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Sally30 Jan 6th, 2008 04:32 PM

Your Experience Traveling with a Toddler - Which Type of Trip Did You Prefer??
My husband and I are planning our second European trip with our daughter for this fall. She will be 21 mos. at the time. We took our first trip with her in September to Rome and had a great time. We stayed in an apartment and spent our days sightseeing, having leisurely lunches, strolling around, shopping and just enjoying ourselves. Here is a link to my thoughts (not really a trip report) on the trip - . The Italians were absolutely wonderful, we LOVED the attention they gave us with the baby and we found staying in a centrally located apartment very convenient. None of the things that I was worried about (which, of course, all seem silly in retrospect) were issues - e.g., she just fell asleep in the stroller when she wanted to nap, was generally fine in restaurants, plane was fine, stroller fine, diapers and baby food aplenty. Our daughter is very adaptable, a good sleeper and eater and was great to travel with the last time. We picked Rome in part because we've both been there many times and love it. For our first trip with a baby we wanted a city that we were familiar with and also where we wouldn't feel pressured to hit all the sights since we've seen most of the biggies before.

My husband is now totally hooked on Italy and wants to go back. We've been to Florence, Venice, the Veneto, Amalfi Coast and want to try something new. We want to be in a city again, rent an apartment again and use trains so we don't have to rent a car. We plan to stay for about 10 days. We settled on Bologna as it looks like an interesting lively city, we are very into eating and it has great train access for day trips. I posted a question about staying in Bologna and got some helpful responses. Now that I'm thinking about the trip, though, I am worried that it will involve a lot of running around if we are planning to do all these day trips and might be too much to do with a toddler. I've read threads from other parents about going all over the place in a week with their kids, so I realize anything is doable, but we are not looking to run a marathon here!

We listed out our days and are planning for roughly a day trip every other day with a day in Bologna on the other days. Obviously we could cut back on the day trips but if we did, then I think we'll end up with a bit more time in Bologna itself than we want. Part of the appeal of this trip is seeing the rest of Emilia Romagna and using Bologna as a central base.

I am starting to wonder whether we are better off doing another Rome-like trip where we stay in a big city and spend most of our time exploring that city with a day trip here and there if we feel like it. My initial thought is Vienna (never been there, we are very interested in art, architecture and dessert, and good train access for a day trip) or Paris (been many times and always love it). As I mentioned above, we want to be in a city and don't want to rent a car. We'd prefer not to have to change accomodations during the trip (a real pain with all the baby stuff). We are pretty energetic but I am trying to be realistic and going anywhere with a baby uses up a certain amount of energy.

I am interested to hear from other parents who traveled with their kids at this age and your experiences. Does a daytrip-heavy destination like Bologna sound too ambitious? Would it be better to go and stay in a bigger city? Is one of these two types of trips more conducive to the general needs of a 21 mo. old v. an 8 mo old child (e.g., different naps, time to run around, etc)?

christycruz Jan 6th, 2008 06:13 PM

We've traveled extensively throughout our 4 year old's life, and you are VERY smart to think about the pace of the trip.

My initial impression is that an every-other day plan is very civilized for everyone. But hopefully others will comment on the location. We were too busy in Rome for day trips and never went to Bologna. We spent six days in Cinque Terre, which other people seem to think of as a day trip. But as you probably know, you need more time to see things with a young child.

Once our kid was walking, we started doing our sight-seeing in the morning, then we'd run around and do kid friendly stuff in the afternoon, and go back to the hotel to rest before dinner. Our little girl was/is very busy. She's never been one to sit quietly and color.

We did find Croatia really fun and easy to get around without a car, especially if you island hop. Istria (N. Croatia) has an Italian feeling without the crowds or prices. But Dalmatia(S.Croatia) was easier to do without a car. If you base yourself in Dubrovnik, there's quite a few day trips you could take.

Barbara_in_FL Jan 6th, 2008 07:21 PM

I also think the alternating days plan is reasonable, although our boys were both a little older on their first overseas trips. I would personally stick with the Bologna plan (although that might just be because I've been to Vienna, but never to Bologna -- most of Italy is still on my wish list). Depending on the city you're in, exploring that city can really be like taking a day trip anyway. If the train connections from Bologna to other nearby cities are good enough that you will not have to rush frantically on any of your day trips, it sounds like a really nice place to spend 10 days.

clz Jan 6th, 2008 07:25 PM

I haven't been to Bologna or around there so I can't comment on how do-able it would be with or without a child.

