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persimmondeb Oct 27th, 2020 06:22 PM

We're trying this again. Uk in July, Wish us Luck!
And everyone else, of course.

We'd originally been booked for last month, and obviously had to give up on that trip. We'd been thinking to reschedule to the end of May, but for various reasons we decided July was a better idea.

I'm really hoping things will be back to normalish (if not completely normal), but as long as we are not required to self-isolate in the UK for two weeks we will go with masks and social distancing (obeying all guidelines, of course) if necessary. I am currently trying to craft an itinerary out of the ashes of previous ones, and it will probably end up being somewhat less ambitious in terms of mileage than most of our previous ideas, although probably mostly a road trip. We'll be in and out of Heathrow, and will definitely involve Harry Potter Studios in Leavesden, the Bovington Tank Museum, some random point in Wales, and Stonehenge. We'll fill in from there.

We had wanted Blackpool, but it's currently on the chopping block because DH discovered this summer that roller coasters just don't work for him the way they used to, plus we're being cautious in our approach, at least for now. I'm sure it will be fun, whatever we do.

janisj Oct 27th, 2020 07:53 PM

"We had wanted Blackpool, but it's currently on the chopping block because DH discovered this summer that roller coasters just don't work for him the way they used to, . . ."

Be thankful for small mercies ;)

It may be for an 'unfortunate' reason, but whatever it takes to get Blackpool dropped from your plans is a good thing . . .

historytraveler Oct 27th, 2020 08:07 PM

Ahhh, too bad Pal is no longer around to argue about Blackpool’s delights but have to agree with janisj that not too worry, you’re not really missing much.

Hope July works out for you. We are waiting to see what happens in the next 5 to 6 months but certainly hoping to get back to the U.K.

Rubicund Oct 28th, 2020 04:02 AM

I miss the banter with Pal about Blackpool, but must agree that you won't have missed much in not going. Although as Pal said, millions of Brits love the place, he was wrong. Unfortunately, this will be the first time he won't try to contradict me.

persimmondeb Oct 28th, 2020 06:36 AM

I had asked a couple of friends about Blackpool, and they had felt it was perfectly fine, but DH's issue with coasters is making it much less of a priority, plus I'm trying to cut down on mileage and number of stops (particularly in hotels). We'll definitely visit something seaside somewhere, possibly around Brighton or Bognor Regis (or both). Alton Towers had been in the original plan, and I'm not yet sure about that. DS still likes coasters, and it appears to have a lot of theming in addition to the rides, but I'll see what the itinerary looks like on the map. We probably will do Longleat when we're in that part of the world, in addition to some seaside amusments, but we have a fair amount of appetite for that kind of attraction.

There's a living history museum near Dudley that's on DS's radar, which I think would kind of swing us up towards Alton Towers, but I've developed a strong preference for a structure that involves staying in one place for several days and visiting things locally or localishly. Preferably with a kitchen. The occasional meal is fine, but DH clearly cannot eat restaurant food for two weeks straight anymore, even with the occasion hotel room picnic/grab and go.

I hadn't realized Pal had passed (I'm not on here as much as I had been), but too many Fodorites who aren't here to argue the finer points anymore....

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