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schnauzer Jun 18th, 2005 03:21 AM

what to do in the evening n paris and rom
I meant Rome of course in the title. I have tried searching for threads relating to purely night time activities. I have found a few but was wondering what is the french theatre, opera etc like for someone with limited french and a husband with no french? Ditto Italian theatre.opera but this time no Italian spoken by either party. Does it make sense to go just for the atmosphere, or will everything just go over our heads? We are in Paris for 8 nights and Rome 6, whilst I am happy to eat my way round lots of restaurants I would like to do something different one or two nights. Can fodorites suggest places to go in the evening for both cities please. I saw the 100 things to do in Paris thread and got a few ideas, but mostly wondering about the theatre scene. Not interested in bars per se, but maybe some music would be good.

Christina Jun 18th, 2005 05:15 AM

When will you be in Paris? I have a few ideas of things I could suggest in the theatre/musical area that I think someone who didn't speak French would enjoy, but could be more specific if I knew your timing.

I would not go to a regular theatre production of a play in French if I didn't know the language.

nytraveler Jun 18th, 2005 05:19 AM

Well - as far as I'm aware - in europe as in the us the opera is almost always sung in the language in which it was written - but librettros are available in english.

Both Rome and Paris ocasionally have theater in engish - but not much.

There are also performances not requiring any language skills - symphonic music, chamber music, other types of concerts, ballet or other types of dance.

Then you have the option of more informal music - jazz and other clubs.

Finally - Paris has a tremendously active cinema scene (not sure about Rome) and this is a great place to catch up on classics and festivals - almost all shown in the original language - not to mention current hits - which are usually shown VO in the theaters on the Grands Boulevards (neighborhood theaters usually show dubbed rather than subtitled versions).

Finally - in both cities - one of my favorite activites in a romantic walk home past all the illuminated momuments and fountains.

suze Jun 18th, 2005 07:17 AM

I would not discount any activity simply because you do not speak the language. It is still a great opportunity to soak up the atmosphere and do something different.

I have never attended theater but have gone to the movies many times when I travel and watched films in French or Spanish. You can get an idea of the plot if you pay attention. It's a good opportunity to stretch your mind. I also like local TV in the hotel sometimes for a similar reason.

MaureenB Jun 18th, 2005 07:26 AM

Take a trip on the Seine after nightfall. The buildings and bridges lit up are magical. There are dinner cruises, too, of course. A must do, in my opinion, while in Paris.

schnauzer Jun 18th, 2005 05:53 PM

Christina we will be Paris the last couple of days of August and then the first week of September. I understand about the opera, shouldn't really have put that down, should I? We did see Tosca in Vienna once. I am not a great opera fan so maybe was looking for an excuse not to go! Looking forward to your input.

Iregeo Jun 18th, 2005 06:24 PM

For Rome, check out this website:

You may have missed the English language production by a few weeks.

Iregeo Jun 18th, 2005 06:28 PM

Schnauzer, if I may piggyback, I too am interested in Christina's reccomendations for Paris between August 16-21, my dates, including the possiblity of opera.


schnauzer Jun 19th, 2005 12:00 AM

of course you can, thanks for the Rome info I will check it out. Christina, Christina where are you

AnthonyGA Jun 19th, 2005 12:47 AM

Paris is a great walking city even at night. Stores and museums close but restaurants, theaters, clubs, and cinemas stay open--in some areas, such as on the Champs-Elysées, almost everything stays open. The city is well lit and very pretty to look at even in the evening.

At this time of year, the sun sets so late (around 10 PM local time) that the sky will probably still be bright by the time you go to bed.

Iregeo Jun 21st, 2005 09:49 AM


bookchick Jun 21st, 2005 10:06 AM

Rome is another great town for walking, and finding good music should not be a problem, either.

Check out the link to the Academy of St. Cecilia:

There is an Anglican church in Rome that performs operas, or sometimes sets of operatic arias, in English.

In terms of opera, though, opera is opera, and if your familiar with the libretto and story at all, the Italian language should be an enhancement and not a hindrance.

Lots of visiting art exhibits often have evening hours. In September I saw a great photographic exhibit at the Vittorio Emanuelle Monument, for example.

Your hotel concierge should be able to assist you.

Buon Viaggio,

Indygirl2 Jun 21st, 2005 10:50 AM

Here's a recent thread on what to do after dark in Paris that has lots of good suggestions.;tid=34625546

elaine Jun 21st, 2005 10:53 AM

bookchick, weren't you due to go back to Rome recently?

msackton Jun 21st, 2005 10:57 AM

If possible, I'd suggest climbing Notre Dame at night. I think on certain days they allow people up until 11pm? I'm not sure of the time exactly, but the view of the city lit up from the top of Notre Dame was pretty spectacular. Strolling along the Seine at night, or perhaps a Seine cruise, is also highly recommended.

bardo1 Jun 21st, 2005 11:25 AM

Be aware that some nights, dinner will run to almost midnight.

jody Jun 21st, 2005 11:44 AM

Check out for a FULL list of events. You might also sign up for the Rome, the Happening City newsletter

schnauzer Jun 22nd, 2005 04:12 PM

thanks everyone for the great suggestions, still awaiting Christina!
I particularly liked the idea of climbing Notre Dame in the evening. Will check your thread Indygirl. Tks

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