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Apres_Londee Jan 13th, 2007 11:52 AM

Travel Bags for Toiletries & Make Up: any recommendations?
I want to buy a good quality toiletry bag, maybe two (one for actual toiletries, and one smaller-sized for make-up)

I would love something that fit a couple of full sized bottles, but at the same time I don't want something that will take up 3/4's of my suitcase.

My first trip to Europe (for 2 weeks) was a few years ago, and I packed way too many clothes, but not enough of my favourite beauty products (I'm a girl who LOVES her beauty products:) )

I'm finally going on another trip in April for 3 weeks, and this time I want to bring all my favourite things that I use everyday.

Any thoughts on Eagle Creek toiletry bags, or recomendations for other brands? What do you use that works for you?

Ackislander Jan 13th, 2007 12:08 PM

If you are traveling by air and don't check this stuff, you are going to wind up packing it in plastic one-quart baggies, so don't agonize over what kind of bag to buy.

Apres_Londee Jan 13th, 2007 12:23 PM

I *am* planning to check my suitcase, which is why a good quality toiletry & makeup bag is important; to hopefully avoid and at least contain any leaks, breaks, etc.

But thank you for the reminder about carry-on restrictions. I keep meaning to print them out.

wrenwood Jan 13th, 2007 12:52 PM

I have a couple different sizes of any old type of cosmetic bag.

One small one holds things for emergencies ~ pills if we get sick, shoe things for blisters, tweezers, fingernail scissors etc, things we might need on a long trip.

Another holds things I need every morning or so. In this cosmetic case everything that could leak or break is in a zip lock baggie, according to use ( make-up, Q-tips and facial moisturizers ~ shampoos & soaps & razors ~ after shower lotions & deodorants, etc etc etc)

I wouldn't worry about expensive bags, I think the organization and the baggies are more important.

I think several small bags are easier to use than a large bag, pack easier also.

Have fun!

sglass Jan 13th, 2007 01:10 PM

I love my toiletries bag that might suit your needs, too, for the larger bottles. I got it at the Rick Steves travel store Website. Here is what I like: it is small, the back has a zipper pouch where I keep flat travel alarm and little flashlight. The sides have two tall mesh zippered pockets just the size for a toothbrush. It has a fold-in hanger thing on the top. So you can hang it off a towel rack and keep the toothbrush in it instead of using the sink (IF you have a sink!)The inner part has the usual elastic bands to hold things upright, but with sort of a back and front section. So that makes it tall enough to hold taller bottles-not full-size shampoo bottles, but since you are doing the carry-on rules you are limited anyway to the 3 ounce baggie rule. I put the stuff back in the toiletry pouch after going through security while waiting for the plane. I also stuff 5 or 6 extra little zip-locks in that back compartment for the return trip or whatever. I think the Eagle Creek is much the same- it's that mesh pouch and hanging ability I really like!

jody Jan 13th, 2007 01:11 PM

I like a totally soft bag. I've used a Le sportsac, that I picked up at marshall's , for years. everything goes into it now except the stuff that has to go in the baggy and after I pass security I just stuff that in. The one I have has several compartments and even came with an additional purse size cosmetic bag. I love their everyday purses too..weightless, adjustable strap, many compartments and since we'll now have to stuff our purses in our carryons, the unstructed bag is great

cigalechanta Jan 13th, 2007 01:15 PM

I still suggest ziplock bags because I have seen them go through luggage and empty those beautiful cosmetic toiletry bags.

quokka Jan 13th, 2007 01:21 PM

I've got a simple soft medium-sized one with a hook. It's from Body Shop. I find the hook useful because in most hotel bathrooms, not to mention hostels, there is no space or shelf big enough to put the bag on.

Barbara_in_CT Jan 13th, 2007 01:22 PM

LL Bean has four sizes of toiletry bags. I use the smallest for even a month of travel but I like to keep my beauty routine simple.

J_Correa Jan 13th, 2007 01:31 PM

I have one of the Rick Steves bags and I love it. It seems to fit my stuff in a very efficient way and since I have sensitive skin, I always travel with all the stuff I need for my trip because I don't want to take a chance having to buy different products than I am used to and risk a "skin episode" on vacation - LOL.

The hanger inside the bag is esspecially helpful when there isn't a lot of counter space - we stayed in 4 hotels in German and Austria and never had much counter space - just pedistal sinks or sinks attached to the wall. A couple of our bathrooms had a seperate shelf, but it wasn't very large.

