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jenandstephen Jun 28th, 2006 07:44 AM

Vote: Do we go to Barcelona or Seville???
Hi, I'm pretty sure we only have time for one of these two great cities on our October trip to Europe. We've never been to Spain at all, but we're pretty sure both of these cities would be great. Which one would YOU go to, and why? Thank you so much!

ekscrunchy Jun 28th, 2006 08:13 AM

You should tell us more about your likes and dislikes, and outline the rest of your trip, in order to get any meaningful answers. Otherwise how can anyone advise you? Have you done any research on thse two cities?

jenandstephen Jun 28th, 2006 08:18 AM

We do like art, but since we've already been to: London (three times), Paris (three times), Italy (Rome, Florence, Venice), Amsterdam, Dublin, we'd rather just focus on walking around these lovely cities, taking in the scenery. We tend to visit the big cathedrals wherever we go, so I'm sure we'd do that. I've done a lot of reading on both cities, and absolutely can't make up my mind! They both sound wonderful, and different. On this same trip, we're flying into Dublin, then spending three days in Prague, three in Munich, and a couple days in Florence -- then on to Spain before we return home. We'll have three full days in Spain. We could physically spend 1.5 days each in Barcelona and Seville, but I don't want to short-change one or the other, and feel rushed. Hope this is enough info!

ekscrunchy Jun 28th, 2006 08:34 AM

No, don't visit both on this trip. Your travel style sounds similar to mine in that I focus more about wandering around (and eating) than I do on checking off a list of "sights." It is a toss up but I would give the edge to Barcelona. You can save Seville for your future car trip through southern Spain. Also more chance of getting a direct flight to BCN I would think, than to Sevilla. Weather should be great and 3 days is a good amount of time for your first exploration.

jenandstephen Jun 28th, 2006 08:35 AM

Thank you, ekscrunchy! Good advice. Too many places to go, never enough time (or money)!

bobthenavigator Jun 28th, 2006 08:38 AM

Do you have your own Learjet?
For that itinerary I would say Barcelona. Save Seville and Andalusia for when you have 10 days to spend.

lobo_mau Jun 28th, 2006 08:40 AM

Seville, always

jenandstephen Jun 28th, 2006 08:44 AM

Ha, hilarious -- Learjet. No, we have the miracle of the low-cost airline! Our flights between the cities we've chosen will cost $100 or less. In most cases, less. Check out and you'll see what low-cost airline flies between what cities. We've flown RyanAir and EasyJet before, and had no problems. In 2002, we flew between London and Dublin for $15! I'm not exaggerating.

jenandstephen Jun 28th, 2006 08:46 AM

lobo_mau, why seville over barcelona?

blackduff Jun 28th, 2006 09:14 AM

I follow Lobo towards Sevilla but it's just the place I like best.

For this specific trip, Barcelona might get the choice since there's more happening to see and do.

Sevilla needs some time itself, when the traveller isn't pushing elsewhere.


lobo_mau Jun 28th, 2006 09:23 AM

Barcelona is one of my favourites, but Seville is "more Spanish".

pavfec Jun 28th, 2006 09:23 AM

I visited both cities on my honeymoon last year and really liked them. But for your current trip, I would go to Barcelona. You could do Seville in the future with the rest of Andalusia and the Algarve in Portugal.

Barcelona is a great city to wander around in, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

h0b0 Jun 28th, 2006 09:35 AM

Barcelona: Never a dull moment...Gaudi, Picasso, wackiness and "party scene" on La Rambla. (a little overwhelming to me) Reputation for active, world-class pickpockets. Lovely side street shops, restaurants. Busy, busy and lots of tourists. Pretty waterfront.
Sevilla: LOVELY Old Spain feel, classy, more "sane" than BCN, family friendly, safe feeling, horse-drawn carriages, wonderful walking city (my personal favorite) -- very romantic

laclaire Jun 28th, 2006 09:54 AM

I say Barcelona (as always) and I answered why in a thread entitled "which Spanish city". However, for your purposes, I think that Barcelona is the best bet.

As with any country, there are places in Spain that stand alone and others that are a part of something larger. Sevilla falls into the latter, as a part of Andalusia. I am not saying that as a city it does not have its own identity (it does, and a great one at that), but I think that it is best appreciated as a part of the whole, with visits to Córdoba, Granada, and parts of the Costa del Sol.

Barcelona is a weird and wonderful place. It is at once a European capital and a Catalan capital (the Spanish capital is definitely Madrid, no question), and offers what you would expect a cosmopolitan capital city to offer: beautiful sights, great museums (nothing like the Prado, but then again, Barcelona has never had a Royal presence to cement their museums), wonderful nightlife, delicious food, and lots to do.

The only thing that makes me hesitate is the 3 days. I have spent years there and am going back for more, so 3 days seems like a flash in the flash of a pan, but you will enjoy it.

Also, be sure to post your dates, as there will be a Fodorite GTG there in Fall and you might get to come!


kenderina Jun 28th, 2006 10:07 AM

I vote Barcelona , no doubt :) I agree with Clare that Seville blends much better on an Andalucia trip than to visit is as an stand-alone place :)
Barcelona is also better for plane connections, for three days that looks like a very important issue, one doesn't want to stay half this time at airports.

jenandstephen Jun 28th, 2006 10:24 AM

Thanks, Claire. I appreciate your reasons for choosing Barcelona. That was our original thought, too, but then we saw a couple of Travel Channel shows on Seville (Samantha Brown, anyone?) and thought it looked too charming to see why it's a tough decision. I know three days is nothing to see a big city, but since we get to Europe about once every two years, I like to pack in a lot! It's hard to be reasonable when, at the beginning of the trip-planning process, you have two full weeks in Europe to do whatever you want...

laclaire Jun 28th, 2006 10:57 AM

Should you decide on BCN (and it looks that way), find my "hot list" on the "moving back to Barcelona" thread. It is a list of things that I just would not miss.

wally34949 Jun 28th, 2006 11:00 AM

Barcelona has beautiful beaches and the ladies are usually topless. In Seville, when you wash your clothes in the sink, they are dry the next morning. I think this is a no brainer. Go to Barcelona!

jenandstephen Jun 28th, 2006 11:14 AM

I will definitely check that out, Claire.
Wally34349 -- Um, OK. I suppose my husband will appreciate the topless ladies. On the other hand, I do appreciate a climate where clothes quick-dry. It's still a tough choice.

hanl Jun 28th, 2006 11:51 AM

I'd choose Seville, for sure.

I really liked Barcelona and found it to be fun and vibrant and beautiful, but Seville just has a vibe, a character about it that I love. And it's a really manageable size for a 3 day visit. October's a nice time of year to be there, incidentally (I was there last October and the weather was perfect).

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