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missypie Nov 19th, 2003 05:36 AM

What kind of bag to carry in Paris to "fit in"?
I've heard that carrying a big ol' purse or wearing a fanny pack in Paris instanstly brands you as a tourist. But face it - I'll not only be a tourist, but a mom of 3 kids in Paris, expected to have water, snacks, guidebooks, bandaids, and everything else at my instant disposal. Is there a rather large bag I could carry around in Paris that would more or less fit it with what the French ladies carry? I assume that French moms carry around lots of stuff, too. Are they in to "messenger bags" or has that trend passed?

travelingtedrows Nov 19th, 2003 05:51 AM

I use a black leather shoulder bag in London. There's room for lots of things plus the little bags from all the sundries you buy. The big question is although I don't feel like I look too touristy, what can I do about the rest of the family. "Honey, put that camera away!"

I'm really interested to see what other, more serious reponses you get to this question. French women have such an incredible sense of style. I'm sure Parisian moms can make even a diaper bag look chic.

Donna Nov 19th, 2003 06:04 AM

I saw a similar post earlier - but, of course, I can't find it. Best suggestion I read was that messenger bags are a good choice - roomy, lot's of compartments - but less touristy which I translate as less inviting to thieves. We are off to Paris in 3 days and hubby will take his backpack. Old, used for the gym, and hopefully pick pocket proof. Stylish moms can't go wrong with messenger bags.

ira Nov 19th, 2003 06:09 AM

Hi missy,

Bring what you would normally use in the US. There is no way that you will not be mistaken for a visitor.

Tulips Nov 19th, 2003 06:18 AM

Messenger bags are useful, since you can carry them with a strap across your body; more comfortable and safer. Louis Vuitton do a great one in their monogram leather. Otherwise a backpack (leather or 'prada style' nylon) with a secure pocket on the inside for valuables. Any other type of bag is just too uncomfortable to carry around all day. I have 3 kids too, and nearly always have a backpack (leather, from either LV or Delvaux, a Belgian company). A fanny pack is too small anyway.

missypie Nov 19th, 2003 06:35 AM

Ira, I know we will instantly look like visitors, but I'm trying! (If I can keep everyone out of bright white tennis shoes it will be a victory.) I fear that the big black microfiber bag I carry around here looks pretty geek-y, even at home. Ira - are you male? That would explain the fact that you don't get that I'm looking for an excuse to buy a chic new bag!

Maira Nov 19th, 2003 06:40 AM

I am leaving tomorrow for Paris and taking my leather backpack; not too bulky, zippered pockets. I am carrying my passports and one credit card on a neck pouch. We'll see how this works.

JonJon Nov 19th, 2003 07:18 AM

I'm male and I don't understand why you, with all that stuff you are EXPECTED to do, and carry around need an "excuse" to buy a new bag, chic or otherwise. If you do then I'd say you're married to the WRONG male, Baby!

QueenMab Nov 19th, 2003 07:23 AM

When we were there in September, I carried my regular black leather shoulder bag that I use at home, and my husband and I took turns carrying one of our daughter's gray & maroon nike backpacks. We may have looked like tourists, but I don't think anyone could tell we were American tourists! In any case, several times we were approached by people asking for directions or information! There are so many tourists in France, both French and foreign, that I really, really don't think it matters at all. Everyone was very friendly and helpful to us everywhere we went in France, whether we were wearing jeans or chic black slacks, tennis shoes or fancy clogs. Don't worry about it and bring what you like and what works for you! :)

Kikikim Nov 19th, 2003 07:42 AM

Jonjon, I can see you are male. It seems is beyond your comprehension that although, we are married to wonderful right type of husband, we, women are alwasy in need of an excuse to buy something new, and where else in the world better than Paris to spulrge?

Missypie,French moms are just like American, and they also have lots of things to carry, so I would not be worried too much, but if you can, and I am not sure with 3 kids, try to bring a souvenir from Paris. Beside Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior. Other brands I like and is very practical are: Lancel, Longchamp, Upla, Hunting World, Didier Lamarthe, and the nylon bags of Herve Chapelier. YOu can find them all In Galeries Lafayetter, or around. Lancel has huge store in front of the Opera metro. I have seen a lot of French moms, carry a smaller shoulder bags crossed across the shouldre, and carry the back pack for the sundries for the kids. This way you can had control of the money, metro tickets etc., without having to go to the back pack. Hope it helped. Don't forget to ask for the "Detaxe form" which you mail as you leave the country at the airport. I cannot remember the amount, but is an advice, that always helps.

BTilke Nov 19th, 2003 07:53 AM

How old are your kids? Can't they carry something on their own? If they're old enough, get THEM backpacks in one of the popular brands for European kids (two choices basically, Kiplinger and EastPack) and put some of the nonsecure items (bandaids, water, guidebooks) and let them share the burden! And buy yourself a nice chic leather backpack--not only do you "need" it, you can tell yourself you're saving money, since the French brands are cheaper in France than in the U.S., even without the "detaxe" (although that makes the price even better).
The day you buy your backpack, have your husband watch the kids for a few hours while you take yourself and your stylin' new bag off to someplace classy for afternoon tea--L'Avenue, Cafe L'Esplanade, the Ritz or (best of all IMHO), the Plaza Athenee.
I see the messenger bags occasionally, most the LV ones; the backpacks are a lot more popular.
What do French moms do? Well, the chic ones with three kids get their au pair to do the hauling. Is that an option for you ;-)

missypie Nov 19th, 2003 08:03 AM

Au pair? Mais non!

