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xxx May 2nd, 2002 04:59 AM

Very embarrassing question re. travel
. . . which is why I'm posting anonymously. Every single time I travel (whether it's for a long weekend, or a 2-week trip abroad), I get a severe case of constipation. What can I do, other than take a laxative? I don't want to be walking the streets of Paris, etc. after taking a laxative, but it gets to the point where I'm very uncomfortable.<BR>This is a serious question, not a troll. Can anybody suggest a remedy? Serious replies only, please.

Eamon May 2nd, 2002 05:02 AM

Carefully plan pre-trip meals, especially to include more fiber.<BR><BR>E

Regular Gal May 2nd, 2002 05:12 AM

Take Fibercon, an OTC tablet that produces bulk; not a laxative. Can be taken daily.

2x May 2nd, 2002 05:15 AM

I normally eat lots of fresh fruit, and used to have a problem when traveling until I started making sure I kept eating fruit on vacation. I try to stop at markets and get a few pieces of fruit to keep in my room.

tummy trouble May 2nd, 2002 05:19 AM

I had the same problem on a long trip, possibly from being dehydrated after walking all day in the sun. <BR>I was reluctant to drink a lot of water, to avoid aggravating searches for a public bathroom, which would interrupt my sightseeing.<BR>Eventually I was forced to buy a laxative in in a Greek pharmacy, much as I hated to. <BR>I'd recommend better hydration.

xxx3 May 2nd, 2002 05:30 AM

In addition to plenty of fluid and fiber (fruits, veggies, whole grains), your body also needs a routine, and your regular daily routine is of course disrupted while on vacation. It's ironic that some of the people who have the least trouble at home are the very ones who have the most trouble when they travel -- it's often because their routine is distrupted.<BR><BR>If you're "regular" at home, try to stick to that routine as soon as you've adjusted to the time change -- that relaxed, warm cup of tea or coffee in the AM might be just the thing to wake up your system.

elaine May 2nd, 2002 05:34 AM

Hi<BR>Drink water all the time, carry a small bottle with you because as you know public drinking fountains are few and far between. I follow this advice, and consequently having access to lavatories is of interest to me, but I never have a problem. Museums have 'em, hotels have 'em, McDonald's and other restaurants/snack bars have 'em (I buy something even if I'm not hungry, sometimes buying my next bottle of water), etc.<BR>I haven't tried Fibercon but I do bring some Metamusil in a plastic baggie, can be mixed with water and it doesn't taste bad.

Ted May 2nd, 2002 05:50 AM

I know constipation can be uncomfortable, however, I personally would rather be a little constipated than to be on vacation with "la tourista."

can May 2nd, 2002 05:56 AM

It's been said, but I totally agree: drink water. I have digestive problems that are exacerbated by dehydration. Definitely searching for a wc is a much better alternative that getting sick. Have fun traveling.

yyy May 2nd, 2002 05:56 AM

I uh know what you are talking about. Though my problems usually happen after I get home I have found that plenty of water and non binding fruits help a lot. I make sure that I have fruit at least once daily. Always carry water and have water with my meals. Try to stay away from too much starchy food. Hope this helps.

Dee May 2nd, 2002 06:00 AM

Drink plenty of water, eat fruits, and have a nice salad before your dinners. I've had that problem and this was my solution. It worked!

RG May 2nd, 2002 06:09 AM

Elaine, advantage to Fibercon over Metamucil is that it is just a pill to be swallowed, no need to mix with water, etc.

aaa May 2nd, 2002 06:57 AM

Drink some HOT coffee in the am with your rolls and jam---Gets your system moving! Very serious about this as I suffer from the same thing--<BR><BR>ALso drink lots of water and eat fruits

xxx May 2nd, 2002 07:02 AM

Wow, thanks for all the responses! It sounds like the most definitive answer is drinking lots of water and eating fruit. I will definitely do both on my upcoming trip! I think I'll also get some Fibercon, just in case . . .

Jane May 2nd, 2002 07:22 AM

I usually take a small packet of dried figs with me when I travel in Europe - more pleasant that fibogel or dirivatives!

Bottoms Up May 2nd, 2002 07:23 AM

Try an enema--especially the small fleet ones.

Protecting Myself May 2nd, 2002 07:35 AM

I buy high quality dried apricots and eat about three each day. When I leave home (even if only for one day), I take a ziploc with as many as needed. I drink a lot of water, too, but the apricots make the difference for me. (Very nutritious, too.)<BR>

anon. healthy middle aged woman May 2nd, 2002 07:41 AM

My answer is based on my personal experience. DO NOT TAKE MEDEICINES OR ENEMAS!!!!!! If you already eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, keep it up, but don't obsess about it. What really works for ME: I no longer dash off on my sightseeing or touring or hiking or bus or train ride right after breakfast. I drink plenty of water or juice or tea in the morning and then I absolutely MUST go back to my hotel room after breakfast for at least 5 minutes to use the bathroom. Then I'm fine for the rest of the day, and am never constipated. When I was in my 20's I used to leave on my wanderings straight from breakfast, and I'd end up constipated. The solution was so simple. Even if I'm on a tour and the group arranges to meet and leave straight from breakfast, I simply start breakfast a little on the early side, or leave to go to my room while others are still finishing their coffee. Very very easy solution. That, and of course, do not cut back on your fluids. But taht's important for so many reasons, including more serious reasons than avoiding constipation.

Lisa May 2nd, 2002 09:06 AM

I'm so glad to finally be able to share my most valuable travelers secret! In England there is a wonderful chain of drug emporiums named Boots. They're everywhere in the UK, and if you're passing through the London airport, they are in every terminal. Boots makes its own brand of liquid laxative called "Syrup of Figs" that is the best cure I've ever found for this problem (which always plagues me after long plane rides). Very gentle and predictable so you won't get "caught"! I have also found liquid-fig-type laxatives in Germany and Switzerland, but don't have the actual brand names handy. Whenever I am in transit through Heathrow, I make my required stop at the Boots to stock up. Happy Traveling!

Beth May 2nd, 2002 09:15 AM

I can't recommend this from personal use, but I had a traveling companion who swore by licorice. She always traveled with a bag of small candies. I can't stand the stuff, so didn't test her theory. <BR>

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