Given what you said and how much you like city holidays, I would consider Vienna. There is a ton of kid-friendly things to do so I think you wouldn't have any problem with your daughter.

I guess I'd think about how much you really want to go to Bologna? Will you be really sad if you miss it?

About the age factor, I would say an 8 month old is an easier traveler than a 21 month old in the: ability to nap more often/more places and the ability to be carried around.

A 21 month old is an easier traveler in: the ability to walk (for bits), eat regular food, and be entertained by random things.

Goods and bads at any age!

BKP Jan 7th, 2008 12:49 AM

We just came back from Rome with a toddler (28 mos)-- it was delightful! I think that you are approaching this trip very well. I have been to Paris with a toddler (11 mos) and they were very similar experiences -- locals loved our baby, plenty to entertain a child, good food, etc. But there is a big difference between 11 mos and 28 mos! Once my child learned to walk, right after the Paris trip, thank goodness, he wasn't really happy in a stroller. He definitely doesn't sleep in one now. He also changed his nap schedule, so he just takes one in the afternoon instead of two. This made city trips great -- we all wake up early, go to some sites, back to the apt for lunch and a nap (for everyone) and back out for more siteseeing and dinner. However, this makes day trips more difficult -- we often take the train into London but it's hard for us to spend a whole day there because he gets pretty cranky without a nap.
So, given my experience my advice is go to Bologna and try a day trip every other day. If the first couple are terrible, skip the rest and stay in the city. The great part about visiting Italy with a toddler is that their two favorite foods, pizza and gelato are never out of reach! Even if my son is falling apart he can hold it together as long as the gelato doesn't run out!
Have fun!

markrosy Jan 7th, 2008 01:47 AM

I am not sure from your post whether you have been on a beach holiday. Our now 2 and half year old has been 6 foreign holidays and 30 plus city trips. All the foreign trips have included the coast.

In September we went to Elba and stayed on the beach. We played for 10 hours a day and he absolutely loved it. The villa had doors that opened out onto the sand.

On the city trips we usually have at least one good tantrum and have concluded that (like most other parents children love beaches).

We combined Elba with a night in Lucca. It does seem to be a perfect combination. I cannot think of a better mix than 2 or 3 nights in the Tuscan hill towns then on to either Elba or Sardinia by Ferry. We have seem most of the beaches in the Med and these islands in our opinion have the best.

BKP Jan 7th, 2008 04:23 AM

I apologize for hijacking this thread! Mark -- did your villa on Elba have a website? It sounds lovely. Thanks.

highflyer Jan 7th, 2008 06:13 AM

I think your plan is good but may need more flexibility. Every other day may be too much so just be prepared to skip or shorten one day trip if the need arises and go back to that 'favourite park' that you found the day before.

Travelling with a toddler tends to have it's odd surprises; some good and some not so good but often memorable!

Sally30 Jan 7th, 2008 06:23 AM

Thanks for all the responses. I am getting the sense that one city would certainly work as well at 21 mos as it did at 8mos and that a day trip based trip would work too but maybe we will end up doing fewer day trips then planned.

We aren't interested in a beach vacation because we spend a lot of time at the beach over the summer and this trip will be just a month or two later.

thanks again. and anyone else whose done a trip with kids this age, I'd love to hear what you thought!

markrosy Jan 7th, 2008 10:22 AM


in terms of research into villas/apartments in the Med I have now racked up about 43 years (translated from hours). This isn't bad as I am only 39.

The best three out of around 120 trips to the Med are as follows :

No 1.

Don't go if you have any hang ups about your body, style of clothes or behaviour of children. Everything is genetically perfect here (we're are not BTW)

No 2.;gal=1#foto

Forna, Elba - St Lucia on Chianti. Go out of the August season and it is heaven. In term of our usual exchange rates - also the cheapest around 1 breakfast (2 lattes, 3 pan au chocolats - 5 euros) - to good to be true. Did not do a trip report as it would have VERY boring to read.

No 3.;g2_itemId=90

Billionaire's row - for the price of a budget gite in France.

Of all three are a dream for beach lovers and have there own beaches that have very difficult access for the public.

BKP Jan 7th, 2008 12:08 PM

Thanks Mark -- those are beautiful. I can relate to hours spent looking for villas! I love getting other people's recommendations because I am always nervous when I stumble across them online. It's also nice to know that someone has survived a vacation here with a toddler! Thanks again.

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