Each child will have a back pack that they will carry on the plane, but they have managed to lose things frequently before, and also manage to COMPLAIN A LOT if they have to carry anything (I know, you're wondering why I'm even taking them on this trip), so I think DH and I will do the bag carrying. It would be nice if I could get something that DH wouldn't mind carrying on occasion.

It must be a generational thing, but a back pack just isn't comfortable for me to wear over one shoulder (and I assume that none of you are suggesting that I wear one on both shoulders like a hiker...) For a prior trip I bought one of those "back friendly" convertable shoulder bags/back packs from Norm Thompson and it is uncomforable as both a shoulder bag and a back pack.

mclaurie Nov 19th, 2003 08:08 AM

Longchamps makes a nylon bag with leather trim (many colors) that folds into it's own case. It's lightweight, good as an extra carry on bag or a handbag. Even good to put another handbag inside. Saks carries it here or get it there for probably less $.

Tulips Nov 19th, 2003 08:43 AM

Missypie; I know how you feel. I get stuck with 3 gameboys, spare batteries and assorted games, as well as camera, tissues, water; basically I am the mule. Good idea about Longchamp. They also do small nylon backpacks; very lightweight, lots of colours. And Kipling, as BTilke says; very popular in Europe, and lots of different styles and colours. Kids here only seem to carry Kipling and Eastpack backpacks (Belgium). I would go for the LV backpack though; in Epi leather preferably.

BTilke Nov 19th, 2003 08:59 AM

Actually, I do mean wear it over both shoulders. Many European women do that, but only with their nice European leather backpacks (which aren't huge) and they look nothing at all like hikers! Mine happens to be Longchamp, but there are plenty of good choices (Tulips, I wanted to get one of the Delvaux ones, but decided to get a Longchamp backpack and a Gucci purse instead...). They look very stylish. Just sling it over one shoulder to the front when you're on the metro or someplace where pickpockets are mostly like to be lurking (best choice is to have an inside pocket in your coat for your wallet). Go for leather if possible (the Lonchamp leather backpacks are in the 200 euro range before detaxe; LV, Delvaux, etc. are more expensive). FYI, Gucci made a really attractive leather backpack with a little bamboo handle that was very chic; they discontinued it, but you can still find them on Ebay and they still look VERY sharp.
As for your kids, remind them this is also YOUR vacation and you're paying for THEIR vacation, so sharing should be maximized and complaining must be minimized or there WILL be consequences!

Christina Nov 19th, 2003 09:07 AM

I can't say exactly what French moms do as I don't pay much attention to them and am not usually in places where moms are taking lots of kids. I think a chic backpack is one option, as others mention (not something a HS kid uses for books or a real one like you'd buy in a camping store or REI). I don't think French women carry around messenger bags that I've noticed -- I haven't noticed that anywhere too much, actually, it seems men carry those mostly, not women.

Parisian women who have more to carry than a purse often just have various types of totebags to carry things. These would be like a shopping bag with handle, only not a shopping bag, of course (various kinds of cloth, synthetics, etc.). There is a cheaper brand of travel bag I've seen sold in Paris at discount bag stores, but unfortunately I can't remember it -- it's a French brand but is basically a travel bag so synthetic or microfiber. I don't believe in buying designer goods myself or something with initials on it to advertise that fact. there is not need to spend just for a name.

There are some cheap bag shops on rue Alesia, rue de Rennes and some other streets (which I unfortunately forget, maybe rue de Rivoli in one area), or just go into a Monoprix and see what they have if you want one.

Tulips Nov 19th, 2003 09:36 AM

Ok Missypie, to be really unique and stylish, get an Anya Hindmarch messenger bag or tote made up with a picture of your children (or your dog, or anything really). You'll be the only person in the world who has this bag. Unfortunately they have a delivery time of about 4 months. About 200 british pounds for a medium size bag.

JonJon Nov 19th, 2003 09:37 AM

OK, then let's put it this way: really "chic" Paris moms have a nanny to look after the kids and to schlep around the gameboys and all that other I guess you can bag it in anything you want..or perhaps that "right knind" of husband could be enlisted to helpwith your apparent beast of burden a new bag, send him the bill AND the kids to look after as you enjoy Paris!

missypie Nov 19th, 2003 10:36 AM

I just love the people on this board!!!

ThinGorjus Nov 19th, 2003 10:39 AM

The Parisian caterers, Fauchon, makes a roomy carryall. Buy one when you get to Paris. I doubt anyone will think you were a tourist with one of these. Stick a baguette in one and everyone will think you have a townhouse on Avenue Foch.

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