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Joan Jun 6th, 2000 02:43 AM

What time does Trooping of the Colors begin?
Can anyone tell me what time Trooping of the Colors begins? Also, what streets are closed? Any other suggestions on getting a view without tickets would be appreciated. Thank you!

Joan Jun 6th, 2000 04:55 PM

Help! Does anyone know the time the Trooping of the Colors begins?

George Holt Jun 7th, 2000 10:03 AM

I've been wracking my brains all day trying to remember. The Queen arrives on parade just as the clock strikes the hour but I can't remember if this is ten or eleven a.m. If you don't get better advice err on the safe side. In any case if you're not privelaged with a ticket, which presumably would have the time on it :-), you'll need to arrive very early as the crowd along The Mall gets five deep pretty early, another post had some advice there.

traveler Jun 7th, 2000 04:47 PM

Won't someone PLEASE post the date of this event? We're going to London 15 June. Will be be there when it takes place? <BR> <BR>Thanks so much!

wes fowler Jun 7th, 2000 05:16 PM

Saturday, June 17

traveler Jun 7th, 2000 08:47 PM

Thanks, Wes. We'll be there waaaay in the back somewhere, no doubt.

candy Jun 7th, 2000 09:16 PM

i wrote in my notes that it starts at 11am, but i didn't write down my source--timeoutlondon's website maybe? my question is, we'll be picking up a car in russell square at 9am that day (saturday) and driving out to kent--there shouldn't be extra traffic trouble at that time because of the parade two hours later, should there? do you londoners out there know? thanks

alex Jun 7th, 2000 11:56 PM

Joan - Here's an extract from - I think it has all the answers you're looking for! Enjoy the day, it looks like its going to be pretty warm and sunny.. <BR> <BR>"Even though the Queen's birthday is in April, she has an official birthday party on this day. She leaves Buckingham Palace at 10.40am and travels down The Mall to Horse Guards Parade, arriving at 11am. The route is always packed, but you may find space on the Green Park side of The Mall. Back home in the palace by 12.30pm, the Queen takes to the balcony to watch a Royal Air Force jet zoom past at about 1pm, and there is a gun salute at the Tower of London."

George Holt Jun 8th, 2000 11:04 AM

Candy, <BR> <BR>You shouldn't have too much trouble clashing with the Queen if you're heading for Kent from Russel Square. You'll be heading basically east and south rather than west towards the Mall, try if possible to avoid Charing Cross and Trafalgar Square which is at the opposite end of The Mall to the Palace. There are several possibilities depending where in Kent you are going, you can head east about a block (that may not actually be that straightforward in a car, I walk mostly!) towards Kingsway then south round the Aldwych and across Waterloo Bridge. Or head east to London Bridge and cross the river there. Once south of the river you'll be well clear of The Household Division. Troll around a bit to find the A or M20 if you're heading out to Maidstone, Leeds Castle and probably Ramsgate or head out towards Greenwich for the A or M2 to go towards Rochester, Chatham (wave to me as you pass the A229 turnoff) and Dover. Alternatively you can head right out east to the Blackwall Tunnel (no toll, unlike Dartford) and connect to the A/M2 on the south side.

candy Jun 8th, 2000 06:38 PM

thanks, george--you're a saint! ha-get it? st. george? stick your head out the window around 9:20 and wear a red baseball cap--i'll be the one waving!

George Holt Jun 9th, 2000 11:27 AM

My guess is you'll still be trundling through south london at 9.20, that or explaining to one of our nice policemen exactly why you were heading down the Old Kent Road at 120mph!

George Holt Jun 9th, 2000 11:32 AM

Just as an aside, a good portion of the A2 is ancient Watling Street, its been there since the Romans only in roman times the road surface was better :-)

up Jun 13th, 2000 09:15 AM

Someone was looking for this--but it's Trooping the Color.

john Jul 4th, 2000 07:07 AM

I posted this on another site but didn't get a response yet. We were at the parade for Trooping of the Color. Does anyone know who was in the carriage with the Queen mother, who was in the carriage behind them, and were there any other royalty in it other than the Queen. Someone said Princess Anne was riding a horse?

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