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traveler Feb 15th, 2002 11:12 AM

Trying to decide on family trip...UK/Ireland, or Scandinavia? Which area offers easier logistics for family travel?
We took a great 3 generation trip to Europe last spring, and are considering another trip next spring. We would probably travel in April. Ages of our four kids will range from almost 16 down to 6, and we love independent (adventurous) travel. Our kids are good travelers, and we're very good travel planners, so we can handle moving quickly when we need to. (We just don't want to blow thru any region so fast that we don't get to enjoy it.) The area we chose last year was southern Germany/Switzerland and Austria (plus a little France). While we'd love to go back and do some of that trip again, we're thinking of expanding our horizons and going to either Ireland and the UK, or Scandinavia. <BR><BR>If we do the UK and Ireland, can it be adequately covered in about a 12 day trip? Considering that we're a family of 6, and possibly 8 if grandparents travel along with us again, would we be better off renting a mini-van, or using trains? We do like to get off the beaten path and explore small villages. Are non-hotel family accomodations readily available in this regions? We'd prefer cottage or apartment rentals, or maybe farms. <BR><BR>We have the same questions regarding scandinavian travel. How much of scandinavia could we reasonably cover in about 12 days? Denmark and Norway would be top priorities, only because of our family background. <BR><BR>As it gets down to cost...which region would be more affordable? What about weather in either region in April?<BR><BR>Thanks for all of your ideas...this board helped tremendously for our last trip!

John Feb 15th, 2002 02:23 PM

April might be a little early for enjoyable family touring in many parts of Scandinavia or the British Isles. You might consider looking for a cottage or house rental in the south of England or maybe Denmark; another option to consider might be a house exchange. Twelve days might also be a little tight for extensive touring; if you found a base you'd probably be better off arranging day trips using trains, buses or rental cars.<BR><BR>Picking a spot and sticking to it also gives one a much better feel for life in these countries, rather than letting hotel, restaurant, transportation and other logistical considerations dominate your limited time.

Jack Feb 15th, 2002 02:52 PM

Sandinavia - too cold in April. Britain & Ireland together - too much to cover properly. Southern England will have the best weather & the most things to see & do in a compact area. Trains are a bit expensive now & you would miss a lot. Recommend the mini - van and a self catering house or cottage: take a look at "" which is a group of cottages/homes on the western edge of the Cotswolds & within range of all kinds of adventure. Rates are usually weekly.

traveler Feb 16th, 2002 06:12 AM


Davidx Feb 16th, 2002 06:28 AM

I hope Norway is not too terrible in April because we are doing it this year - right up to the North Cape. However the South west of England - probably Cornwall must be the best bet - nohting certain. I am e-mailing you osmething on htis and also on a beautiful area of Wales which should be pretty mild.

Davidx Feb 17th, 2002 06:33 AM

Me again.<BR>Gets automatic to copy e-mail addresses from here but of course the machine has more wit. If you send me an e-mail I will attach said folder to my reply.

Russ Feb 17th, 2002 06:50 AM

April is normally the month with the least rainfall in mainland Europe, but the UK is often another matter, and Scandinavia isn't really thinking about tourism yet at that time. Both places are relatively expensive as well, and I agree with Jack that there is too much to see/do to "cover" either area in such a short time.<BR><BR>I'd suggest the Benelux countries instead - shorter travel distances, whether by train or car, cheaper prices, and April is a great time for tulips. Maybe rent a house for 5-6 days in two spots - one in Holland, one in Belgium - then do your adventuring on daytrips. Trains offer super cheap fares for groups, little kids, and seniors in these countries. Air fares to Ams or Bru also usually on the inexpensive side compared with Scandinavia.

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