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david west Dec 12th, 2000 04:51 AM

What can you see out of your window now?
I'm on the 7th floor office in Vauxhall. London and from my window I can see the thames immediately below me, swolen and muddy from the heavy rain. To my east I can see the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey and immediately in front the spire of Westminster Cathedral. The London Eye is very visible and really feels like a part of the skyline already (I can't see Tony's dome from here but can see Canary wharf which is near it) I can also see to the west of me the residential areas of south west London (including my house). Thankfully I can't see south-east London. <BR> <BR>There are twenty three floors in this building ad my colleage claims to be able to see Windsor castle from the top on a clear day. I'm not so sure, because I couldn't see my office from Windsor Castle! What about you? Anything to report?

judy Dec 12th, 2000 05:04 AM

Well David, I may be just "SLIGHTLY" envious of your view!!!! So, therefore I will not elaborate on the boring backyard view of wandering squirrels of Alpharetta, Georgia....I hope there are others with more exciting vistas out there! Windsor indeed, that albino squirrel outside my window, definitely wins hands down! ;-) Judy p.s. I will gladly trade places, if you would want, David hmmm?

harrison Dec 12th, 2000 05:12 AM

From my 5th floor view in the heart of midtown Manhattan, I overlook Avenue of the Americas with all the office buildings decked out for Christmas.

ilisa Dec 12th, 2000 05:12 AM

Well, out of the window of my office in Washington, DC, I see one wall of the Metropolitan AME Church about 5 feet away. There is a windowsill with a pigeon and a lot of pigeon poop.

I M Cold Dec 12th, 2000 05:24 AM

As I look out of my 8th floor window in the southern confines of Kansas City, I see a massive traffic jam on the Interstate highway due to the ice and snow. Ah, makes one dream of an island in the sun, lying on the beach drinking a nice tropical punch!

Beth Anderson Dec 12th, 2000 05:32 AM

well, here in Arlington, VA (Ballston for you locals)... if I get up from my desk and WALK over to the window.. I can see the Washington Monument, sans scaffolding, in the distance. (maybe 4 miles, give or take?) Through another window I can see the National Cathedral (this from the 12th floor of the Qwest building). <BR> <BR>It's sunny, and was 50 degrees or so when I walked to the metro this morning, but WOW is it windy. A gust pushed me sideways a few feet as I was walking.

Donna Dec 12th, 2000 05:50 AM

I am on the 30th floor of the Shell building in Houston, Texas. I do not have a window (I am only a secretary, after all :)), but if I go into my boss's office I can see a pretty decent view of the city. However, it is very gray and dreary out today. Houston, in my opinion, does not win any points for aesthetic beauty, I'm afraid. It is also quite cold, by Houston standards, about 31 degrees, with a wind chill. factor of 18 degrees. Stay warm, everyone!

Carol Dec 12th, 2000 05:54 AM

Here on the 37th floor of my office in the Wall Street district of New York City, I have a beautiful view of the winter sun shining on the Statue of Liberty, the Hudson River and the helicopter landing strip where the President lands when he visits here (yes, I've seen the landing--very impressive security).

Marie Dec 12th, 2000 06:28 AM

David, my bird feeder, no birds feeding at the moment because we're having a wind driven snow. But before the day is over we'll see Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal, sparrows, finches, chickadees, bluejays, titmouse, mourning doves, many squirrels, one chipmonk, and an occasional woodpecker. Beyond our back yard is a village park, and if the snow deepens enough, a few cross country skiiers will be coming by. Probably sounds boring to you in London. Truly, it's lovely. Marie

Dianne Dec 12th, 2000 06:52 AM

LOTS of smoke from chimneys. It's -30C (-23F). No birds or any other signs of life out there!

SharonM Dec 12th, 2000 07:04 AM

Everyone's scenery sounds so pretty and Christmasy! <BR> <BR>Out the front window is an old building that used to be a hospital that looks like a castle of sorts. Now it holds several little galleries and restaurants (they have the alfresco umbrella tables out today...) <BR> <BR>Out the side window is a little park and I see some guys out there planting some huge crepe myrtle trees this morning. <BR> <BR>It's sunny and about 65 degrees.

John Dec 12th, 2000 07:19 AM

Cheers David! <BR> <BR>I look out my 8th floor offivce on 5th Avenue and if I crane my neck just to the right...yes...I can see the Empire State Bldg!. Otherwise if I look directly down I can see the street vendors selling their wares! Anybody need a Rolex!! :-) <BR>JOHN

Bill I Dec 12th, 2000 07:26 AM

Here, from my suburban Chicago office, I see crisp, clear, sunny, blue skies, which is deceiving because it is about 10 degrees F. & I see snow, snow, & more snow. & I see trains going by, carrying people to Downtown Chicago & beyond, some for their jobs, others to enjoy the Christmas splendor of the city.

rand Dec 12th, 2000 07:29 AM

I'm on the 4th floor with a view of city hall facing the harbour. I can't see the water but I do see the stream of float planes coming and going. In the distance are the Sooke hills. Just a light dusting of snow on them. The temp is -3 C but we have been having unusually dry weather. The street outside my window is the end of the main road from the ferries so all summer I see the tourist cars and buses arriving.

Tom Dec 12th, 2000 07:37 AM

I'm looking out of my library window and can see the open field behind my back yard to the tree line. <BR> <BR>Earlier about 20 white tailed deer came through the field heading back to the trees to bed down for the day. Very nice sight, only problem, it's in New Jersey where taxes are too high and I'm from the South...but on my way back as quick as my little legs will carry me!

Mitch Dec 12th, 2000 07:41 AM

As I sit in my office in Philadelphia, PA and look out my window, I see Broad Street and the back of City Hall if lean against the glass. It is very windy and the Christmas decorations are being blown about.

Kath Dec 12th, 2000 07:49 AM

Can you believe rain in Southern California?

Jerald Dec 12th, 2000 07:57 AM

I,m looking out the open window of my home office wondering if I should turn on my AC. It's warm here in Ft. Myers, Florida. My view is partially obstructed by a large grapefruit tree loaded with fruit,but I can see my vegatable garden of tomatoes, hot peppers etc. There is a large Egret feeding off to the side & it looks like a large Aligator coming around the side of the house, Oh no that's my wife! got to go....

GoofingOff Dec 12th, 2000 07:59 AM

Sounds like most people are accessing Fodor's from the office, doesn't it??? <BR>

Sheila Dec 12th, 2000 08:12 AM

Nothing. It's pitch dark (boom boom!)<BR><BR>In the daytime, from the office window I can see the grey grant of Aberdeen's pther offices, gulls on the rooves and it's sooooo boring

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