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Amira Aug 26th, 2016 11:18 AM

Wearing The Hijab in Slovenia???
My name is Amira and I am a 16 year old girl who is about to go on a short holiday to Slovenia which is located in Eastern Europe. I have been before (when I was much younger) because my mother is Slovenian. However, I am a little afraid of going this time because I have grown up and I do wear the hijab now. My mother takes her hijab off when she goes there because her family are not too keen on the hijab or the fact that she is no longer Christian. She insists that if I do not remove my Hijab, I will be in some sort of trouble when I go there. My father on the other hand, who is Algerian insists that I shouldn't take it off because its my right to wear it. I fully understand where both of my parents are coming from but I'd really like to hear/read other people's thoughts on me wearing the Hijab in Slovenia.Even though I am Slovenian myself, I haven't visited much so I'd really like to know: Is it safe to wear the Hijab in Slovenia? Do people have a huge issue with me wearing one? If anybody has experiences they would like to share that would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

Loacker Aug 26th, 2016 11:40 AM

Don't let anyone dictate what you should wear, including your parents. The number of veiled women is really small in Slovenia, so I think your will arouse curiosity rather than hostility.

I'm sorry to say that, but your mother's parents seem uneducated and close-minded to force their religious beliefs on their daughter.

kappa1 Aug 26th, 2016 12:14 PM

There is no slovenia expert or local, or very few if any here. Perhaps you might like to post on tripadvisor's slovenia forum. It is a serious question that needs answers from slovenia locals i think.

Loacker Aug 26th, 2016 12:24 PM

Kappa1, you make it sound like Slovenia is a Nazi country. Why would she need advice from locals about whether it's acceptable to wear the hijab? That's like asking if it's fine for a black person to visit.

Like most European countries, Slovenia is a free democracy where minorities' rights are respected. Not to mention there are many Bosnian Muslims living in the country.

hetismij2 Aug 26th, 2016 12:47 PM

The hijab is a headscarf, not a veil.

I have no experience personally but I would say that if you choose to wear hijab for religious reasons then continue wear it in Slovenia. There are other Muslims in Slovenia.

If you wear hijab because your parents expect you to, then it is up to you whether you continue to wear it in Slovenia.

It is a shame your mother's family don't accept her choice to become a Muslim, but don't let their disapproval affect your decision.

rialtogrl Aug 26th, 2016 01:12 PM

I have a photo I took in Ljubljana, of a bunch of young people hanging out socializing by the river. In the photo there are two women wearing hijabs and they are part of the larger group. I don't think it would be a blip on anyone's radar there.

And in Lake Bled, they have tourists from every corner of the world, including tourists wearing hijabs.

I honestly think you don't need to worry about it.

rtt0921 Aug 26th, 2016 01:32 PM

I'm Slovenian and I do sometimes see women wearing the hijab. While there is a Bosnian Muslim (Bosniak) community here, very few Bosniak women wear a hijab, the ones that you do see are usually tourists, at least judging from my (albeit limited) experience.

Amira, don't worry. People may pay more attention to you, but it will be out of curiosity and not hostility, as Loacker said. Stay true to yourself and do what feels right to you.

Amira Aug 26th, 2016 01:58 PM

Thanks everyone. Your comments have really made me feel calmer and less uncomfortable about the whole situation.

BlueSan Aug 30th, 2016 11:55 AM

Wearing a Hijab will present no problem.
But you should know Slovenia or Ljubljana and so on are not London, Paris or other melting pods where you see a total mix of races, religions and what not.
Here we are mostly white... I would not even say Christian but especially amongst the younger generation agnostics (meaning god or not...who knows...) So yes Hijab will stand out...but that is all it would do... Muslims here have their own community as we speak we are also building a mosque in Ljubljana which will be finished shortly but even muslim women dont wear hijabs...well wast majority...

Take it as a really not conservative and open minded place, so any hard core religious symbols here even Christian like are not really present

Amira Sep 12th, 2016 03:42 PM


Thank you.And yes, I am well aware that Slovenia doesn't have a huge mix of races. I know that they are mostly white. I am Slovenian myself so I look just like them. The only difference is I wear a Hijab and I don't live there/haven't visited in a long time.

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