In times past I have taken all my toiletries as carryon, but now I will check most of them and carry on a ziplock with my necesities for the flight and a day or two if my checked luggage is delayed. Then when I get where I am going, transfer everything back into my toiletry bag.

elnap29 Jan 13th, 2007 06:22 PM

On a recent trip to Europe I used the Rick Steves Toiletry bag and HATED it. I had items in several different ziplocks and felt that I could never find anything. My husband had the Eagle Creek Bag and I was very envious. It's organization is great, lots of elastic to hold small bottles, meds, etc. So, I would recommend that one. Get the MEN'S Eagle Creek Toiletry Bag, not the women's. Whichever bag you choose, I agree the hook is essential.

travelbunny Jan 13th, 2007 07:25 PM

I too love the L.L. Bean cosmetic bags. They have multiple sizes. I, however, never use regular size bottles. I go to the drug store (or prefer Aveda store) and buy small plastic bottles. I then fill them with my own favorite shampoos ect. I then put those bottles in a small plastic zip lock (with the zipper closing and not just the press together). I never carry full size bottles..every oz counts when you pack light.

djkbooks Jan 13th, 2007 07:40 PM

Well, why take 12 ounces of shampoo when you'll probably need only 3 ounces? I, too, prefer several small bags - one for bath/shower, one for the bedside table, and another for makeup. I love the Trish McEvoy line and her "kits". I also like the En Vogue cosmetic bags - you can view an assortment of these and other travel accessories for toiletries at

Clear bags are better for toiletries - as you can see everything and you're not always rooting around for small items and can leave most in the bag(s) rather than repacking. I've never found any one bag I like for everything.

I totally agree with bringing all your favorites you use everyday, but I've found that packing everything in travel sizes takes a LOT less space. I keep mine filled and packed so everything is always ready and nothing is forgotten.

And, it's really best to a) make sure no liquids are more than 2/3 to 3/4 full to allow for expansion (which causes leaking) and b) pack larger bottles (and messy liquids) in a zip-lock freezer bag, just in case, within your case(s).

fishee Jan 14th, 2007 12:24 AM

For toiletries I try to accurately estimate how much I'll need and then I toss the bottles out on the last day since they're usually almost empty. This really opens up lots of room in your bag.

In three weeks, I know I'd use more than 3 oz of conditioner, etc. so I'd bring the products in their bottles but half full, or whatever you think you'll need. Definitely put anything that leaks in a zip-lock.

Splitting up toiletries from makeup is a good idea -- you don't need to make room for this one huge bag that takes up a whole corner of the suitcase. Much easier to pack two slimmer bags into your suitcase and they can fit any number of ways.

I still lament the loss of a perfectly tailored sheath dress that was ruined because I didn't ziplock.

Apres_Londee Jan 14th, 2007 06:06 AM

Thank you everyone, this has been very helpful! I'm going to look into all of your suggestions, and I appreciate the tips on packing these types of things.

elnap29: would you mind sharing which toiletry kit your husband used from Eagle Creek? Thanks!

And a slightly unrelated question, though I'm off to look up the answer myself- exactly what makeup products are restricted in carry-on?

I know liquids, foams, gels, arosoles are restricted to the 100 ml in the ziplock rule. I assume that includes mascara and lipglosses, but what about tubes of lipstick? Are powders and (non-liquid) liners allowed unrestricted?

Apres_Londee Jan 14th, 2007 07:53 AM

Okay, from I've read, compacts, eyeliners, and tubes of lipsticks are fine.

I think I'm going to go for 3 smaller toiletry bags; 1 for bathroom things (face, hair, body, and clothes washing); 1 for post-shower products (moisterizers, serums, and hair styling balm); and 1 for makeup. I'm going to take 1/2 full bottles, and use ziplock bags to contain leaks.

My grooming routine is actually fairly simple, but it's important to me. If need be, I can do just fine traveling in less than crisp clothing, but messing with my skincare and makeup rituals throws off the rest of my day. Thanks again for the suggestions, ladies!

suze Jan 14th, 2007 09:15 AM

Don't take 1/2 full bottles - why use up that extra room in your suitcase?

Buy a good number of 4 oz plastic containers and transfer your products into them, label them. I take tons of different things but only enough of each one to last the duration of a trip. I pack in 1 gal. freezer ziplocks, and lay them in with my packed clothes.

Even in regular cosmetic bags, I like clear ones, so you can see at a glance what all you have and where.

suze Jan 14th, 2007 09:26 AM

Even in empty travel size containers, sometimes it's hard to find small ones at a travel or drug store. I recently found a great selection at a "natural remedies" store, because they sell lotions and shampoos in bulk so offered a wide assortment of containers sizes and shapes very inexpensive.

