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The_honeymooner Oct 3rd, 2012 02:25 PM

What to wear in Paris, Florence and Rome
Hi there,

We are going on our honeymoon in about 3 weeks. We will need some help on what to wear as to weather and culture in Paris, Florence and Rome. Even though we are asians, we don't want to look too outstanding there.

Also, we heard that pickpockets are very common there. Any suggestions on how to carry your wallet and belongings (i.e. camera)? Would a mini travel backpack look too much like a "target" there?

Thank you for all your help!

A & J

FrenchMystiqueTours Oct 3rd, 2012 02:35 PM

Wear whatever you want, no one will care. No one cares if you are Asian, South American, Samoan or any other race/nationality. Check any weather website ( for info on average temps at that time of year, average precipitation etc. Use the same websites to inform you as to daily weather conditions while you are there. Watch out for pickpockets, people offering you a gold ring, people sticking petitions in your face or asking you to sign something, people trying to put a string bracelet on your wrist, people trying to sell you métro tickets or offering to assist you buying tickets from a machine if you haven't asked for help, people getting stuck in a métro turnstile in front of you while someone else behind you bumps into you. If you are aware of these things then you won't get pickpocketed or suckered out of any money. Whether you wear a backpack, a purse or strap a bank vault to your back isn't as important as being aware of your surroundings. I wear a backpack all the time in Paris (I live here) and I've never once had a problem, not even a close call. Others will tell you a backback or fannypack is a bad idea. You are only vulnerable if you aren't aware and if you are unaware then no matter what you have to carry your valuables you can get pickpocketed.

pctraveler Oct 3rd, 2012 02:36 PM

You can never go wrong in those 3 cities with a black wardrobe. Jeans are also acceptable almost anywhere. Formality seems to have gone the way of the PalmPilot in almost all of Europe.

With respect to pickpockets, you simply need to be careful. I have a small money belt that attaches to my belt and loops down into my trousers; I keep my money and credit cards there. My wife wears a similar waist band money belt beneath her sweater or blouse. BTW, keep your passports in your room safe, but carry a copy with you; some stores will ask for an additional form of ID for a credit card purchase.

I have a messenger bag that I carry with me; I place my camera and other personal items there. I used to carry a backpack, but found the messenger bag to work better for me.

I still see lots of backpacks and if you take one, when you find yourself in a crowded area, you might consider flipping it around and carrying it in front.

The_honeymooner Oct 3rd, 2012 03:01 PM

Thank you for the tips FrenchMystiqueTours and pctraveler. Good to be prepped on what people would try to do there.

I wish everything like cash or credit card can be a fingerprint away and don't have to worry about pickpockets. But it's impossible.

I guess with the economy now a lot of people are becoming "experts" on the streets.

Thanks for your suggestions and warning!

hollywoodsc Oct 3rd, 2012 03:20 PM

I have a small travel purse that slings across my shoulder and hangs in front. It fits my wallet, camera, lip gloss, keys, etc. Small but it has several zippered pockets. I leave what I don't need (credit card, extra cash) in the room safe.
Empty your wallet before you leave home. You really don't need your grocery store card or library card in Europe.

I've traveled a lot solo and never had a problem.
Don't stand on the corner with your map open displaying to all the world that you're a tourist and you're lost!
Or open your wallet and count your money on the street!
Or hang your purse on the seat-back in an outdoor cafe'.
Yes, I've seen this. Some of these people I could pick-pocket!!
Just be aware of your surroundings. If you get into a crowded area hold your purse close to you, in front if possible.
Some tourist spots can get really crowded - think Times Square on New year's Eve.

FrenchMystiqueTours Oct 3rd, 2012 04:00 PM

Don't leave your cell phone or other valuables on a table at an outdoor café.

maxima Oct 3rd, 2012 05:26 PM

Make sure to bring a pair of comfortable shoes or sneakers, as you will do a lot of walking and standing. Take an umbrella, and a jacket you can wear in the event of rain.

Women can wear pants everywhere these days. I have used a money belt under my clothes for extra cash, credit cards and passport when i dont use a hotel safe. Never leave your purse where you cannot see it.

Some sites you may visit may not permit you to take a backpack in,,, if you are using a really small one you may be able to carry it on your shoulder, but a small tote bag may do the job or an average size purse.

Bring an extra battery for your camera and an extra memory card.. if you are an avid photographer.

use atm's in a safe manner as you would at home.
and be aware of your surroundings.

denisea Oct 3rd, 2012 05:29 PM

I problems in Paris or Rome. I use a small travel purse, that will hold my camera. I wear it across my body and I keep my hands on top of it on trains and in crowds.

I use safety pins in the zipper pulls (pinned into the purse material) so that the purse cannot be easily opened. My husband used safety pins to keep his pockets closed and hard for someone to get their hand into.

Agree with hollywood, leave some credit cards and cash at the hotel. I never take everything with me. Also, watch where you count your cash...some thieves do watch people in shops and find out where your money is and then follow you.

I know many do, but I never use a backpack.

denisea Oct 3rd, 2012 05:33 PM

Oh, what to wear...layers and take a small travel umbrella.

I like a cashmere wrap for the plane and for chillier nights. I do wear darker colors as they hide little stains.

Comfortable shoes are key! Jeans are fine in most places.

biztravfod Oct 3rd, 2012 11:11 PM

There are a lot of Asians in Florence. Less so in Rome. It is sad to say but Asians are sometimes targeted in Italy by pickpockets because Asians are more quickly thought to be tourists. As long as you keep your money and valuable with you, you can defeat them. But you need to be extra alert and protective in Rome.

kerouac Oct 4th, 2012 09:01 AM

Sad or not, Asians are also targeted in Paris because they have the unfortunate habit of having huge amounts of cash on them.

"Street smarts" are really all you need in these cities. Keep important things well out of reach and don't worry about leaving things like passports at the hotel, even if you don't use a safe. Do not dangle anything of value in the street and as FMT said, don't leave any mobile phone or camera on a café table -- ALWAYS put them away if you are not using them.

Pickpockets work the most on subways and buses as people get on or off -- an accomplice pushes or jostles and the other person relieves the victim of excess belongings while they are distracted. Try to never have both hands occupied with bags and other stuff. If your hands are carrying stuff, you have no way of protecting yourself.

biztravfod Oct 4th, 2012 09:10 AM

Yes. I should have mentioned Paris in my post too.

Really not trying to make you paranoid, and every traveler should follow all the good points listed above. I would add that if you are going to crowded tourist sites, that's another place to be careful. It is so easy to get distracted taking pictures and not notice being bumped into.

In a lot of big cities in Asia, people don't really need to learn "street smarts." That's why they have the habit of carrying around lots of cash. I do that too when I am in Japan. Just a whole different street there.

Have a great honeymoon!

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