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purnashah Jul 3rd, 2014 09:45 PM

visa rejected and new holiday plan! please HELP!
hi, to start well iam from india and i applied from my Schengen visa from the spain embassy

in new delhi and for a non refundable ticket and got all my hotel and booking done only to

know that i did not get my visa on time and i had to change my ticket some 3 times 100 eros

every time i changed my ticket ...well i was travelling with family they all left and are back

with happy stories :) .....i got my passport back now with out a visa so now im going to apply

for my visa again since i really really want to go to Amsterdam and have a few friends that

agreed to come along.....

i need help 1st

where and how should i go about my visa.....

my visa got rejected coz im a single girl and my fathers paper work is not complete and can

not be complete coz of some family i cant give them those papers ....they said i

dont have enough money (the truth is my bother got is visa just coz he is married??) so now

do i have to apply to the spanish embassy only or can go to some other embassy ...??

also i dont really care about going to Spain that much anymore ....

2nd question:

where should i go i really really want to go to Amsterdam for a week . we are only three girls

travelling but i don’t know where we should go after Amsterdam ...what are the other cities

we should look at once we are done with Amsterdam .....please suggest some safe and fun

not so much into night clubs, but pubs bars and good architecture and places to see and eat

is what we are looking at....

my ticket now is booked for the july 20th 2014....and im trying my best to get my paper work

sorted ...hoping to get my visa so we can go for this holiday

please help!!!

thanks a lots!


hetismij2 Jul 4th, 2014 12:57 AM

If you are going to the Netherlands you should apply to the Netherlands assuming you are flying to Amsterdam first.
However have once been refused a visa there is a very good chance you will be refused it again, and for the same reasons, plus a visa refusal on record.

Odin Jul 4th, 2014 03:55 AM

It doesn't necessarily follow that once a visa is refused that it will be refused again. If you can provide the evidence of sufficient funds and the other paperwork that is missing, you might have a chance of getting the visa issued. You need to address the reasons why it was refused in the first place so you can reapply.

nytraveler Jul 4th, 2014 05:41 AM

Typically if the visa was refused once you have to remedy the problems - and if going to Amsterdam you should apply to the Netherlands embassy near you.

If the problems were insufficient funds to support yourself there you will have to prove significantly more cash on hand - and resolve whatever the problem is with your father's papers.

With one refusal already they are likely to look even more carefully at your documents - so I wouldn't spend money on air tickets until you know you will actually be going.

Sassafrass Jul 4th, 2014 06:50 AM

Get a refund for your ticket. Don't waste more money buying tickets until you have a legal visa. Then get a ticket.

UNCalum Jul 4th, 2014 07:02 AM

I agree with the last poster. Request a refund. It seems highly unlikely that you can solve your visa problem in just over two weeks. You will likely to be asked again to provide the paperwork you did not have last time, so work on getting everything together before you get a second refusal.

MmePerdu Jul 4th, 2014 07:20 AM

I sometimes wonder if visas aren't really just tests of our ability to follow convoluted or opaque directions and willingness to go through hoops. Or knowing when to hire someone to do it for us. All applicable to other aspects of travel and being a good visitor. In this case it seems to be time to cut one's losses.

Odin Jul 4th, 2014 07:42 AM

Visa issues can be resolved in two weeks. It's premature to get a refund, unless you absolutely know that you cannot provide evidence of sufficient funds or the paperwork to do with the father. It might be the case that the Spanish consulate is stricter than the Netherlands one or v.v, it is well known that different consulates, even for the same country or for same Schengen visa, can operate slightly differently. Chances are the ticket is going to have the same cancellation charge, whether it is cancelled today, next week or in two weeks.

Christina Jul 4th, 2014 07:49 AM

That's probably true about the cancellation charge. I recently had to cancel a ticket on Aeromexico and the fee wasn't quite as bad as I had feared ($50) but that was a domestic flight. I think the fee was the same whenever I cancelled up to departure, or close to it, anyway.

hetismij2 Jul 4th, 2014 07:56 AM

If OP is spending all, or most of her time in the Netherlands she must apply to the Netherlands embassy for her visa. It makes no difference as to which might be more lenient, she has to go to the Dutch embassy.
Having had one visa application turned down reduces the chances of getting one now, but unless she applies immediately, with all the correct paperwork there is no way she will be getting a plane on the 20th.

