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kay Feb 7th, 2001 05:05 AM

I spent a lot of time in spain. In fact at one time even dated a Matador. Seville is so romantic and the King Alphonse hotel is to die for. Unless you have a strong stomach don't do the bull fights. If you are any sort of animal lover it will upset you. Anyhow visit the Alhambra and stay at the Alhambra hotel it is very romantic. Also visit the gypsies in the Sacramonte up in the hills. Be careful but it is great.

XXX Feb 7th, 2001 07:09 PM

Talk about casting one's pearls .......... You all are too too nice to this guy.

John Feb 8th, 2001 10:35 AM

Hey look a comment from the peanut gallery. To the person with the name of XXX . You must have alot of time on your hands for those useless bits of information . <BR>Once again for those that did help I thank you . It looks like I will take your suggestion's on staying in a Pousada which seem to be quite nice at least the historical one's.

cut n paste Feb 8th, 2001 11:14 AM

Is the Europe board getting to be like the <BR> USA board? Heaven help us! <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> A piece of another another thread that sounds like it's about this!!! <BR> <BR> <BR> Author: IMHO ([email protected]) <BR> Date: 2/08/2001, 2:46 pm ET <BR> <BR> Message: There are certain extremely rare times when <BR> someone "deserves" a put-down. The only example I <BR> can think of recently is the guy who was flying in and <BR> out of Lisbon for a weekend, thought he'd go to <BR> southern Spain, wanted to see flamingo {sic} dancing, <BR> and when he received suggestions about Portugal <BR> instead he expected to be spoon fed the most <BR> elementary bits of information like waht is Sintra. and <BR> he was arrogant and brassy and ungrammatical <BR> besides. a real jerk, but people treated him with kis <BR> gloves while other people who are just young or naive or <BR> inexperienced or even just word their question a little <BR> inartfully are ridiculed mercilessly. <BR> <BR> <BR> Author: Optimist ([email protected]) <BR> Date: 2/08/2001, 2:50 pm ET <BR> <BR> Message: A few points: <BR> <BR> 1. I enjoy everyone's little personality quirks. It's neat to <BR> see some people who try to make you laugh, some <BR> who are so serious, some who write with such ease. It <BR> would be boring if we were all the same. I see this as a <BR> community, so I don't mind the diversity of thought and <BR> of approach. <BR> <BR> 2. This board is MUCH better than it was a few months <BR> ago. Let me refresh your memory. In the recent past, <BR> we had endless election threads, the tiresome travel <BR> agent witch hunts, the repetitive pro-registration <BR> threads, we had people posting under other people's <BR> names, and all manner of personal vendettas. Not to <BR> mention the awful format changes. Things had to get <BR> better, and they have, IMHO. <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>

troll or no? Feb 9th, 2001 05:43 PM

Example of a BAD troll or troll look-alike

troll detector Feb 9th, 2001 06:11 PM

He seems for real, unfortunately.

mk Feb 9th, 2001 06:26 PM

jerk, not troll

nancy Feb 10th, 2001 06:19 AM

I just don't get it guys! <BR>Why is John a jerk, a troll, etc? <BR>He asked a question. <BR>Simple! <BR>John, <BR>So what have you decided? <BR>

oh come now Feb 10th, 2001 11:51 AM

I was surprised to see this thread still growing. Nancy you're always nice, and while I'm not as nice, this thread was the one and only one I've EVER responded to with nastiness. So, since I don't always react this way, I guess I'm a good one to tell you why this guy may bug people. First, he posted the same vague question before. Someone responded, suggesting he re-post with a better title mentioning Lisbon or Seville. Instead, he reposted the same "question" with the same vague clue-free title. That made me think he was feigning stupidity for fun just to see who might be lured into "helping" or snapping. Then, when he started getting nice helpful answers, he replied in a way that suggested he thought he was somehow entitled to "expert" advice from "professional" travellers, and that he was entitled to explanations of every simple little thing he didn't happen to know, presumably because he'd rather not spend the time to read anything and because the "experienced" people here have some sort of moral obligation to serve him, teach him, coddle him, save him from the drudgery of doing any of his own research because their time can't be as valuable as his. His attitude grated on me like no other "inexperienced" traveller's ever has; usually it's the snobs and showoffs I find offensive, and I feel protective toward the inexperienced. I'm neither novice nor expert, but I'd be embarrassed to ask someone to explain what is Sintra and things like that when they were nice enough to suggest it as a place to visit from Lisbon. I usually think too many people on this board are mean to posters who simply haven't traveled as much, or haven't had as much schooling, or are not from such sophisticated areas of the country, or don't express themselves so well. But this person I felt deserved the putdowns, because he seemed to feel everyone here owed him something.

