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noe847 Sep 11th, 2007 02:12 PM

yk, this is so enjoyable!

I agree that the Sainsbury wing is the best part of the National Gallery - I go every time I'm in London. The Sacred exhibition at the British Library sounds wonderful. As for the Treasures room, I had to tear myself away after an hour!

Shadow Sep 11th, 2007 02:46 PM

EAT already!!!!!!


SusanSDG Sep 11th, 2007 02:51 PM

Oh now you're just being mean! I fly to London tomorrow-don't make us wait!

yk Sep 11th, 2007 03:49 PM

<b>Day 2 continued...
My brush with fame</b>

I walked up on St Martin's Lane towards Belgo Centraal. I've been meaning to eat there for years but never gotten around to do so. Many restaurants line St Martin's Lane, and for the most part, they were quite empty on this Wednesday night.

I arrived at Belgo Centraal around 8:15pm. I had to wait for several minutes to be seated by the maitre d'. For those of you who haven't been there, the dining room is downstairs and filled with communal tables. The place was packed and I was seated at the end of a communal table. Next to me on my left were a couple, and the seat opposite me was empty.

After studying the menu, I was ready to settle for a quiet meal by myself. Before my waiter could come take my order, the maitre d' came over and seated a rather good-looking man in black T-shirt and jeans in the empty seat across from me.

He introduced himself as &quot;Brandon&quot; and then busied himself with the menu.

A few minutes went by, our waiter appeared to take our orders. I ordered the Classique Mussel Pot and a &quot;Cristal&quot; beer on draft. &quot;Brandon&quot; ordered the Green Thai Mussel Pot and a beer, and 4 shots of schnapps. We told the waiter that we are not together, but he didn't quite believe us.

Afterwards, we exchanged the usual pleasantries... &quot;Where are you from? What do you do? What are you doing in London?&quot; I initially assumed he is a Londoner, but turns out he's from Connecticut and works in the movie business. He's in London for a week making a movie (which I took as him being a low-budget independent filmmaker). He was quite interested in my profession and the fact that I was traveling solo.

A few minutes later, a fellow dinner patron came over and asked for an autograph from &quot;Brandon.&quot; I even joked, &quot;I guess you're <i>famous</i>, huh?&quot;

We continued chatting over our moules et frites. Me talking about my upcoming trip to France, him mentioning he had previously lived in London for 4 months, and lived in other parts of Europe. The reason that brought him to Belgo Centraal tonight was he skipped out of an awful play staged across the street and came here for dinner instead.

Finally, half way into our dinner, I asked, &quot;So, are you a movie producer? Or a director?&quot;

&quot;Oh no, I'm an actor.&quot;

Now thinking that he may be one of those extras in movies, I said, &quot;Hmmm... I wonder if I have ever seen any of your movies? I don't see movies too often, maybe 1 or 2 a year.&quot;

He replied, &quot;Well, depends on what kind of movies you like. Have you seen The Mummy?&quot;

Of course I have seen The Mummy. It's shown frequently on cable channels and I used to watch it all the time! Now half drunk, I finally realized...

&quot;You are Brendan Fraser???&quot;

&quot;Yup, that's me!&quot;

The second half of our dinner conversation was about his shooting of Mummy 3, which is about the Terracotta soldiers in China. He was fascinated by the fact that I had seen the real terracotta soldiers in Xi'an (thanks mom &amp; dad!). But he's in London for another movie, Inkheart.

In the meantime, he insisted me on sharing 2 of the 4 schnapps he had ordered.

Anyway, an hour later, we finished our dinner. Our waiter came to clear our pots and Brendan asked for his bill. I recalled Fodorite noe raved about the bread and butter pudding at Belgo Centraal, so of course I <b>had</b> to had it. Our waiter was confused - he still thought we were together!

Anyway, before Brendan left, I asked if he would mind having a picture taken with me, so that I could prove to DH that this really happened. He was completely fine with it, so the couple next to us took the picture.

After he left, I asked the couple if they knew who he was. The woman said she recognized him right away but they tried to be subtle about it. Apparently, while I was clueless on who I was dining with, half of the restaurant patrons were watching us and wondering who &quot;that woman&quot; was eating with Branden Fraser! :&quot;&gt;

Anyway, this was certainly the highlight of my trip. He was easygoing and appeared genuinely interested in what I had to say.

BTW, the bread and butter pudding was really delicious! Thanks noe!

After dinner, I wandered back to Northumberland house via St Martin's Lane again. When I was passing <b>Duke of York's Theatre</b> I noticed a small crowd at the alleyway. I stopped for a few moments to see what's on stage and who's playing. Turns out the current production is a play called <i>In Celebration</i> starring Orlando Bloom! I asked a woman in the crowd if he's the one they're waiting for and she said yes. With nothing else better to do, I decided to wait around with them.

