ometepe, and Leon. I don't think anything was more than a two hour drive, except maybe from Ometep to Leon (4hrs not including the ferry. Leon was nice, but for being there only a week I could have left it out all together. And having said that I think if I were to do it again I would have picked two places outside of Managua. The market in Masaya is great, an easy day trip from Managua or a great stop on the way to Granada. We went to Mamabacho in Granda and did the canapy tour there. It was a lot of fun. Breakfast at Kathy's pancakes or Kathy's waffles (i don't remember) was incredible. Ometepe is very cool but definitely more rustic. The nicer places to stay are very much campgrounds. The food was incredible there. We hiked up the inactive volcano to an almost non-exhistant waterfall (we went in April). I have heard there is something were you can hike to the top of that volcano and repel inside and go swimming in the hot springs. That sounds like a lot of fun. The ferry ride over was rough. We were packed in and the water was really rough. I think the ride was almost 2hrs on the way back the water was so rough. San Juan Del Sur was great. Very nice hotel, Olas Y Pedras. Overlooks the sea, good foods. Great pools, messages. There are excursians to go sailing, surfing, or to canopy tours, etc. you can to. Have a good time, it is a completely different experience.

althom1122 Dec 17th, 2007 03:40 AM

zeta - thanks for all the tips. I definitely want to do the canopy tour and the market, but maybe will pass on Leon. And thanks for the breakfast recommendation - we'll try it! Will think over the things you've said - may have add'l questions.

otxena Dec 29th, 2007 03:08 PM

You absolutely have to go to Masaya, crazy as it is, and get at least one hammock. They're amazing.

We traveled there for a month in 2004.

Ometepe was really cool. Granada was an amazing little city with a lot of history and beautiful architecture. Lago del Apoyo was beautiful and we wished we'd found it earlier. Granada would be a good place to kayak as well. Our must see was Big Corn Island, but that's another flight.

Your friend will be a great resource, especially in Managua, which we didn't get a chance to explore 'cause we found it pretty scary (our least favourite part of Central America). Busy, quick.

althom1122 Dec 30th, 2007 04:45 AM

otxena - yes, would like to go to Masaya. I'm not sure I have a place for a hammock (do you need to hang them between trees or do they have their own stand?) - but regardless, I'd like to check out the market. And you're probably right that we don't have time for Corn Island. I do want to kayak, though. Not sure the best place. Is it Lago del Apoyo? Anyone been kayaking at different spots? Can you recommend the best? Do you need to go with a group or just rent a kayak on your own?

LilDenver Jan 7th, 2008 12:51 PM

We just returned from Nicaragua. We stayed in Granada and San Juan del Sur. We didnt go kayaking, but we saw people kayaking on Lake Nicaragua when we did an Isletas tour. I will try to post a trip report soon.

ttraveler Jan 7th, 2008 02:32 PM

We booked a tour through Oro travel to go kayaking but we ended up switching trips. We had taken a tour to Zapatera Island through the isletas so I thought the scenery would be similar. I think that you can rent kayaks to go by yourself but you may have more fun going with someone who can show you some things.
I was planning on buying a hammock before I left but when I saw how big they were I decided not too. I thought it would be difficult bringing it home and I didn't really have a good plan for it's use. They did look great though.
Don't miss the pottery. It is really wonderful.. just beautiful.

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