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northeast May 2nd, 2005 09:03 AM

Verona Italy, 2 nights
I will be traveling to Verona next Tuesday. Are there any attractions that are must see. I will be there on business and will have limited time. Any must see restaurants. Thanks.

northeast May 2nd, 2005 09:38 AM


BowenLinda May 2nd, 2005 09:54 AM

NE, I've never been to Verona, but hope to one day. Here is what a Fodor's competitor lists as attractions:
- Arche Scaligeri (Scaligeri Tombs)
- Arena di Verona
- Basilica San Zeno Maggiore
- Basilica di Sant'Anastasia
- Casa di Giulietta (Juliet's House)
- Museo Castelvecchio
- Piazza dei Signori (Piazza Dante)
- Piazza delle Erbe
- Teatro Romano (Roman Theater) and the Museo Archeologico (Archaeological Museum)
- The Duomo

Cheers, Linda

northeast May 2nd, 2005 02:05 PM

Thanks Linda

annabelle2 May 2nd, 2005 02:22 PM

Verona is one of my favorite cities, but I am no expert. As mentioned, you can't miss the arena. There is a nice walking street right by it (maybe called Mazzini -- I am at work so don't have info handy) with great shops and people watching. You can combine this with the Scaligeri Tombs (interesting) and a stroll through the Piazze delle Erbe -- a great place to hang out in a cafe. Verona also has some really nice wine bars, featuring the great wines of the Veneto.

BelTib May 2nd, 2005 02:58 PM

I would second annabelle2's remarks and add that my favorite wine/bar restaurant in Verona is Vino Antica Bottega del Vino (reservations probably required). Other must-sees? I admit I got a kick out of seeing Juliet's (supposed) balcony and the hundreds of notes stuck to the wall.

buongiorno May 2nd, 2005 03:11 PM

This may not be entirely relavant for your trip but there's an author, Tim Parks who's written several books about life in Verona. I think he's an American who married an Italian woman from Verona and settled there. The books are entertaining reads...maybe good for an airline flight?

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