About 25 minutes later, the show ended and Orlando Bloom came out, showered by nonstop flashlights from cameras. I was standing close enough to snap a few pictures of him. Others had the programmes in hand, and he graciously signed all of them one-by-one.

What an evening, what serendipity!

rkkwan Sep 11th, 2007 04:02 PM

I read about The Mummy 3. Great cast with Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh, etc. But it was shot in Montreal. :)

So, do you think the play he skipped was the one Orlando Bloom was in it?

yk Sep 11th, 2007 04:05 PM

&lt; So, do you think the play he skipped was the one Orlando Bloom was in it? &gt;

You know, I should have asked... You'll see why later.

scotlib Sep 11th, 2007 04:19 PM

Absolutely a terrific trip report--informative and entertaining!

ttt .. and so I can find it again later to enjoy more!

yk Sep 11th, 2007 04:19 PM

&lt; I read about The Mummy 3. Great cast with Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh, etc. But it was shot in Montreal. &gt;

He said it's cheaper to shoot in a studio in Canada (than in the US). I think there will be scenes in China. He mentioned he will be heading to Shanghai and then some smaller village in the near future.

FYI, the real terracotta soldiers will be traveling to the British Museum next week. Sadly, both Brendan and I are gone before it opens.

My dinner at Belgo Centraal was &pound;23.

kmowatt Sep 11th, 2007 05:34 PM

Great report so far!! I'll be heading to the BM to see the china exhibit - that's if I can get in, it's practically sold out for the first few weeks.

Brendan Fraser is well educated actor - grew up in Toronto and attended Upper Canada College - one of our better schools, and most expensive.

SusanSDG Sep 11th, 2007 06:03 PM

Great report-thanks! Orlando Bloom is partially responsible for the timing of our trip-it's my 17 year old daughter's graduation gift-I'm glad he's still being gracious(the show closes Saturday).
Thanks for the heads up on the British Museum exhibit-I just bought a couple of the nearly extinct tickets.

yk Sep 11th, 2007 06:10 PM

Susan- Have a safe trip. If your daughter wants to get his autograph, she'll have to wait in the alley way <b>before</b> end of the show. If she waits until the play is over, there's no chance she can get close enough to him for the autograph. I'd recommend either you or her leave the show at 9:40pm and then wait for him to come out; or return there on a separate night. He only signed autographs for the folks who were in the front row of the crowd...

LCBoniti Sep 11th, 2007 07:38 PM

How fun - and even more so since you didn't realize who your famous dinner companion was! I hope you will share the pictures . . .

nanabee Sep 11th, 2007 07:44 PM


gracie04 Sep 11th, 2007 10:17 PM

Not that I haven't been enjoying the rest of your trip report, (and I have really enjoyed it so far) I have been waiting to see who your brush with fame was going to be. You didn't disappoint! I love Brendan Fraser!! I am officially jealous of you. :) Seriously, though, that is really cool experience.


TRSW Sep 12th, 2007 12:43 AM

yk - You 'name dropper' LOL!! So far it sounds like a great trip, looking forward to the rest. And if you can, post a link to your photos.


cheryllj Sep 12th, 2007 06:31 AM

That's a really great story! Brendan Fraser and Orlando Bloom in one night? Wow, what a lucky girl. And all this time I thought the dinner would be with some British celebrity that I didn't really know. But Brendan Fraser is much better! :)

noe847 Sep 13th, 2007 12:56 PM

Great story!
And I'm glad you liked the bread and butter pudding - and that it was on the menu). I will say that I had even more amazing bread and butter pudding at Loch Fyne in Oxford, if anyone heads out that way.

annhig Sep 13th, 2007 01:08 PM

hi, yk,

great report - I worked in London for over 15 years and never saw half the stuff you have. I'm afraid the northern line is crowded like that every day; nothing to do with the strike. they wre threatening to up-date it 10 years ago when we left London, and its very patient inhabitants are still waiting.

the Tregothnan tea you mention is actually picked from camelia bushes grown here in Cornwall, and is fearfully expensve, so needless to say I've never drunk it. it's probably safer to stick to good old PG tips.

as for your VIP, I have to confess I've never heard of him, though my DD would doubtless be very impressed. [she says I don't get out much!] I'm sure it was nice for him to talk to someone who wasn't thinking about how famous he is all the time, and just wanted to talk to him.

looking forward to teh next exciting installment,

regards, ann

111op Sep 13th, 2007 01:13 PM

I don't think I asked -- and I don't think yk told us -- did the waitstaff know that that was Brendan Fraser? I understand that some of the folks eating knew.

Liquidsunshine Sep 13th, 2007 01:21 PM

Brendan Fraser! I would have died. He is quite a looker. I've seen several of his movies. IMO, one of the best movies he did was a small one called With Honors, in which he played a Harvard student who befriends and takes in a homeless man.

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