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Florida1 Dec 10th, 2012 09:28 AM

Tromso Questions

DH and I will be in Norway for Christmas, splitting time between Oslo and Tromso. My questions here pertain to Tromso. I am hoping to see the Northern Lights. Would it be best to go on a tour out of the town or can we see them just fine from in town? Or is there too much light? I don't want to unneccessarily spend a lot of money - the tours I have looked up run from?$165 on up per person. Can anyone recommend a specific company?

Also any restaurant reccomendations would be welcome.

Thanks in advance!

tower Dec 10th, 2012 11:20 AM

Florida: Tromso, an Asian "fusion" resto at the harbor...excellent, fair prices for Norway. RadissonHotel quite decent in Tromso. The drive from the Lofotens, ferry, etc. was beautiful with spring flowers in bloom everywhere. I'll try to rustle up some of my scanned Norway pics for you, especially the Tromoso portion.

Florida1 Dec 10th, 2012 11:23 AM

Thank you, stu!

I'd love to see your photos. I'll look for the Asian fusion place-sounds good!

tower Dec 10th, 2012 11:39 AM

Not very many, scanned, not very good..but may give you a feel for the town. Architecture is an eclectic mix of 19th century wooden, early 20th century art nouveau, some art deco, and modern along with it. It's a university town so you'll find that many shops and restoa cater to the young crowd. I also have Lofoten photos, some Bergen and Oslo. Highways to tromso are well maintained and signed.

HappyTrvlr Dec 10th, 2012 11:42 AM

Olhallen, an atmospheric historic pub, is across from Mack Brewery. We stopped there after seeing Polaria.
Make sure you go to the Arctic Cathedral across the bridge.We took a bus there.

Florida1 Dec 10th, 2012 11:52 AM

Loved the photos, stu! Looks like an interesting place!

I am making a note of the Olhallen pub, HsppyTrvlr. Thanks!

tower Dec 10th, 2012 12:16 PM

Florida...did you ever post pix of your RTW trip? I must have missed them somehow. Over the past 60 years I have at one time or another visited most all of places you mention in your I would be interested in seeing your pix.
Happy travels.....Stu

p.s. The Arctic Cahedral is one of the pics you have of Tromso.

Florida1 Dec 10th, 2012 12:37 PM

Hi stu,

No, you haven't missed my pics... haven't posted them, as I don't have them on a photo sharing website yet. I will be working on that in the new year and will post the link when I figure it out!

I definitely plan to go to the Arctic Cathedral. It looks like an interesting building. I like your photo of it.

Dickie_G Dec 10th, 2012 01:42 PM


You will have to leave Tromso to get the full effect of the lights. I probably wouldn't advise this on your own as if the weather closes in the conditions can be testing.

There are two ways

1. Organised trips
2. Ferry trips

We went on cheapish trips to a Reindeer farm and then on a second night to a Husky dog sled base. Both trips included a meal and on both trips we saw pretty spectacular display of the lights.

The Polaris museum has good exhibits of the surrounding marine environment.

The ferries closed over the Christmas period although the organised cruises were still running but lt taking additional passengers.

We had a 4 year old with us and so some of the other available excursions were off limits. They looked incredible experiences and included dog sledding through remote areas, extreme skiing and snowboarding.

We had one of the trips of our lives, great fun as Tromso is very civilised but on the edge of the world.

Dickie_G Dec 10th, 2012 01:48 PM

Ps when you realise the cost of eating out and consider that the excursions include a meal, they actually work out to be cost effective.

I can't remember what we paid but it was a lot less than the price you quote. Your hotel will help.

If you want money saving advice, do as we did and book a hotel to include a buffet breakfast, get up late and have a huge breakfast which allows you to skip lunch. It is only twilight for 3 hours a day so your body will cope. We were about to book a lovely looking restaurant until we realised that the mains started at £70. A Pizza at the local fast food place was around £15.

Norway lives up to its reputation!!

Florida1 Dec 10th, 2012 01:58 PM

Thanks so much, Dickie G! We do have a hotel with breakfast. Do you think it is ok to book with the tourist info office for tours when we get there or did you book ahead of time?

I am very much looking forward to Tromso as I think it will be different from any other place I've been. Glad to hear you had such a good time!

Dickie_G Dec 10th, 2012 10:54 PM

From memory the hotels have adverts in their reception areas.

I really wold consider going on an excursion as we tried to see the lights from the town itself on the first night but there is just too much light pollution.

I wouldn't be too worried about the climate either as even as such an extreme northerly latitude the temperatures are very bearable. We had -5 oC for 4 days which was perfect just get well wrapped up and very safe. Apparently if you travel short distances inland the temperatures drop to -35 again a reason t use organised tours.

Finally, good luck with the lights, due to the arrangement of the earth's magnetic field, Tromso is one of the best spots in the world to see the,.

I am very jealous!

Florida1 Dec 11th, 2012 05:11 AM

Thanks, Dickie G! Yes, we will definitely use an organized tour to get out to (hopefully) see the lights! If not, we can always try again! :)

I have purchased a big puffy down coat and boots. This will be a real adventure for a girl from Florida whose main footwear is flip flops!!

I will report back here on our trip when we return.

Dickie_G Dec 11th, 2012 06:13 AM


I dug up a link to the centre we visited. We just did the Husky visit and meal which my then 4 year old will remember for the rest of his life. Just mad, fluffy huskies everywhere. The centre provided a meal in a huge old style tent with a wood fire in the centre. The view of the sea was incredible as the location is slightly elevated. I cannot begin the describe the lights.

For a huge adventure, go for the night time, dog sled light hunt. I know this willbe expensive but for you this will be an expensive journey (only £80 flight from Britain for us). I am sure the dog sledding will be the experience of a lifetime.

We will return in a few years to do this when our son is over ten and able to cope with the environment.

tower Dec 11th, 2012 02:19 PM

I negelected to mention a recommendation for Oslo hotel...we like <b>Gabelshus</b> very much and have sent several people there in the will show on the pics I will scan and add to the others. It's in the embassy district on a quiet residential street, a building covered with ivy. Buffet breakfasts are among the best ever, anywhere. Town is walkable distance, but trams are frequent, a stop a block down the street from hotel.

Florida1 Dec 11th, 2012 02:50 PM

Thank you stu! We have a hotel already, but I'm going to take a look at Gabelshus. We will likely return to Norway in the future in spring or summer. It sounds like a lovely place!

Dickie G, if you have dug up your link to the centre, I'd love to have it!

Dickie_Gr Dec 13th, 2012 11:20 AM


Here it is

Really professional set up.

Florida1 Dec 13th, 2012 06:59 PM

Wonderful! Thanks again!!

tower Dec 14th, 2012 07:22 AM


I finished scanning all of my Norway pics..thought you might like to get a look at Oslo, Bergen and the Lofotens in preo for your future visits.(I attached some additional Tromso stuff)


Dickie_Gr Dec 14th, 2012 07:36 AM


I would love to make it to the Lofotens, looks incredible

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