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Whiskers007 Feb 9th, 2013 07:49 PM

Where to purchase a microwave in Italy
We want to purchase a microwave to take with us in our car when touring Europe.We are starting out in Rome and are looking for the names of appliance stores that sell them so we can check prices and the locations of the stores.Any help would be most appreciated.

dutyfree Feb 9th, 2013 08:18 PM

Oviesse,Coin are two department stores that come to mind.

Cowboy1968 Feb 10th, 2013 12:05 AM

Since you will have a car, it may be easier to wait until you leave Rome and check out the bigger shopping centers in the outskirts.
One chain store which you can check for locations would be

pizzocchieri Feb 10th, 2013 04:33 AM

They are called "microonde" and if you are thinking of using them in your hotel room, you shouldn't do that until you have confirmed with the hotel that you won't blow the circuits or otherwise injure the wiring. This is especially true if you don't plan to stay in modern hotels. Be aware too that Italian plugs very often need adapters in order to fit into outlets. There is no standardization throughout Europe of plugs/outlets.

If you are renting a campervan, most have a microwave in them.

You can look online to compare prices and brands:

Depending on what route you take out of Rome, you can google the word "microonde" plus the name of the town where you are going (i.e. "microonde Montepulciano")

Giving how heavy and expensive microwaves are, and how often you are likely to encounter hotel owners who tell you that you cannot use them in your room, you might do better to look for hotels with kitchenettes that have microwaves, which are fairly common throughout Italy.

Rastaguytoday Feb 10th, 2013 09:30 PM

You are going to find good prices at a Carrefour.

Think of a Walmart / Target combined. The major stores are huge.

I've used them all over Europe, as well as Turkey and Singapore.

Great also for wines and snacks and ....

janisj Feb 10th, 2013 10:10 PM

From your other threads it seems you are traveling to places like Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, etc . . . I can't imagine where you will be able to use a microwave -- unless you are renting houses all over.

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