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BillT Jul 30th, 2008 10:55 AM

What's Your Travel Style?
When you travel would you say your style is more like:

1) Samantha Brown

2) Rick Steves

3) Anthony Bourdain

4) Andrew Zimmern

zeppole Jul 30th, 2008 11:01 AM

Who are these people? Rick Steves is the only name I recognize (I've seen his effigy burned in several places).

luvtotravel Jul 30th, 2008 11:05 AM

Not a lot of options, but somewhere between Samantha Brown and Rick Steves.

BillT Jul 30th, 2008 11:05 AM

They are Travel Channel hosts who have their own shows and distinctive styles of travel. Rick Steves does his show on PBS.

zeppole Jul 30th, 2008 11:07 AM

Oh. No wonder. I don't see American TV.

What's the difference in their travel styles?

StCirq Jul 30th, 2008 11:08 AM

Definitely Anthony Bourdain.

cheryllj Jul 30th, 2008 11:09 AM

There is a pretty big gap between Samantha Brown and Rick Steves, but I'm somewhere in between. With a splash of Bourdain and his hunt for the offbeat.

Samantha only stays in the most deluxe 5* hotels (and loves to discuss the bathrooms). Rick Steves is Cheapy McCheaperson.

But I know for sure I don't travel like Andrew Zimmern. No thank you! Ugh. He can keep his pig testicles and other "Bizarre foods."

travelgourmet Jul 30th, 2008 11:25 AM

I eat like Zimmern and Bourdain, and stay in Samantha Brown-type places.

<i>He can keep his pig testicles and other &quot;Bizarre foods.&quot;</i>

Don't knock it until you try it.

traveljunkie28 Jul 30th, 2008 11:32 AM

Samantha Brown. I'm a diva when travelling. When I go on vacation I want luxury!

BillT Jul 30th, 2008 11:49 AM

For those of you that do not know of these folks here is a quick portrait;

1) Samantha Brown- in her 30’s she likes to travel the world in style. She has her show on the Travel Channel. Stays in nice 4/5 star places, is somewhat adventurous. Appreciates the finer things in travel, good food but nothing bizarre. Will visit museums and other sights but would not spend 7 solid days walking thru Angkor Wat. Appreciates a modern bathroom with all the amenities.

2) Rick Steves- in his 40’s and only does Europe. Likes pensions and small boutique hotels run by locals. Packs only one bag- a small one at that (this would explain why the wife never travels with him- imagine telling your wife that she can only pack one bag that she carries on her back!). He does provide some good info about the countries he visits and he likes a good glass of beer or wine. Eats with the locals but nothing too bizarre.
Will not venture beyond Europe so his shows tend to be somewhat repetitive over time.

3) Anthony Bourdain- in his 50’s? His show is “No Reservations” on the Travel Channel.
He is a maverick- he drinks, he smokes and tells it like it is – no holding back. Likes to eat a lot of different foods (he is a chef) but not quite as bad as Andrew Zimmern. He likes to mix with the locals and really get close to the culture. You won’t find him in 5 star hotels but he is comfortable on a mat with mosquito netting around him! He does not spend a lot on his wardrobe and it shows.

40 Andrew Zimmern- 40’s guy whose show on the travel Channel is “Bizarre Foods” and they are not kidding. This guy goes all over the world looking for the strangest things you never think of eating. He also does not spend much on his wardrobe. There are not many things that he cannot eat- but one that I remember that he could not stomach – the Durian! He met his match with that fruit. Funny and entertaining.

Ematthew Jul 30th, 2008 11:54 AM

Half way between Samantha Brown and Anthony Bourdain. Interesting question!

dmlove Jul 30th, 2008 11:58 AM

Ditto luvtotravel - somewhere in between Samantha Brown and Rick Steves. Definitely not eating bizarre foods, and while I like &quot;local finds&quot;, I prefer the kind of &quot;local finds&quot; Samantha Brown and Rick Steves do - not necessarily &quot;off-beat&quot;, just local instead of touristy. Anthony Bourdain drives me nuts, so I don't watch his show.

BillT, last time we were in Europe for 2 weeks, I had one carry-on. I didn't find it all that difficult actually. I will say, though, that we are very casual dressers - if you have to dress up for it (when traveling), we don't do it! On this trip (Aug. 15th), I'll need more, but only because we're going someplace super-hot, so I expect a lot of sweat and dust LOL!

cheryllj Jul 30th, 2008 12:03 PM

<i>(this would explain why the wife never travels with him- imagine telling your wife that she can only pack one bag that she carries on her back!)</i>

His wife does travel with him sometimes but she's not on the show.

He says on his website that his wife and daughter prefer to use a rollaboard bag rather than the backpack style, but they still use one bag. (I can't imagine traveling with more than one bag plus a purse/tote, so I don't see that as unusual. I can't carry two suitcases by myself.)

BillT Jul 30th, 2008 12:07 PM

Thats why god made husbands- to carry all the extra bags and stuff!

dmlove Jul 30th, 2008 12:09 PM

BillT, my husband believes that if I can't carry it/roll it, etc. myself, I shouldn't be bringing it (and actually, I don't disagree...)

luvtotravel Jul 30th, 2008 12:19 PM

I agree -- if you can't carry it yourself, don't bring it. I can do Europe for two weeks with one bag plus my purse. No problem.

By the way, Rick's wife has been on his program, as well as his children.

BillT Jul 30th, 2008 12:22 PM

Well when we do Europe its 3 checked bags plus carry ons and when we do Asia it 4 checked bags plus carryons- we shop!

travel2live2 Jul 30th, 2008 12:32 PM a way it would be sort of like Rick Steves as we much prefer small pensions to 5* hotels. We also pack smartly - one bag each. I cannot imagine having to struggle with luggage! We have little daypacks for water and a bit of shopping (normally unusual ingredients).

However, I suppose we are like Anthony in the way that we are adventurous - not just in food but in accommodations. (He drives me crazy, too, dmlove.)

While we do take advantage of B&amp;Bs (often great breakfasts that last in our tummies for ages) and have picnics with fresh produce we do enjoy splurging on great local dinners. A few years ago I started a list of 100 foods to try before I die and literally cross them off. :)

LJ Jul 30th, 2008 12:35 PM

In my head and heart, I am still Ian Wright (Lonely Planet). But I am afraid that to an outside observer, it would look more like some slightly less bottom line obsessed version of Rick Steeves...sigh...

thursdaysd Jul 30th, 2008 12:37 PM

Between RS and Bourdain - I love to eat, and I can't afford Samantha's hotels! Actually, in general I prefer B&amp;Bs and pensions to international style hotels. I don't need room service or a concierge or an elevator or a lot of glass and marble, so why pay for them.

And I (female) have traveled for as long as 10 months with one backpack and one day pack - I won't travel with more than I can carry, and I can't carry much!

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