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464train May 13th, 2008 09:05 AM

2 weeks in Argentina
My family of 5 will be visiting Argentina end of July. BA to Ushuaia to Moreno Glacier to Iguazu Falls. I"m a little vague on what to do about money. I've heard not to use credit cards OR carry much money, and in the same breath that ATM's and hotels will only exchange about $100 a day. Help?
Also, while in BA we need to take a little side trip to an area called Compana - what's the best way to get there - taxi, private car?

avrooster May 13th, 2008 09:27 AM

Let's see what I can do for you, 64train:

If you feel comfortable carrying cash, that's what I'd do, because you can probably get discounts that way.

If not, most places where tourists go, will take credit cards and I disagree with whoever told you "not to use credit cards".

ATMs vary and there is a lot on the subject here and in other forums, but I'd say that most ATMs will only give you the equivalent of about 100 dollars per transaction, not per day and there is a cost per transaction, which can add up.

I'd suggest some research, because I'm not precisely very knowledgeable on the subject, as I feel Argentine banks are hazardous for your financial health.

So, you wish to go to Campana. Fine, I would suggest hiring for the a taxi or a remise (a car with a driver, but without a meter). Tell me how long you expect to be there

464train May 13th, 2008 09:35 AM

Thanks for the info on the money. This is our first time outside the US and we're not sure what to expect.
As for Compana - it will be a half day visit.

avrooster May 13th, 2008 09:37 AM

Sorry. I pressed the wrong button and did not complete the post.

As I was saying: "Tell me how long you expect to be there and I'll find out the cost for you."

Another question is: Does your family of 5 include young children, or all grown ups? This is because 5 adults is more than one normal car can handle.

You and your family will have a great time in our country, 464train.

avrooster May 13th, 2008 09:39 AM

OK, assume 90 minutes to get there and 90 minutes to get back, at what time would you leave and at what time would you want to be back?

464train May 13th, 2008 09:47 AM

We are a family of 2 adults, with grandma, an 18 year old and a 22 year old - our kids.
We had heard that we would probably need 2 vehicles.
We would go out to Compana fairly early in the am - 9? Is that early in BA? Returning around noonish - 1:00.
We're so excited to go! We are picking up a son who has been living there for 2 years on a church mission.

avrooster May 13th, 2008 11:14 AM

So you are going to be six adults coming back? Is that right?

If so, you'll certainly need some kind of van, which may be cheaper and better than 2 cars.

I'll check this out for you.

And to avoid any confusions, it is "Campana", no "Compana". I live not too far away, to the West of that town.

May I ask what kind of a mission has your son been living in?

We have two daughters who are nuns, that's why I ask.

464train May 13th, 2008 11:27 AM

He is included in the 5. We meet up with him in BA on July 30th.
Sorry, my spelling and pronunciation of your language is pretty bad. My son corrects me when we talk on the phone - LOL
He has been serving an LDS mission. He has served in a few areas in and around BA. He spent about 7 months in Campana and there are some families there he really wants us to meet. Currently he is near the Boca reagion of BA - at least I think that's where he is.

avrooster May 13th, 2008 11:36 AM

I'm afraid I'll have to ask what does "LDS" stand for?

drdawggy May 13th, 2008 11:51 AM

Latter Day Saint, AV, or Mormon.

AndrewDavid May 13th, 2008 12:08 PM


i am guessing if u r LDS that u might be from the US. Its not that one shouldn't use credit cards abroad it is just that Mastercard and Visa take on an arbitrary 3% fee for the privilege of billing u for your purchases. The actual exchange rate on CC purchases is usually the best, but u r basically paying a 3% tax on every purchase that benefits no one but the CC companies. American Express charges 2% and i have heard that Capital One does not charge that 3% on their VISA.

ATM's in Argentina aren't limited to $100/ (300 pesos) per day but rather per withdrawal. U can go back to the same machine and take out another 300 pesos as often as u like. However u will pay any transaction fee each time.

By keeping $5000 canadian dollars in my checking account whilst we were travelling in Argentina ( or anywhere) my bank TD Canada waived the $5 per withdrawal chargeould have paid a flat monthly fee and had them waived. Its worth checking with ur bank.

Have a great trip


Scarlett May 13th, 2008 12:20 PM


We live in Buenos Aires..months ago, we had to go to the Post Office to pick up a package..when we got there, it was a nightmare of lines and misdirection and totally confusing to us.
So we just stood in the line and waited and hoped we would manage.

This young man and a friend came along and got in line behind us.
My husband and I spoke to each other and the young man behind me spoke to me in English..
We chatted for about an hour as we waited in line.

He is/was in BA on his mission, from Utah..
He was a wonderful young man, he helped us and watched over us to be sure things went smoothly and then we got parted and we never got his name.

I hope it was your son, if not, it was someone he knows probably..he spoke of living around San Isidro so I am not sure if that is close to Compaña..

We had such a lovely feeling from meeting that sweet young man :)

464train May 13th, 2008 12:30 PM

Awesome on your post office visit and meeting this young man from Utah. Yes, we are from Utah. Johnathan has served in the San Isidro area and I believe he is close to that area again. That would be exciting to think it could have been him!

And thanks to AndrewDavid on the update on credit cards and transaction fees. I will talk to my bank about that!

avrooster May 13th, 2008 01:03 PM

I figured you might be Mormons, 464train. For quite a few years, we lived close to the place the mission has in San Isidro and I kept seeing these nice young men, with their Elder so and so name tags.

I couldn't believe they were always in their shirt sleeves, even during our winter!!! I guess our winter must be pretty mild, for people from Utah! LOL!!!

I'll be back with the info about the cost of 5 adults going to CAMPANA for half a day.

464train May 13th, 2008 01:19 PM

Thanks so much for your help!
Our summers in Utah can get as hot as 115+ and on the other end, winters can get down to the teens. So being in the 60's or 50's for winter is mild to Utahn's. We had a very cold and wet winter this year - spent weeks in the teens. Lots of snow which has been good as we have been in an 8 year drought.

avrooster May 14th, 2008 03:52 AM

OK, 464train, I asked the lady who runs a ranch that caters to tourists near Campana
to recommend transportation from BA to the area and she gave me this e-mail:

So, try to get in touch with this gentleman who drives a van and tell me about it here, before closing the deal. Mind you, I don't know him, but he was recommended by an excellent source.

avrooster May 14th, 2008 04:35 AM

Obviously, 464train, copy the WHOLE e-mail address I gave you, replacing my AT with the @

464train May 15th, 2008 06:23 AM

I've emailed the gentleman at the address you gave me. Jsut waitiing to hear back.

avrooster May 15th, 2008 06:54 AM

OK, 464train, I assume you used the whole e-mail address, including the .ar

We'll see how good Mr. Pezet is at answering e-mail.

Macomo55 May 15th, 2008 06:05 PM

Definately take credit cards. I get the best rate using my Amex Blue but the others work just fine too. I used ATMs and my debit card to get cash and had no problem. If you use cash, you can negotiate a much better rate.

People were lovely and I had a great time. Enjoy!

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