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irishescaper Apr 1st, 2003 07:22 PM

Worst Ireland Travel Guide!!
After extensively reviewing and re-reviewing up to 10 diff. travel guides for Ireland,I would have to say that the DayTrips-Ireland book is the least helpful on a per page basis. After reviewing several chapters, the author's clear focus is on places to eat and shops, it seems! It is not unusual for this author to describe in detail the knickknacks in some craft store while completing ignoring a notable landmark (castle,church, ruin) nearby. So, that's my vote. What's yours?<BR>

RufusTFirefly Apr 2nd, 2003 02:27 AM

While I'm not one of them, there are people for whom dining and shopping are the highlights of their travels. They would probably think it's a great guidebook.

Owen_ONeill Apr 2nd, 2003 06:28 AM

Rough Guide for minute details and its focus on budget accomodations and dining. Fodor's for its concise and simple itinerary suggestions.

Robert1109 Apr 2nd, 2003 02:02 PM

Also, I found the &quot;Dummies&quot; book very helpful....

DavidD Apr 2nd, 2003 06:06 PM

irish,<BR><BR>Having seen most, if not all, of the Ireland travel guides, my biggest thumbs-down goes to Frommer's. The series longstanding hook - Ireland on $5 a day, $10, $15, and so on - has given way to a guide that is entirely forgettable, mainly due to the fact that nothing in it is done particularly well. Perhaps worse, Frommer's is essentially a non-critical guide and too often reads as if it was funded by the Irish tourist board. <BR><BR>Lest you become downcast, consider the following first-rate guides to Ireland: The Rough Guide; Footprint; Fodor's.<BR><BR>Best of luck.

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