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OaktownTraveler Mar 31st, 2004 06:11 PM

Your APRIL 2004 Travel Plans...Share Them Here!
Let's keep the good TRAVEL times rolling here at Fodors!

If you are packing a suitcase for even one night in APRIL tell us as much or as little as you want about it.

I'll go first. April finds me traveling as follows:

1) An International Ballroom Dancing Competition for a total of 5 days and four nights

2) An International Synchronized Swimming Event for 4 days and 3 nights

3) An International Rowing Event for 3 days and 2 nights

4) A Winemaker Dinner for 2 days and 1 night

5) Performance of The Lion King(!) for 2 days and 1 night

Looking forward to the travel, time away and can't wait to enjoy every single mega-second of every event!

Hapily Packing,
Oaktown Traveler

Your turn if you wish to share your APRIL 2004 travel plans...

monicapileggi Mar 31st, 2004 06:28 PM

Heading to S. Carolina tomorrow via stopover in Virgina for a long weekend. Goig to a surprise 60th birthday party and will see friends we haven't seen in 4 years!

Ask me about May: Italy!!!

bellairegirl Mar 31st, 2004 06:30 PM

I'm headed to the Barton Creek Resort & Spa in Austin, TX for a firm retreat.

But in May I'll be going to England!


Grasshopper Mar 31st, 2004 07:28 PM

Roma! A week from today.

Melnq8 Mar 31st, 2004 07:47 PM

If only my April were as interesting as yours, Oaktown Traveler...

We leave Kuwait on April 29th for some downtime in the good old US of A.

So I guess I'm only traveling for two days in April...

May will be more interesting. A few days in Vegas and three weeks in Colorado. Looking forward to some hiking and green chili.

mcgeezer Mar 31st, 2004 07:58 PM

Wow Oaktown, sounds like a busy month for you, how fun.
I'm going to Prague, Vienna and Budapest with a little group of friends, my hubby included as friend. Four days in Prague, two in Vienna and four in Budapest. I plan to get up early in Budapest and take advantage of the baths before sightseeing.
Happy April everyone.

OaktownTraveler Mar 31st, 2004 08:02 PM

Thanks for all of your replies...At this point I am encouraged once again,that TRAVEL is indeed what these boards are about!

Keep the manifest going!

Still Packing,
Oaktwon Traveler

Scarlett Mar 31st, 2004 08:04 PM

Are we telling Where we are going or just What we are doing this April?

Are you actually going to different states/cities/towns to see all those events?? or is it all at the State Fair..why does it take 2 days & 1 night to perform the Lion King? LOL
Just kidding~
Let me see, in the month of April we be going to a Tennis match. We will be going to the beach. And we will go to a performance of a Symphony!

OaktownTraveler Mar 31st, 2004 08:05 PM

...obviously, still enjoying my evening cocktail too...

That should read: O-A-K-T-O-W-N.

MyriamC Mar 31st, 2004 08:14 PM

Touring South Africa in less than 2 weeks !

sandykins Mar 31st, 2004 08:38 PM

My family and I are flying to London tomorrow evening for an eight-day sojourn including day-trips to Oxford and Windsor.

"O, to be in England,
Now that April's there,"

-- Robert Browning,
"Home-Thoughts, from Abroad"

Gardyloo Mar 31st, 2004 09:37 PM

London, Israel, back to London, down to Rome, cruise. Seagull stops in Sorrento, Sardinia, Livorno, Portofino, Monaco, Marseille and Palma, end in Barcelona. Short veg, home. Leave in 12 - no, make that 11, days.

PamSF Mar 31st, 2004 11:20 PM

Sebastapol(Sonoma COunty) CA. Overnite, hot tubbing, good wine and a lamb feast on Easter with a very,very old and dear friend. We remember when her kids were beasts and now their grown with children of their own!


As of April 3, it's 6 months until our 3 week trip to France.

PamSF Mar 31st, 2004 11:22 PM

And Oaktown, I might just pop into our old Piedmont 'hood for a visit with friends otherwise I have to see them at the girls' basketball games.

cailin Mar 31st, 2004 11:23 PM

just one trip away this month - two nights in England for a wedding

Angela Mar 31st, 2004 11:26 PM

I live in N Ireland, and my husband and I are going down to Westport in the South over Easter for a few days, with a group of friends. Lots of food, wine, walking and good company!! Looking forward to it!


Kascha912 Mar 31st, 2004 11:44 PM

My home base is the far West of Germany:

On Saturday I'll board the plane to go to Dresden/ Germany for 3 days.
I've been to places in East Germany only twice before so I'm really looking forward to this one. First I was disappointed that I'll have to go on my own. But travelling alone will actually give me more freedom in terms of just HOW LONG I stand and look at things, take photos of things that no one would describe as major sights, watch street artists and shop...

But then: 2 Weeks in Thailand: 2 nights in Bangkok (do you know that song?), 7 nights in Khao Lak to go scuba diving and another 5 on the island of Koh Lanta.
Travelling with my best-friend-diving-buddy-husband. ;-)
He keeps counting the days and I just now realize I have to buy a underwater camera somewhere!

Singletail Apr 1st, 2004 03:16 AM

Leaving for Switzerland tomorrow, wearing my usual clothes, taking CHF, packing heavy, flying cheap, and staying nicely for 10 days. Enjoy the ballroom!

sfowler Apr 1st, 2004 03:26 AM

Well *I'm* grounded this month :(

Last month was San Diego for spring break.
Next month Las Vegas to visit with a friend.

Next Eurotrip on the horizon is Skopje & Belgrade in July.

winecruiser Apr 1st, 2004 03:30 AM

Oaktown Traveler
Great Thread !!! We leave in 20 more sleep nights for our first "real" trip to Paris for 10 days. No tour groups etc., just two wonderful friends we met on a cruise two years ago who love to go as we do - basic planning but no set schedule. Staying at Hotel Luxembourg Park and looking forward to it as the reviews have been quite nice.
Happy Travels to All

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