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Kelly1212 Sep 10th, 2005 09:45 AM

Tuscany restaurant recommendations?
We will be spending three days in Tuscany in just over a week. We'll be staying in Montalcino, but will have a car and plan to drive around quite a bit.
We're looking for restaurant recommendations, mostly in southern Tuscany, but we will be taking a day trip up north to San Gimignano and Siena. Also, hoping to find at least one restaurant where we can sit outside and overlook the Tuscan countryside.
Any suggestions?
Many thanks in advance.

jgk Sep 10th, 2005 11:58 AM

Look on Lots of restaurant reviews for that area.


nevertooold Sep 10th, 2005 06:07 PM

Try the veal with mushrooms and the minestrone soup at Vecchie Mura (not entirely sure of the spelling) in San Gimignano - It was only due to my wife's embarassment that I refrained from licking every plate on the table - and the outside patio has a wonderful view.

Kelly1212 Sep 10th, 2005 06:22 PM

Thanks for the recommendations!
I've heard that southern Tuscany has several restaurants where you can actually dine overlooking the countryside. Anyone have any suggestions of those?

Henry Sep 10th, 2005 06:31 PM

I think your referring to Boccondivino in Montalcino see;s=montalcino for reviews

JulieVikmanis Sep 11th, 2005 04:02 AM

La Chiusa in Montefellonico near Pienza is a lovely place for a splurge. It's one of the few upscale places in Italy with a female chef.

Laidback Sep 11th, 2005 05:21 AM

I second La Chuisa. We celebrated my husband's birthday there last year and really loved it. Also try Locando Amorosa outside of Sinilunga(sp?).

Betsy Sep 11th, 2005 06:23 AM

The list in the URL posted below may also be available at the SlowTrav site. Zak, of Tuscan House, knows the best places in southern Tuscany. I'd eat at any place he recommends!

Kelly1212 Sep 11th, 2005 08:14 AM

Thank you again for the suggestions. Doing some research on SlowTrav, Fodors and other sites, here is a list of some other restaurants I saw recommended in this area. I'd love to know if anyone has any experience w/ these, price range, etc. We'd certainly like to splurge for one or two nicer, pricier meals, but can't afford that for the entire trip!
- La Grotta in Montepulciano
- Latte di Luna in Pienza
- Il Grappolo Blu in Montalcino
- Poggio Antico in Montalcino
- Boccondivino in Montalcino (as mentioned by Henry)
- Osteria La Porta in Monticchiello
- Osteria de Cassia in Montalcino

Anyone try these?
Many thanks!

Henry Sep 11th, 2005 10:01 AM

I'm not a foodie but I'll try to help.
Latte di Luna - has an outdoor patio but no view, about 40 euro for a couple.
Il Grappolo Blu - no view about 40 euro per couple.
Osteria di Porta al Cassero - no view, about 30 euro a couple.
All the above have good Tuscan food and I recommend.
Osteria La Porta has views but it is not outstanding food nor very pricey.
Boccondivino has views good food and is about 80 euro a couple.

Lorenzi Sep 12th, 2005 04:09 AM

In Siena, La Torre, it's right behind the campinile. Very small restaurant, no view, but really good Tuscan food. No menu, the owner resites it to you. One of the best ravioli dishes I had in Tuscany and the veal steak braised in vino rosso was great.

La Porta in Montecchiello has decent food but an outside terrace with dynamite views. La Porta is in a old watch tower that was part of the old entrance to the town which is perched high up on a hill. It over looks the valley with Pienza & other hill towns in view. The town is small but very interesting to walk around as it has been kept pretty much in the same condition for 100s of years.

Latte Di Luna has some of the best roast pork I have eaten in Italy, reservations a must. Outside is just a patio area no, particular views, just the old town of Pienza , but good food.

I'll pile on for La Chuisa. Very good , high end food. Worth the extra cost. Still trying to reproduce some of the items I ate there. It does have some patio tables in good weather.

If you make it to the Chianti area, the little hamlet of Volpaia. The hamlet is run by the winery, 2 restaurants and a deli. I'd recommend Ristorante Volpaia. You can sit outside on an old ramp leading into the ristorante overlooking the small piazza and the quiant buildings of the town. Food is very good.

There's a couple more but can't remeber the names without my notes.

Bon Apetito!

