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DeborahAnn Aug 30th, 2006 03:36 AM

Will the DVD movie I buy in the US be usable by a friend in France.
I would like to buy a movie DVD and send as a thank you to my hostess in Paris. After the week I spent with her and her family I think she would really enjoy the movie.

As I remember with the VHS tape it was not possible to buy one in the US for use on French tv's but I was hoping the DVD technology is compatible between Europe and the US.

My husband is checking on this but has not been able to come up with a definite answer. I thought I might find the answer at Fodors.

Thanks for any help. Deborah

Xander Aug 30th, 2006 03:50 AM

If the person in France has a region free DVD player, it will work; if she doesn't, it won't.

walkinaround Aug 30th, 2006 04:05 AM

dvd is a poor choice of gift for giving across the atlantic (regardless of the direction across).

music CDs are safer if you wish to give entertainment.

DeborahAnn Aug 30th, 2006 04:13 AM

Well, poor choice or not it is for the sentiment and the shared meaning not the suitability of the gift. A music DVD just would not convey the same sentiment. Thanks, it appears I will have to come up with another gift idea. Deborah

MorganB Aug 30th, 2006 04:15 AM

I dont think its a poor choice at all. Region free players are common in France. However, it would require that you check with your friend to see if their player is region free.

walkinaround Aug 30th, 2006 04:33 AM

i don't know why my post caused such an aggressive response. i only meant that it was a poor choice to give someone a gift that in all likelihood they cannot enjoy. if the purpose is to give them an expensive shiny coaster, then go ahead.

i once did a work assignment in a london company and the US headquarters of the company gave a gift to everyone involved in the project (all UK staff)...a desk lamp with US voltage and plug. the effect was worse than giving no gift at all and it did not reflect very well on the giver who treated the usability of the gift as a minor "detail".

kerouac Aug 30th, 2006 05:04 AM

The US is zone 1 and Europe is zone 2, so the receiving DVD player has to be "dezoned" as it is called in France.

SuzieC Aug 30th, 2006 05:07 AM

It would be easy to find out DeborahAnn...
good luck.

MorganB Aug 30th, 2006 05:10 AM

----- i only meant that it was a poor choice to give someone a gift that in all likelihood they cannot enjoy. if the purpose is to give them an expensive shiny coaster, then go ahead.---

Your presumption that it will not work is not valid. As I stated, dezoned players are common in France. OP should choose to check with the friend.

DeborahAnn Aug 30th, 2006 05:41 AM

well, there goes the element of surprise for her. Yes, I will have to ask her but if she is as savvy as I am about electronics I am not sure she know the difference.

walkinaround, I did not mean to sound aggressive but I was very exicited about sharing this movie with her and being told a gift is a poor choice is rather deflating ;;) Deborah

janisj Aug 30th, 2006 05:47 AM

If you want to surprise her - buy a European version of the DVD . . . . .

hausfrau Aug 30th, 2006 05:53 AM

You are right, she may not know if her DVD player can play U.S. DVDs. If she doesn't know, it probably does not, because when you go out and buy a DVD player in Europe without knowing the difference, you will most likely buy one that only plays European DVDs. If you want to surprise her I would second the suggestion of looking at Amazon's French website and see if you can get a French version of the DVD. If it is an American movie it will still have the original English version on it, plus one with French dubbing. You can then order it online and have it sent straight to her.

Stellarossa Aug 30th, 2006 05:59 AM

Amazon's Uk website will work just as well.

MorganB Aug 30th, 2006 06:50 AM

Try . If you let me know what movie you are looking for I can see if they have it . Also, if you shop in the US on amazon you can use the same sign on for . Very handy.

mclaurie Aug 30th, 2006 07:11 AM

That is the best idea, buy it on Amazon in France and have them ship it to her. I hope they have it. ;)

BTilke Aug 30th, 2006 07:17 AM

Yes, use a Europe Amazon. We've bought things from,, and all with no problems.

SuzieC Aug 30th, 2006 07:19 AM

My fiance's daughter lives in Germany and we give her a "gift card" to us...
it worked really well, especially when her 'puter threw a fit and lost all of her stored emails, including the one from Amazon to notify her of the gift.
I went back on an re-instituted the gift card. Nice job Amazon.

Underhill Aug 30th, 2006 08:13 AM

Just buy the DVD from

Carlux Aug 30th, 2006 08:19 AM

One other comment about inappropriate gifts. As someone who DIDN'T bring all my lamps from Canada to France, I discovered that they are the easiest thing to use in a different country, even with different voltage - just change the plug and put in a lightbulb.

DeborahAnn Aug 30th, 2006 08:54 AM

thanks, I knew about but not about thanks again for all the help

morganB thanks for the generous offer and I may take you up on it if I can't work my way through the french site. Deborah

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