MmePerdu Jul 4th, 2014 08:16 AM

Having reread the OP, it makes me wonder what might have been different about the information provided by the rest of the family who got visas and have gone and come back. Did none of them require the "fathers paper work"? Or why was she otherwise singled out?

Apparent current possibilities: 1. She's unwilling to do the work and hopes changing the application destination will fix it or 2. this is all nonsense. If there's another she should say so.

In either case, her focus seems to be on eating, drinking and good architecture, rather than resolving the paperwork issue. Until she says otherwise, how is any of the advice applicable?

nytraveler Jul 4th, 2014 09:05 AM

Her issue might not be enough funds to cover her stay. Or, perhaps because she is younger and doesn't have ties (school, job or husband to return to) they feel there is a much greater risk of her becoming an illegal alien.

As for her father's paperwork - we can' know what the problem is. And the "family" she is traveling with might be cousins or aunts/uncles - not parent/siblings - for whom the papers of the OPs father might be immaterial.

nytraveler Jul 4th, 2014 09:09 AM

Sorry "might be NOT enough funds"

MmePerdu Jul 4th, 2014 09:23 AM

All true, all conjecture.

julies Jul 4th, 2014 02:07 PM

Ticket change fees might not be nearly as bad as people think. We almost returned home to the US early from an extended trip to India this past winter. I'd called the airline and asked for prices for a week's worth of dates. Some days there was just a change fee (can't remember exactly what it was, but it wasn't nearly as much as I had feared) and some days there was a change fee and additional money because the fare was higher. With some flexibility and with not paying too much money, the OP may be able to still use her original ticket if she has date flexibility.

nytraveler Jul 4th, 2014 05:03 PM

But with a visa - if she gets one - she has limited date flexibility.

lincasanova Jul 4th, 2014 05:27 PM

I believe one needs to have a ticket before they can consider giving you a visa. The embassies recommend buying refundable fares in case you are not granted the visa. So, unfortunately you cannot "wait to buy a ticket until you have a visa" in most cases, I believe.

I hope the poster gets it figured out but agree with above comments that whatever the problem was with Spain, i doubt it will be different in the Netherlands, so.. getting whatever your father's situation or papers or signature was, will most likely be requested again.

purnashah Jul 5th, 2014 04:29 AM

thank you , to end the confusion im 33 years of age and im single ...we have a big family with all my uncle and their kids in one big family business the paper work is well almost the same in the "bank balance" etc.... the ticket my travel agent got us was non refundable so there is no was i can get the money back....

there is no way that my father will be able to provide the tax papers...i was thinking of reapplying for my visa this time showing my brothers papers and mine and writing to them saying i can not provide my fathers papers coz there are not there (that really is the truth)

i was the only single travelling with my two cousins and their wifes so guess thats why only my paper work was needed...

now i have been asked to either forget about this ticket and travelling and think about going next year... or

i reapply and give my real brothers papers and say he is going to sponsor half of my trip and ill pay the rest...i have enough money in my account now...from the family so will that be a problem...

me not getting this visa mean i can not travel to a lot of places :(

and yes have been excited and no this is not just a made up story dont know where that came from :(

well thanks a lot for taking out time and helping me...but i just dont know what to do anymore


hetismij2 Jul 5th, 2014 06:28 AM

Try again, at the Netherlands embassy, since that is where you are spending most of your time, and doi it now, because it will take time to process your application and your flight is on the 20th.
Be honest with them and hope for the best.

MmePerdu Jul 5th, 2014 06:49 AM

This sounds like a case that a visa expeditor could manage for you, if there ever was one. If you live in the US, I suggest VisaHQ. If not here, then one in your own country. They know better how to "finesse" these applications for the consulates and are worth every penny when we have questions about what the consulate people want. The fees aren't huge and you'd have saved yourself a great deal of money & aggravation.

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