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ddschur Nov 29th, 2008 06:28 AM

Travel info from Budapest to L'viv, Ukraine
Can anyone provide me some suggestions as to where I might find information for train travel from Budapest to L'viv?

Thank you in advance,


tower Nov 29th, 2008 07:03 AM


Just a word on the subject...we just experienced "the train from hell", Minsk to Brest (Belarus)...and we were told that the trains running into the Ukraine are not much better. If nothing else, go first class, private compartment if you can (there are none on Belarus you can do First class is share with two others)...bring bottled water, the train we were on had only hot water from a single samovar. Bring toilet tissues! None on the aformentioned....of course a gang of drunks roaming the corridors didn't help the picture.

Just wanted to warn you based on very recent experience (last month)in the region. More than likely, a train from "first world" Budapest, will have it all over a toonerville trolley in questionable Belarus.

Happy travels....we found Kiev to be a wonderful place to visit...and L'viv (L'vov) has a good reputation for interssting sights, old world architecture and accomodatons.

stu t.

Castleblanca Nov 29th, 2008 07:54 AM

Go to and put in your travel date. Be sure to say your destination is "Lvov" --- not "Lviv".

I checked for January (you didn't say when you are travelling), and there is a direct (no change) train leaving Budapest at 18:43 every evening and arrving the next morning at 10:30. This is a daily train.

The train goes on to Kiev and Moscow. The web site says nothing about a restaurant, but you should ask in Budapest, becaue I think it has one. It does have a sleeping car.

Otherwise, you have to change at least twice. For instance: leave Budapest at 7:23 in the morning and arrive in Lvov at 21:02.

shangrila Dec 1st, 2008 07:28 AM

Walt... try looking it up under the name Lvov instead of Lviv. Check out the Austrian train site, it seems easier to make heads or tails of.

I don't know if you are aware, that as of Dec 14 the new train schedule comes out for HU. It has however been available since this past friday. You did not mention when you where planning to travel.

If time allows, purchase your tickets the day before. It might be a bit tricky, since the english spoken by the ticket agents is pretty limited. If you can, print out when and how you want to get there and take it with you. Pointing works wonders.

As others mentioned, take provisions with you. If there is stuff available it will very expensive. No one will be checking what you take on the train.

I would also suggest taking baby wipes/sani wipes with you. You can pick them up at any DM store/ drug store in BUD. They will come in handy when you see what the bathroom looks like on the train.

Definatley go with 1st class if you can afford it.

ddschur Dec 3rd, 2008 04:38 PM

Thanx to all...I think that Lviv might turn out to be for another time...the trip is both too long and sounds rather arduous...
Again, thanx!

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