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Aduchamp1 Nov 14th, 2007 06:14 AM

Travel Magazines
We subscribe to Budget Travel and Travel & Leisure magazines. There are a slew of others including resgional and specialized periodicals.

Do you find these magazines helpful or do they just whet your appetite for travel?

Am I only the curmudgeon, but does it seem the ads and the editorial have the same artistic look and it is difficult to tell them apart? Do you have trouble finding stories and particularly the story if there is a jump line?

bigtyke Nov 14th, 2007 06:28 AM

I got my Travel & Leisure yesterday. Every time it makes me wonder why i subscribe (i realize that i do only because i get a very cheap subscription thats costs only about $1 per issue) It has almost nothing of interest. I would never waste the money staying at the super expensive places it features.

I used to really like Budget Travel and got some good information when it was first published. I don't find much of value these days.

scdreamer Nov 14th, 2007 06:32 AM

Heh - I was looking at the latest Travel & Leisure mazine yesterday and thinking the same thing: why do I subscribe to this rag? It seems to be mainly ads, and the articles they do run are of little use to me, since it's mainly very high end (impractical) travel.

We get Budget Travel, and I think it's a little more useful. Definitely more entertaining.

Dukey Nov 14th, 2007 06:45 AM

I sometimes find some ideas for travel in these magazines and on occasion have stayed at some of the establishments listed.

I believe it was T+L which had the rather breezy editor at one point...her busy lifestyle jetting off to here and there which I suppose inspires the truly thoughtful to realize how superficial it all can be.

suze Nov 14th, 2007 06:57 AM

I agree with your observations about the magazines look and layouts, but I just read them for entertainment - not to find ideas for or do research for upcoming trips. Heck, I figure it beats watching TV ;-)

I always get Budget Travel and Conde Nast. And alternate National Geo Traveler or T&L in addition.

kybourbon Nov 14th, 2007 06:59 AM

I like National Geographic Traveler.

luv2cthings Nov 14th, 2007 07:01 AM

I got Travel + Leisure for awhile (I think I used some airline miles that were going to expire to get the subscription). I had pretty much the same impression as the others, that it was whole lot a flashy ads, not much meat to the articles, especially for those of us whose last name isn't Hilton.

I still get Budget Travel. I think most of the "20 best tips" or whatever it is called are pretty inane, but I like the "Confessions of..." features and the funny travel stories in the back.

I also get Condé Nast Traveler, which I think is pretty similar to T+L, but a little more worthwhile content.

BillT Nov 14th, 2007 07:12 AM

I get Conde Naste- it peaks my interest in travel but as far as substance goes for help in planning my trips- its not very useful. The Ombudsman column is however usefull info.

travel2live2 Nov 14th, 2007 07:30 AM

Cancelled my Conde-Naste subscription. Although it can be of some interest, it has never helped in any way. It seems to cater in a way to those who travel in luxury (I choose not to - don't like it) and/or cruises (don't like that, either).

Is there a travel magazine out there that actually helps in trip research that isn't chock full of ads and splashy stuff?

Kristina Nov 14th, 2007 07:31 AM

I honestly can't tell the difference between Conde Nast Traveler and Travel and Leisure, even though I get Conde Nast!

I also get National Geographic Traveler which I think I like the best out of all of them.

I used to like Budget Travel, but it seemed to focus mainly on package deals so I found it a bit boring.

I like reading the "travel" articles in food magazines as well.

MarthaT Nov 14th, 2007 07:32 AM

The most helpful travel magazine I subscribe to is International Travel News. It is written on newsprint, black and white. With articles by real travelers and no glossy ads. Can't wait for it to come every month. Also Nat Geo Traveler is a good one. I buy Conde Naste because it's cheap and T & L also but I think T & L is a waste. No substance, but it is cheap with the right subscription you can get it for 12.00 a year. Try ITN I think you would like it.

Fra_Diavolo Nov 14th, 2007 08:08 AM

I find some of the best travel writing in the general interest magazines such as the <i>New Yorker, Atlantic</i>, etc. I don't have much interest in the T&amp;L type because, as mentioned above, the bulk of the magazine treats travel as a superficial, essentially consumer oriented experience useful for one-upping the neighbors. Very uncool.

Christina Nov 14th, 2007 08:43 AM

I also find some good travel articles in general magazines like the New YOrker, but it wouldn't exactly be the kind of thing for trip planning.

Travel magazines are pretty cheap BECAUSE they have ads. If you want a magazine without ads, you are going to pay a lot for it. What's the deal, just skip over the ads, I like seeing them, actually. I subscribe to CN Traveler and National Geographic and like Traveler a lot better, although even it has these dopey lists a couple times a year where business or wealthy people list their favorite resorts, etc. But, it does have a lot of other good articles, I think, and doesn't cost very much at all due to the ads. I don't really find National Geographic Traveler very useful, it's pretty lightweight in content.

I just like these magazines for photos and some articles about places (CN Traveler does have some good journalists). CN Travelers does have some good consumer articles, also (by Wendy Perrin). I don't count on them for much else,I would use a guidebook or other resources for hotel advice, for the most part, or things like that.

I subscribed to Budget Travel about one year but it was really boring and a lot of packages, I agree, or tips for people who must be dunces when it comes to travel.

Gariem Nov 14th, 2007 08:54 AM

How does one get a $1 an issue subscription to Travel &amp; Leisure? It might be worth a try at that price for one year.

TPAYT Nov 14th, 2007 09:15 AM

It may be regional, but Caribbean Travel is one of my favorites(and I get them all). I look forward to every issue!

RGTraveler Nov 14th, 2007 09:25 AM

I enjoy Budget Travel &amp; National Geographic Traveler, and at about $12/yr subscription you can't pass it up. Although I also receive Conde Nast Traveler it is definitely marketed for a much different reader/traveler. Did you see this month's Top 100 Reader's Choice Awards? I wonder if anyone on this forum has actually stayed in any of those top 100 hotels.

Susan33 Nov 14th, 2007 09:29 AM

Another vote for ITN (International Travel News). I look forward to receiving it each month, and I do read it. The articles are by real people that take affordable trips.

I'm letting my subscriptions to other travel magazines expire. Those magazines feature high-end hotels and restaurants. The ads and articles are for people with lots money.

BillT Nov 14th, 2007 09:32 AM

Go to any bookstore/drugstore that stocks these magazines and flip thru them. You should be able to find one of those subscription cards where you can usually get a one year subscription for $12.

Travelnut Nov 14th, 2007 09:34 AM

I enjoy getting the country-specific ones... there are a couple called &quot;France&quot;, and I'm getting &quot;German Life&quot; right now... had &quot;Realm&quot; and &quot;Britain&quot; many years ago... and, of course, any magazine or newsletter featuring &quot;PARIS&quot;. Oh, and the Gemutlich (sp?) newsletter was interesting, too.

suze Nov 14th, 2007 09:51 AM

The only way travel magazines have been helpful to me for actual planning is when I clip an article of interest and file it. I have a Paris, Switzerland, Amsterdam, etc. labeled in folders. The likelyhood of an article popping up just when you need it are slim to none.

As far as my real-life budget, even Budget Travel is too rich for my blood. T&amp;L and Conde Nast are a joke. But I still enjoy reading the magazines.

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