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WG Jul 12th, 2007 03:06 AM

Venice- can I keep up my jogging there? restaurant recommendations?
We are renting an apt in Venice in early Oct on the Grand Canal not far from Church of Maria dei Frari, (San Polo) and would appreciate restaurant recommendations, and also are there any areas to jog/run for a quick early morning or late afternoon run (1-2 miles) - training for a 5k race, and hate not to do a little running while away! thanks


Jake1 Jul 12th, 2007 04:25 AM

You can pretty much jog anywhere not in the most tourist-impacted areas of the city--especially since you won't be there at the height of the tourist season. Even if you are staying in one of those areas, you can walk just a few blocks to get out of the most crowded areas.

basingstoke2 Jul 12th, 2007 05:55 AM

The Woody Allen film "Everyone Says I Love You" has a great scene of Allen and Julia Roberts jogging in Venice.

NeoPatrick Jul 12th, 2007 06:27 AM

I think the most unobstructed jogging would be along either side of the Guideca. Nice and wide with few people or deliveries.

ellenem Jul 12th, 2007 08:07 AM

Depending on where you're staying:

= Patrick's suggestion of the Giudecca canal, along the Zattere if staying in Dorsoduro.

= For San Marco or Castello, try in the far eastern edge along the rivas toward the public gardens.

= For northern Castello or Cannaregio, go north to the Fondamenta Nuove.

All these possibilities are along the edges of Venice, where you'll fuind the widest, straightest walkways.

LAwoman Jul 12th, 2007 08:09 AM

We passed a woman jogging along the Zattere when we were in Venice.

enzian Jul 12th, 2007 08:24 AM

We (husband and I) jogged along the Zattere every morning when we were there. Once we turned up a side canal for a longer run and different views, and quickly found ourselves "lost". We had to ask diretions to get back, but it was fun.

DRJ Jul 12th, 2007 08:28 AM

The Zattere, on the south side of Dorsoduro, is wide and straight, also at the west end is one of the few supermarcati in the city.

WG Jul 12th, 2007 02:23 PM

thank you for your suggestions!

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