Kelly1212 Sep 12th, 2005 04:17 PM

Wow, thanks for the terrific descriptions -- gives me a much better idea of where to reserve!
I'd heard that Poggio Antico had lost its Michelin star -- is it worth trying, or overrated?

tower Sep 12th, 2005 06:20 PM

You hit my favorite right on the nose...the Vecchie Mura (I though it was La Mura Vecchie) in San Jimmy..sitting outside overlooking the valley below..outstanding. I've recommended this place to several friends and others. Just a few miles to the north of San Jimmy is a farmhouse restaurant on top of a hill...long poplar-lined driveway, and fields of yello rape seed...excellent place..went there for a lovely Sunday dinner...called Casa Chino...
In Siena, you might try the Gallo Nero, costumed wait staff, old Tuscan dishes, lots of white bean recipes..excellent service..on the little street to the left of the bell tower, looking at it from the campo. Also La Tellina, a great little mom and pop with superb dishes. Try the mushroom and white sauce fettucini (not Alfredo..tastier)'s on a street to the upper end of the campo...very popular, just ask someone in the campo area.

simpsonc510 Sep 12th, 2005 06:44 PM

In Arezzo try La Capannaccia, in the hills overlooking the area. Wonderful food, home made bitters, their own chianti... fantastic meal of bruchetta, 3 kinds of pasta, plus salamis, chicken, steak, ribs, salad, potatoes, ice cream, plus more.


In Spello try Il Caciatore (the hunter), another fantastic meal! We had breaded zuchini (sp) flower! (not the zuchini, but the flower on the top of the plant) Very light and delicate. That plus a huge meal with several meats, wild asparagus, truffles, lamb, cooked wild greens, red wine, grappa... ah, such a fine meal!

Wish I could tell you the name of the pasta place in Orvieto. We could see it out our window from the Piccolomini Hotel, just across the narrow street. They had a very nice red table wine too.

rsb99 Sep 12th, 2005 06:57 PM

Is Latte di Luna the one with lots of celebrity pictures on the walls? (We ate inside, so I have no recollection of a patio.) If so, I had one of my best meals in Tuscany there. It wasn't fine dining-- I was with a group and they ordered for us family style-- but every morsel I put in my mouth was fabulous.

artlover Sep 12th, 2005 08:40 PM

This was a Fodor's tip from Grasshopper for Siena and was one of the best restaurants of our trip--Trattoria Fori Porta at Via C. Tolomei 1. Everything we had was DELICIOUS--especially the eggplant souffle and veal dishes and steak with mushrooms. Tell Paulo that Paula (who celebrated her birthday there in May and managed to pull the alarm in the bathroom sent you, well, maybe don't tell him the last tidbit maybe--sent you.)

Also notable in a Siena (and more casual and less expensive, but also excellent) was Trattoria Papei at Piazza del Mercato 6 (behind Palazzo Pubblico). The noodles with duck sauce was really great, as was the veal shank and "Granny's Special Torte". You can sit outside here, but you're in town, so won't see the countryside.

Dedegil Sep 16th, 2005 10:25 AM

I am enjoying the advice as we are headed t Tuscany in Oct. We want to do the town markets. Do you know of a place where we canfind what towns on what days have antique/goods markets?

Henry Sep 16th, 2005 11:03 AM

Try for markets in Tuscany.

kemarshall64 Sep 16th, 2005 12:58 PM

We enjoyed il Grapolo Blu, it was my sister's favorite meal... Its a small tavern like restaurant. The owner is very kind and accommodating and the food was excellent. The ravioli was some of the best I have had and the house red wine was memorable.
In Siena a never to be forgotten restaurant experience was Cane e Gato. The owner plans a different gourmet menu every night based on what's fresh and in season and serves a multi course feast for one flat price. There is complimentary champagne and coffee, other beverages are at an added cost. I believe it was 60E each for the gourmet dinner. I don't eat meat and they have alternatives for non meat eaters. I would highly recommend this place to anyone who is looking for a truly unique Tuscan dining experience. You won't be disappointed! My mom and I still rave about it!
We never had a disappointing meal in Tuscany. We visited several regions of the country and the food was a highlight in every case, but the food in Tuscany still stands out.

Barb Sep 16th, 2005 02:04 PM

I will give my thumbs up for La Grotto in Montelpuciano and for Latte di Luna in Pienza. Latte di Luna's roast pork is awesome. Huge portions and just delicious. La Grotto is more upscale. The food is well presented and my mouth is watering thinking about the lovely vegetable timbale and exquisite desserts. The Osteria Le Logge in Siena has the best porcini dishes and is very atmospheric. Reservations a must at all three places.

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