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peachjd Mar 20th, 2003 06:50 PM

Trip to Paris
We are planning to leave for Paris on the 31st of March and return one week later. With this war in Iraq, I have to ask...will we be able to enjoy our vacation? Will things be amicable in this time of utter anxiety? (we are Americans) I can say that my husband and I are TOTALLY and COMPLETELY anti-war...but will our friends in Paris recognize that and welcome us? We are SO looking forward to this trip. We want to enjoy beautiful art, wonderful architecture, and the joy of another culture; especially now! The question is: will we be safe? We just heard about an incident involving ricin in the Paris train station. Please offer me an objective opinion as to whether we should go now, as planned, or put it off for awhile. After all, a vacation should be enjoyable and relaxing. Many thanks!

uncle_sam Mar 20th, 2003 06:55 PM

Yes they will recognize you...the French are also totally anti war!<BR><BR>You'll fit right in...go on your vacation and those in the US and the UK and the other 45 nations in this war that you are so against will do their best to protect your butts!<BR><BR>US

DougP Mar 20th, 2003 11:46 PM

Protect from whom? Those who might kill, or those who do kill?

ira Mar 21st, 2003 03:52 AM

Hi peachjd,<BR> Stop worrying. Go. Enjoy yourself.

mdtravel Mar 21st, 2003 04:05 AM

I say spend your money somewhere other than France. You'll step in dog crap on the Champs, and you'll get heckled.

Keith Mar 21st, 2003 04:12 AM

The reports from people on vacation in France are pretty positive so far.<BR><BR>For an example posted by someone in Paris yesterday, visit[email protected]^[email protected]<BR><BR> Keith

clayrr Mar 21st, 2003 05:05 AM

You have to decide for yourselves, but I'm going to France for 2 weeks in May and never thought of changing my plans. You might consider these easy options: 1) Learn to say, &quot;Je suis canadien,&quot; or 2) Get one of those buttons with a picture of Dubya with a diagonal line through it, and wear it. Just a thought...

MarkW Mar 21st, 2003 05:14 AM

Going to Paris mid June.I have never once thought of canceling until I saw the McDonald's was vandalized. I will now be watching events much more closely

peachjd Mar 21st, 2003 05:14 AM

Thanks for the link, Keith! I suppose the best thing I can do over the next week is stay informed and see what develops. What I will not do is allow anti-France opinions to cloud my judgment. As long as we feel safe traveling, we are going.

beckybrat01 Mar 21st, 2003 05:19 AM

i am leaving for paris in may and i dont like the fact we have to go to war but we got to take care of business... a lot of people are telling me to say i am from canada (im from america) why? i think the country is being a little silly about this whole thing with france... i am not mad at them they don't want to go to war okay... we will take care of it with out them.. to change the name of french fries and french toast is very immature of americans... i am not going to go over to france pretending to be from canada i am from america and proud to be from there... <BR>peachjd- just dont be bringing up the war and its not every american the french hate it is the &quot;ugly american&quot; so go have a good time and be yourself just remember that you are in their &quot;back yard&quot; not yours... i am sure ull be fine have a great time!

Magnus Mar 21st, 2003 05:21 AM

<BR>If the war progresses at the same rate it's going now, by the time you get there the French will probably say they love Bush and always supported the US. In other words, they're playing both sides of the fence. Sort of like what they did in WWII.

ndf321 Mar 21st, 2003 05:27 AM

Please stop bringing up WWII! I don't hear anyone going on and on about Japan or Germany, who were actually our enemies during that war! Or Italy, for that matter. Times change!<BR><BR>If the French had fought harder, they may have fallen anyway, and more of the art and architecture there would have been destroyed, so there would be less to visit now.

RNC Mar 21st, 2003 05:28 AM

Never tell them you are Canadian as clayrr says. Tell them Americans love the Iraqi people so much we are going to end their torture by ridding SH of their country.<BR><BR>go to Paris and enjoy yourself,but dont feel guilty about the war. Diplomacy had failed miserably and its about time someone did this to get him out.

clayrr Mar 21st, 2003 06:42 AM

RNC: Oh, brother! My tongue was firmly in cheek when I wrote my posting. I don't think we need to worry about what so-called average French people think of Americans any more than THEY think that all Americans support what our president's doing. They KNOW how our system works, and that we don't live in a democracy. I have no doubt that I'm going to have a super swell time...

peachjd Mar 21st, 2003 07:16 AM

Clay, I appreciate your humor and recognized it immediately. However, Option 2 sounds like a pretty fine idea!

opaldog Mar 21st, 2003 07:49 AM

We got back from Paris a few weeks ago. Had a wonderful time. The people were all very nice to us, as has always been the case. I would never hide the fact that I am American,however, when does this ever come up? I am sure that people assume we are because our French is very basic. Never had a problem. The only sign that I saw of anti-Bush sentiment was in the metro, a sign that said Bush - Wanted Dead or Alive -<BR>I love Paris and will continue to visit whenever possible.

opaldog Mar 21st, 2003 09:15 AM

No my conscience will not hunt me or hurt me. Should people of other countries not come to the US when we do not support their governments? How narrow minded a view point. Is it not the role of a democracy to allow it's people the right to dissent and the right to an opinion. I am just as patriotic and american as all the flag wavers, I just don't believe in America love it or leave it.

maitaitom Mar 21st, 2003 10:16 AM

I just had two friends who returned from eight days in Paris (albeit that was before we bombed Baghdad). They said they were treated friendly everywhere and did not run into any anti American sentiment. I would monitor events until you leave and not listen to anti-French drivel like that from mdtravel and his inane words of wisdom &quot;You'll step in dog crap on the Champs, and you'll get heckled.&quot; Paris is a GREAT city. I hope you get to go.

uncle_sam Mar 21st, 2003 10:28 AM

&quot;If the French had fought harder, they may have fallen anyway, and more of the art and architecture there would have been destroyed, so there would be less to visit now.&quot;<BR><BR>This absolutely has to be the dumbest post oif th eweek!<BR><BR>I guess you just allow th eenemy to waltz in take away our freedom and rub your nose in the dirt to save your art!<BR><BR>Unbelievable!<BR><BR>US

wren Mar 21st, 2003 10:31 AM

Sam, are you traveling longhorn?

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