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BigAleinstein Jun 18th, 2013 04:48 AM

Zee Best
I would like one person to ask, "What is the most mediocre place to stay in...?" What are the worst sights to see in...?" "What restaurant really stinks in....?"

I think more travelers think in terms of the Guiness book-the most, the best, the fastest rather than actually seeing the countries they are visiting. It is more important to brag about where are you going or where you just came from than actually having a memorable trip. There is a certain fear that reeks from these posting that they are afraid to make a mistake, see something by accident, or be thought of as a fool rather than enjoy the serendipity of travel. This is nothing more than brand name tourism.

vjpblovesitaly Jun 18th, 2013 05:12 AM

I think it's pretty funny also.

I also think it's funny when people write "because I'm a _______ [usually a woman] I want to stay someplace safe." Like who doesn't? (Other than heroin junkies maybe.)

sueciv Jun 18th, 2013 06:08 AM

I dunno..lets see. They may have been saving for quite some time. Thinking this one trip is the only one they ever will be able to take. They don't want to waste their valuable time or money and so, reach out to perhaps what they find to be more seasoned travelers about what to do their first trip.
Is it the word "best of" that throws you? Some of the trip reports from first timers were very grateful for good advice.

vjpblovesitaly Jun 18th, 2013 06:13 AM

Maybe because it is a given that people would want the best (for their money)?

Tulips Jun 18th, 2013 06:26 AM

I understand people wanting the best, but it's an impossible question. There's no best hotel, restaurant, museum, only personal favorites.

What always gets me, is people who ask where to go 'off the beaten track', or want recommendations for restaurants where the locals eat. If that happens to be an Italian restaurant in Brugge, there is always an immediate reply that of course they do not want to eat Italian food in Brugge.

I once answered a question about breakfast in Belgium, saying that I (and many of my friends) meet in le Pain Quotidien for breakfast. The poster replied that Pain Quotidien is too touristy, you have them in NY. Of course you do, but it's a Belgian concept, and it is were many locals have breakfast.

tower Jun 18th, 2013 09:58 AM

I just love "touristy" places. Please help me find some in Kazakhastan.

tower Jun 18th, 2013 10:18 AM just screwed up my next visit to Pain Quoditien here in Westwood. I thought it was one-of-a-kind! Damn!

BigAleinstein Jun 18th, 2013 10:41 AM

Since Pain Quoditien is from Belgium, it makes it Belch. The first Pain Quoditien we saw was in Rome and at the time we did know it was a chain.

I just love "touristy" places. Please help me find some in Kazakhastan

There is a Chuck-E-Kazakhastan, right off the Қазақстан Республикасы.

Christina Jun 18th, 2013 12:40 PM

They have several Pain Quotidiens in Washington, DC, also, they are all over. They even have the French bakery chain Paul here, but people still recommend it to others in Paris.

BigAleinstein Jun 18th, 2013 01:26 PM

Christina, thanks for keeping the giggle fest going.

CarolJean Jun 18th, 2013 01:31 PM

The first time I was in Venice alone I asked at the tourist office for a "safe' room. The 'helper' said, "I'll book you in at the Nunnery." We had a good laugh.

tower Jun 20th, 2013 12:10 PM

Carol...that's a knee-slapper...must remember it!

Big had that Kazakhstan address wrong. You take a left at the 7-11 so you don't have to cross the 8-lane boulevard! I was in Malaysia one time and my businness hosts took me out to their favorite restaurant...I kid you not, a new KFC! Instead of saying WTF, I bravely dug in and enjoyed some delicious wings with gravy-mashed potato. Can't beat them touristy places!

BigAleinstein Jun 20th, 2013 02:47 PM

Sorry Tower, I have not been Kazakhstan since Borat.

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