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Cholmondley_Warner Oct 15th, 2008 08:40 AM

20/20 is taking over.

Smart people have realised that there are fortunes to be made at this and the Indians are hurling money at it - as a rathher odd yank called Sir Alan Stanford (how he got knighted if he's a yank is a bit of a mystery to me, but hey, ho.)

In short - its perfect TV fodder and that's where the money is.

I still prefer the five day game. But I am old.

thereyet Oct 15th, 2008 09:28 AM

But CW, with the five have to wait soooo long for the payoff at the wager tent!


Cholmondley_Warner Oct 15th, 2008 09:39 AM

I still dine out on your bet. It makes me smile to this day...

For the rest of you; TY and his family and I went to Lords to watch a 20/20 game. There was no stopping TY when I pointed out the bookies tent in the Nursery.

He decided to take a bet on the method of first dismissal. He picked stumped (for non cricket people, this is about as daft as it gets). He then asked me what stumped meant. Which is back to front IMHO.

Any way - needless to say the first wicket wasn't stumped. But pretty much all the others were - and I believe that game hold the record for most stumpings in one innings. Sadly only the first counted.

Keep the cricket faith TY.

thereyet Oct 15th, 2008 09:52 AM

That was one of the bright spots of that day, and it had our corner of the stands all a jibber jabber. :))


Cholmondley_Warner Oct 15th, 2008 09:59 AM

Probably the best conversational ice breaker you've ever got for around a fiver.

thereyet Oct 15th, 2008 02:48 PM

Probably true CW.

I recommend a crack at cricket for any sport loving yank if they visit London in the summer. It was a grand time. And if you think a dog and a beer is good fare for a US ball game...they drink champagne and eat curry in the stands at Lords, or fish and chips, or pasties (which I had, with mushy peas and gravy). Lovely, simply lovely.


starrs Mar 28th, 2018 07:08 AM

topping this thread

suze Mar 28th, 2018 03:44 PM


nanabee Mar 28th, 2018 07:27 PM

Oh my - what a fun read down memory lane. I miss thereyet and CW and Robispierre. And so many others who have passed on or are no longer posting. Whatever happened to thereyet - he was one of my all time favorite posters.

thanks starrs! :)

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