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StephenG Mar 16th, 2004 03:02 PM

Would Spain be the safest place to visit this year?
I am in the planning stages of a trip to southern Italy and Sicily. But I wonder if I should go to Spain instead. I must tell you in 1989 I travel to UK, I decided to fly Pan Am the month after the plane went down in Scotland. My wife thought I was crazy but I manage to convince her that Pan Am would be the safest to fly so close after the disaster. I also went to France in November 2001 and many people said We were nuts after 911. I would never stay home because of terrorism, I don't think?
But I am using the logic that Madrid would be safer than say Rome this year. Does that make any sense?

m_kingdom Mar 16th, 2004 03:08 PM

Neither places are guaranteed safe, all European cities are potential terrorist targets, unfortunately. Choose your destination on other criteria, such as sights, hotels, restaurants, etc.

Safety is a concern wherever you go. Hypothetically speaking you could choose to go to X rather than Y, given that X is safer from attack. Neither X nor Y come under attack when you are there, however, you meet with an accident in Y unrelated to terrorism. Does that mean X is safer for you than Y?

In other words, go where you would rather see, not where you perceive to be safer, only the intelligence services, and even then, know what, where when.

StephenG Mar 16th, 2004 03:34 PM

I want to go to many places and the order is not so important. Traveled from Rome north 2002, so have visited part of Italy,but never been to Spain. I was also impressed with the Spainiards way of dealing with the disaster. They showed great passion and as an American it makes me angry to hear our right wing mouth pieces say " well the Spanish really showed the terriorist that this kind of act works by voting the way they did". I find myself apologizing in europe for the arrogance of our government. I guess going to Spain would make a small statement. at least to myself.

StCirq Mar 16th, 2004 03:38 PM

Stephen: You must know that you have asked an unasnwerable question. Go wherever you desire to go and be alert.

pgmargate Mar 16th, 2004 03:43 PM

You could get hit by a bus in front of your house. these kinds of questions are a waste of time.

MK Mar 16th, 2004 03:47 PM

Stephen, thank you for apologizing for the arrogance of our government. I was hoping someone would step forward and take on the challenge. You sound like the type of person who can hold up under such a heavy burden. Best wishes.

StephenG Mar 16th, 2004 03:58 PM

Is fishing a waste of time or a pastime?
Always amazing how many of the fodorites waste time telling others the question is a waste of time.

pgmargate Mar 16th, 2004 04:03 PM

stephen: asking others what place is safer is meaningless.if you are afraid then stay home if not than go and have a great time.

benderbabe Mar 16th, 2004 04:51 PM

Let me put it this way, my 72 year old mother-in-law just got back from a trip to Egypt and Israel.

These two places can't be very safe, and in addition she traveled BETWEEN them as well!

If you compare getting on an airplane, or going to a country where there has been a terrorist threat to getting in your car and driving every day, you are MUCH more likely to die in your car.

So why worry? The odds are against anything happening to you. It's much more likely you'll die in your own home than while you're traveling!

But you MUST get your mind around this fact before you go, or you'll just be worried all the time.

richardab Mar 16th, 2004 04:54 PM

Go where you want. Don't let terrorists scare you. I am going to Spain in 2 weeks and have no issue with it. I live in NYC and could be blown to bits while shopping at Macy*s or driving thru the Linclon Tunnel!

Should I die in Spain please god let me die while eating a churro with hot chocolate!

wealthy_backpacker Mar 22nd, 2004 01:57 AM

I would say Switzerland is a bit safer than most places in Europe. What would a terrorist achieve by causing havoc in Berne, Zurich or Geneva?

alice13 Mar 22nd, 2004 03:22 AM

wealthy-backpacker - do I detect irony?
Now that would be refreshing.

To the OP - if that's how you choose your destinations then ... but stop .. perhaps best not to go there. I could say something I regret.

baldrick Mar 22nd, 2004 03:40 AM

Choosing Spain because Spain has had its terrorist attack and so supposing the next target will probably be in another country is, in a way, logical but extremely cynical.
The question is, furthermore and as said before, a waste of time and meaningless. The reasoning of terrorists and terrorism has made safety an every day concern all over the western world.
And I do agree with pgmargate: watch out for the bus!

car Mar 22nd, 2004 06:46 AM

The fact that your neighbour has been hit by a truck does not improve or reduce your chances of going through the same situation.

yawning Mar 22nd, 2004 06:56 AM


Go to Spain. You've already been responded to regarding your safety concern.

However, you mentioned that you've never been to Spain. It's a great place, lots to see and learn, good food and drinks and nice people.

BTW, please extend my apologies, too.

martytravels Mar 22nd, 2004 06:58 AM

richardab, so simply and eloquently stated. Why stop living for fear of dying?
P.S. - churros con chocolate sound really good right now.

mile Mar 22nd, 2004 07:12 AM

Lets re-frase that: IS THE WORLD SAFE TO LEAVE IN IT? NOT!!!!
I, understand your concern but no were is safe any more.
But from what I had read from the Spa-
ñish newspaper the odds of another strike soon is very low. Same thing
happen here in the U.S - terrorist like
to strike different places to create chaos and unstablize the economy of
the country. I would be more concern
about going anywhere near the summer
olympics (in Greece.)
Plus the Spañish police and inteligence sources are pretty good.( they captured the suspect in 2 days.) I
would go and enjoy awsome Spain, you will not regret it. Have a safe and nice trip.

StephenG Mar 22nd, 2004 08:19 AM

Baldrick: would wearing a money belt in europe rather than a wallet in my back pocket be also cynical.

As I said in the original post, I will travel to europe as I have in the past.
I feel that countries who have experienced major terrorist events will become more vigilante with security. I have lived in San Diego since 1960 and remember in school during the cold war having been told that because of the Navy here, we would be a big target for the attack.
Every monday the air raid sirens were tested at 12 noon during the 60's and the malls were selling bomb shelters to bury in the yard.

I actually have always felt safer in the large European cities than in some areas my community. You just have to look at the violent crime statistics.

sera Mar 22nd, 2004 09:52 AM

First, let me say that I'm the world's biggest worry wart, especially about air travel. And I knew someone who died Sept. 11, as well as family friends who lost their son. But after seeing so many "will I be safe?" posts, I have to say that it's beginning to smack of middle-class American narcissism. There are many places in the world where it is Sept. 11 every day. We're probably among the most comfortable, safe and secure people who have ever existed on this planet. Perhaps we should enjoy our blessings and think more of those who will never know the kind of privileged lives we lead. (I'm speaking to myself here too.)

Glyn_Williams Mar 22nd, 2004 10:15 AM

Nowhere is safe nowadays from terrorists. Just last week, London announced that they are starting a new anti terror publicity campaign, including adverts on the Tube, undercover police officers and many other aspects they would not comment on. One of the UK's other capital cities, Cardiff, has also increased security in and around the Millennium Stadium as they fear it may be a target for terrorists.

The EU are also planning to make up a central terrorism information headquarters for the whole of Europe to supply and receive information.

I wouldn't let any of this put you off going on holiday - l found during my recent world travels that the UK were possibly the best prepared for such an attack looking at security measures. Besides which, the UK has been living with the threat for such a long time, the people are now used to it.

I wouldn't worry!

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