nancy Feb 10th, 2001 01:20 PM

Oh Come On, <BR>Well, I quess I missed part of all this, plus, I do like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. <BR>Believe it or not(sarcasm), some people are just really clueless as to anything, and do need to be spoonfed. <BR>Oh well, <BR>Thanks for calling me nice though!! <BR>At this moment I am harboring evil thoughts; <BR>The power is out, and my 81 yr old mother-in-law is coming over here to stay warm (we heat with wood), and as much as I *love* my M-I-L, the prospect of having a sleepover with her , well...... <BR> <BR>

Danna Feb 10th, 2001 01:24 PM

Nancy <BR>My thoughts are with you! Hope the heat comes on soon! Families are fun aren't they? :) :( :000 <BR>Danna

nancy Feb 11th, 2001 07:50 AM

Danna, <BR>Thanks for the thoughts and wishful thinking! <BR>Power stayed off up there all night , so we did do a sleepover, and I dropped her back off this A.M at 10! <BR>Needless to say, it was a loooongggg evening. <BR>But, as I remind my children, she is family and we will all be old some day&gt; <BR>But, there was a reason why 4 out of 5 of her children moved over 1500 miles away from here! <BR>Going to buy her a generator for her birthday this month! <BR>

xx Feb 14th, 2001 11:46 AM

Or perhaps you could be out of wood, or "away" next time the power goes out.

nancy Feb 14th, 2001 12:43 PM

Yes, maybe I could tell her that , although it would be impossible for us to be out of wood, with 3+ cord sitting in the yard. <BR>But, as uncomfortable as it might be for us, she is 81 and she is my husband's mom. <BR>But, we are worrying about what to do this summer while we are out of the country for almost 3 weeks. <BR>Trying to get one of the siblings, or grandchildren to come and take a 2 week vacation in our house, to keep an eye on her

from NJ Feb 14th, 2001 03:58 PM

That doesn't sound like a "vacation" though it may be necessary. There may be people who do this as a job, either as live-ins for short periods or on an hourly basis -- if she's at the point where she needs some actual care.

nancy Feb 14th, 2001 04:25 PM

From N.J <BR>Thaks for the input but, <BR>My M-I-L has her own house, and still shovels snow, and until moving this year, still tended her woodstove, etc. <BR>It is just that she likes to call on us when she gets lonely, or thinks we have time to run over and fix her mailbox, etc. <BR>So, it would be more that someone would be close by in case of an ER situation (sometimes we need to fetch medicine for her cause of her dizzy spells) cause otherwise someone would have to fly up to VT from Florida , Georgia or Arizonia.(it sure would not be us returning early from our 1st trip to Europe to get her medication!) <BR>Hope that doesn't seem heartless. <BR>If no family up, we will make sure one of her friends knows we are away, and can be a contact. <BR>Having elderly parents is not fun! <BR> But getting older can't be fun either

in NJ Feb 14th, 2001 05:14 PM

Sounds like friends, nice neighbors, etc. would be sufficient. I'm sure there are people who wouldn't mind. I have certain elderly friends that I "check on" without being too obvious about it and would do far more if snd when necessary. (They happen to be very likeable people--not sure if this would work if your m-i-l is unpleasant.) I had a real problem with my father once he was in his late 80's/early 90's and hired a very good aide, first for a few hrs, then with increasing hrs up to full time, and finally had to hire live-in. At least he stayed in his own house. <BR> <BR>Good luck. <BR> <BR> In NJ, aka "Oh come now" <BR> <BR>P.S. Is this still a TRAVEL message board? (No one yelled at us yet.)

travelman Feb 14th, 2001 05:42 PM

Help!! SURRAUNDED BY ASSHOLES. Leave this guy alone its just a question.T

lurker Feb 14th, 2001 06:11 PM

The word is "surrOunded", travel boy, and didn't you notice your flamingo man has been forgotten and the conversation is now on to other topics?

John Feb 14th, 2001 06:51 PM

Yes Nancy I am staying in Portugal in a pousada as others have recommended. Yes travelman seems there are a lot of a--holes out there. Yes and whats your problem if I want to be spoonfed. Its my trip so butt out if you have nothing useful to add. Again Thank You for those that had useful information. One guy has the nerve to talk about my grammer then spells what as "waht" or kid as "kis" and he calls me a jerk.

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