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degas May 10th, 2006 07:36 AM

What Can't you get or Live Without in Europe?
I always dress, look, act, think, write, speak and dream like a local when traveling across the pond. However, I often wonder what less globally-aware and culturally sensitive travelers suffer through in the old world. What do you long for, what do you crave, what do you pack and take with you?

Seriously, what can't you get or live without in Europe?

I read once where a poster had a hard time finding dental floss and now I always take a new batch with me - odd, isn't it? I also often have a hard time finding a good cup of coffee, except in Amsterdam for some strange reason.

vegaslocal May 10th, 2006 07:54 AM

On my last trip, I took a compass. It was absolutely invaluable, both for driving and for walking through cities. I can't count the number of times that I couldn't see any landmarks, but I knew if I just walked in a particular direction, that I would get where I needed to go.

Chicago_Heather May 10th, 2006 07:54 AM

The only item I ever miss is mom, because she savors her travels every bit as much as I do and is a joy as a travel partner. So, a week from Saturday, I'm packing her along for a 4th time and heading to Spain.

sandi_travelnut May 10th, 2006 07:58 AM

Heather, I hope my son has similar sentiments some day. I introduced him to Italy at the age of 14 and I hope he misses me when he begins traveling on his own.

Kate May 10th, 2006 07:58 AM

Am I allowed to chip in from my Brit perspective? I too often find coffee a struggle, because I drink it black. Particularly in the coffee capital that is Italy. I don't always want an espresso and americano is usually too watered down for my tastes. Cafe Lungo sometimes works, but more often than not, when I ask for cafe lungo, I get a watery americano. However, I concur with you Degas, the Dutch do a GREAT cup of coffee, particularly for a black coffee drinker like myself - all frothy on top and a biccie on the side!

As a result of all this, I take a mini electric kettle, a bag of my favourite ground coffee and a small cafetiere (what you'd call a coffee press?), so that I can make a cup to my own strength first thing in the morning.

And if I'm self-catering, I take bacon. Proper English bacon to make a proper bacon buttie with. I've tried using pancetta - a grand failure.

tcreath May 10th, 2006 08:02 AM

The only thing I can really think of is my little battery-operated travel fan I purchased from Sharper Image. I do tend to get hot when I sleep, but more importantly the fan offers "white noise" that can muffle out the sounds in hotels where the walls are thin and my neighbors are loud, helping me sleep much more easily. I never travel to Europe without it.


grsing May 10th, 2006 08:08 AM

I really miss Mexican food (not impossible to find, but it makes DC mexican look good, and just isn't tolerable for someone who's lived in Texas most of his life).

A lot of European TP really sucks

Sometimes it's a pain to try to find what you need, just because there are so many different stores, when all you really need is a Walmart (easy enough to live without, it just makes life easier)

Besides that, nothing, really

Maire May 10th, 2006 08:09 AM

Heather, that is beautiful what you wrote about your mom; I hope you show it to her.

Can't answer the original question yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll miss a good shower like I have at home, and a nice, big glass of soda with lots of ice.

Daisy54 May 10th, 2006 08:19 AM

When I went to Spain in the 70's, I brought my own TP, because what they had there was more like wrapping paper.
Right now I am pacing to leave for my 5th visit to the UK - we leave on Saturday. I bring my own Sweet & Low for my tea. It is availalble there, it's just not very common and sometimes hard to find. Also eyeglass wipes - the disposabe kind in foil packets - the last time I was there, I went to a dozen chemists before I finally found some. My travel partner is my mother, and she smokes, and always brings enough of her own cigrarretes to last the duration of her trip - said she bought local cigs once and didn't like them.

Daisy54 May 10th, 2006 08:21 AM

I meant PACKING, not PACING! (Though I am eager to leave, I'm too busy to pace!)

Kate_W May 10th, 2006 08:25 AM

As a transplanted Canadian who lives in Paris, I crave Smartfood (white cheddar popcorn), decent bagels and Coffee Crisp chocolate bars. I also miss Neo-Citran (similar French cold remedies taste strange), North American lemony laundry soap/dryer sheets and cinnamon Listerine breathstrips. I stock up on the latter when I go home, but it's hard to fill your suitcase with Smartfood because it takes up so much space.

J_Correa May 10th, 2006 08:26 AM

I am anticipating some serious salsa withdrawal on our trip to Germany this summer. It is only for 2 weeks though. I can make it :)

blackduff May 10th, 2006 08:27 AM

What is TP and why I'm missing this?


kleeblatt May 10th, 2006 08:31 AM

TP: How funny. The TP I buy is just as good as any old US brand.

Walmart opened in Germany but it wasn't a success. Aldi had already spoiled us with cheap products.

Most US products have made it to Europe except for maple bars. Can't find them anywhere. However, I certainly can live without them.

Kate_W May 10th, 2006 08:31 AM

Gosh, blackduff, I sure hope you're not short of toilet paper (i.e. TP), wherever you are.

ashields May 10th, 2006 08:38 AM

I always take individual packets of Splenda with me when I travel. Other than that, everything I need/can't live without can be bought in Europe.

Now, when I'm at uni in Scotland for months at a time, I really start to miss good mexican food and American football on tv. Unfortunately, I can't fit either in my carryon.

J_Correa May 10th, 2006 08:49 AM

For those who use artificial sweetener - my mom travels with a dispenser of Equal tablets rather than the packets. The container is hard plastic and very small, sort of like a breathmint dispenser. Very convinient because the container is really robust, so she can just toss it in her purse, bag, or wherever. Perhaps they make a dispenser with Splenda tablets too? Something to keep an eye out for.

bakergirl May 10th, 2006 08:51 AM

Vegaslocal - I like that compass idea!! I'm going to get one this week to take with me on my upcoming trip. Thanks!

Me? I know it sounds silly, but I miss my Diet Coke when I go. It can be really hard to find in many spots in Europe and their Coca Cola Lite is no substitution. (It tastes like Tab. Yuck!) Sometimes I'll sneak a couple of 16 oz bottles of the "good stuff" in my suitcase when I pack. (Hubby thinks I'm nuts....)

missypie May 10th, 2006 09:01 AM

When I'm in Europe, I crave the giant glasses of iced tea we drink here in Texas.

LoveItaly May 10th, 2006 09:02 AM

Well degas, in my case it is what I miss when I am home. I miss, long for and crave all the wonderful Italian food and wine!

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