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BarbSG Jun 22nd, 2009 03:04 PM

That's all I need to say.

welch Jun 22nd, 2009 03:16 PM

I never leave anything out!
Why "suffer"?!
Life's too short!
(from one Barbara to another)

huddoshols Jun 22nd, 2009 03:16 PM

Half of the clothes you have on your bed ready to pack!

BarbSG Jun 22nd, 2009 03:19 PM


janisj Jun 22nd, 2009 03:42 PM

since we don't know what useless things you are planning to take - it is hard to tell you what to leave home . . . .

adrienne Jun 22nd, 2009 04:45 PM

Let me check my crystal ball and get back to you!

MademoiselleFifi Jun 22nd, 2009 04:57 PM

Anything which you won't wear at least twice, and anything that may ruin you photos or anybody else's.

sassy_cat Jun 22nd, 2009 05:02 PM

Anything tight (it's too warm to be uncomfortable)
Leave out everything you don't love to wear... if you're not sure leave it out!
Don't take any shoes that aren't comfortable and make sure you can walk miles in them (OK, there might be an exception for ONE pair of heels for a special dinner taxi!)

Leave some space in your case to buy something gorgeous to remind you of your trip.

Becca001 Jun 22nd, 2009 05:59 PM

Something to add to your another suitcase to carry all the treasures home. No kidding! I folded up a duffle bag and stuffed it in. I bought SO much on my first trip that I had to buy one of those HUGE things to get it all home. My second trip I was a little more frugal, the purchases only required the duffel bag.

welch Jun 22nd, 2009 10:56 PM

I reiterate.
And have a good time! Why even ask?

Zerlina Jun 22nd, 2009 11:08 PM

I think it's safe to say that you do not need to pack the kitchen sink...

alanRow Jun 23rd, 2009 03:28 AM

1) Anything heavy
2) Anything bulky
3) Anything (other than underwear) that you'll only use once

Unless you can really really really justify having them

lanejohann Jun 23rd, 2009 03:45 AM

i have learned on this trip to roll everything..i like to be superorganised when packing but as others have waste a lot of valuable little niches when you use the compartment or ziplock bag method....i swear that when i was coming home i could pack everything i took into half the space of my bag by rolling and squashing down ...i took only 15 kilos and was allowed 20 on most flights and 23 on the last leg with british air...i really couldve taken a couple of more tops
i never take evening shoes unless im travelling in very warm places wear i can pack light pretty flats/sandals but the rule is i have to be able to walk home in them and negotiate cobblestones if need be
yep i felt a bit funny in my hikers/black walkers at night when we did stay out ..but i held my head high and just made sure my hair and makeup was done

lanejohann Jun 23rd, 2009 03:47 AM

and about packing that second bag..make sure youre allowed that extra piece of luggage..we had a nasty surprise coming home from london
we were still under the weight but were charged 64aud to bring on the 2nd piece for OH...and the bag was too big to take on as hand luggage..something that we didnt think we could do...we did read the website but somehow didnt make sense of it...
we were actually allowed to bring 23kg of handluggage as well as 23 kg of checked as long as the checked luggage compromised of only one piece each
saving on baggage handling i expect

travelme Jun 23rd, 2009 04:30 AM

Janis said " since we don't know what useless things you are planning to take - it is hard to tell you what to leave home . . . ."
Come on Janis! The OP is speaking in general terms.

Take no more than two pairs of pants, two shorts, a supply of underwear,socks T shirts or tops for 4-5 days. You can always wash these items in the hotel sink.

I like this post and I think we all know that we probably take way too much.

StCirq Jun 23rd, 2009 04:36 AM

<<I like this post and I think we all know that we probably take way too much.>>

I disagree. There is even a poster here who teaches packing classes. I hardly ever take too much, but I've honed my packing skills over hundreds of trips. I start packing a couple of weeks ahead of time and winnow it down to the bare essentials, which still doesn't mean that I don't have loads of outfit options or am living without shampoo or deodorant. You just have to lay out everything you'd LIKE to take, then look at it with a jaundiced eye and remove anything you don't absolutely HAVE to have. Europe isn't a remote or developing continent - you can always pick something up there if you absolutely need it.

Luisah Jun 23rd, 2009 05:05 AM

Go to Fodor's "Travel News" and read editor Doug Stallings article: 10 Easy Tips for Becoming a Carry-on Traveler

suze Jun 23rd, 2009 06:40 AM

If you post your packing list, we will tell you what to cross off of it, as others have mentioned.

Basically what you should leave out, is anything you really don't need ;-)

BarbSG Jun 23rd, 2009 03:56 PM

Post my packing list? Are you kidding? LOL But I agree don't take anything you don't really need! I got some great ideas. Thanks!

minnehappylis Jun 23rd, 2009 04:20 PM

The German father of the family I stayed with in high school once told me "Lay out everything you plan to take. Put away half of the clothes you have laid out. Take twice as much money as you have laid out. Now you will have a wonderful trip!" (loosely translated!)
I think of dear Reinhold whenever I pack. :)

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