J_Correa Jan 14th, 2007 10:18 AM

For all the small travel containers you would ever want, another good source is an outdoors store such as REI. Anyplace that caters to backpackers basically because backpackers don't want to carry ANYTHING larger than they have to.

madameX Jan 14th, 2007 10:28 AM

A lot of good advice here about the bags themselves. However, I'd still put the bags in a zip-loc or some other well-sealed bag in case anything leaks. Zip-locs come in all sizes, and also function as a place for laundry.

LCBoniti Jan 14th, 2007 10:34 AM


suze Jan 14th, 2007 10:36 AM

If I use a cosmetic bag my newest favorite is a flat kind of envelope shaped one. It lays flat with the clothes.

I used to take the more traditional squarish ones but they take up too much room in the suitcase imo. If I were to actually purchase a new one, I'd get that kind with a hook so it can hang up in the hotel bathroom.

Good tip on REI for tiny containers, thanks!

elnap29 Jan 15th, 2007 09:15 AM

Hmm. It wasn't Eagle Creek afterall - sorry. He has 2 that are similar, both purchased from REI.
One is called Tahiti Travel Pouch (B0210) from Outdoor Research
The other is larger but very similar, Travelers Club brand.
Both have lots of visible compartments and elastic bands.
I also like using Eagle Creek packing cubes and folders - very easy to find things in a hurry.
We also use the small containers from REI. They don't leak and you can squirt shampoo out easily. These are very inexpensive, usually sold with backpacking supplies.

Apres_Londee Jan 20th, 2007 07:49 AM

Well, I think I've become a Ziplock convert. Originally, I didn't like the idea of living out of clear plastic bags, I thought it would feel too slapdash and temporary, and make me all scatterbrained (it generally doesn't take much to make me all scatterbrained)

I had no idea they came in so many different sizes, and some even have pink or blue "zippers". Also, they really do seem quite sturdy. And after a few packing experiments, I see the advantage of the clear bags.

I'm definately going to take my makeup in a Ziplock instead of a toiletry bag, and my non-bathroom toiletries, too. I was tempted to go whole hog and use a Ziplock for my shampoo, etc., but I think it might be wise to have a sturdy hanging toiletry kit. I've been looking into all your suggestions, and so far I've got my eye on those LL Bean organizers.

I really appreciate the help and suggestions, thanks again everyone!

suze Jan 20th, 2007 08:35 AM

I'm not sure why you feel the need for a sturdy toiletry bag? Just pack shampoo, etc. into yet another 1 gallon size ziplock. Then lay them flat between layers of clothes in the suitcase when you pack.

I do take one cosmetic bag, it packs flat, so at my destination I can organize things back into it and not actually live out of the ziplocks.

Apres_Londee Jan 20th, 2007 09:13 AM

I was thinking of those toiletry bags that you can hang on the shower head, in order to reach shampoo, etc. more easily. I know we won't have a bathtub in some places, and I'm not sure if there will be any sort of shelf or ledge in the showers. Or am I thinking about this all wrong? Should I just stick with the Ziplocks?

I have a question about Ziplock sizes. I'm Canadian, and don't know the dimensions of the gallon sized Ziplock. How big do Ziplocks come? The largest I've been able to find is 26.8cm x 27.9 cm (no idea what that is in inches)

I live downtown in a big city- no Walmart- I think I may be missing out on some of the bigger sizes. I'm interested in using them for space bags, too. Any Canadians here? Should I trek out to a huge Market Loblaws or a new Zellars?

J_Correa Jan 20th, 2007 09:37 AM

I'd have at least 1 bag with the hanger for convinience in the shower. I hate having to put everything on the floor of the shower.

Underhill Jan 20th, 2007 10:44 AM

I have one hanging bag that's part of my under-the-seat roll-on suitcase. For the rest I use clear see-through containers, which makes it easy to look for what I want in a hurry.

My favorite thing for toiletries is an old cloth-covered bag that I bought more years ago than I like to think. It zips at the top and has small plastic holders for all sorts of things, like mascara, lipstick, and such, held upright. I'd love to know if something similar is still made, as it's by far the best organizer I have.

StCirq Apr 8th, 2016 11:48 PM

I'm not the slightest bit fussy about this stuff, and I hardly use beauty products. I take a small ziplock bag with lipstick, mascara, and my honey face cream with me in my purse. Everything else - tiny bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body scrub goes in my suitcase. I have maybe 6 products, total. I estimate how much of each product I'll need and pack accordingly. It takes up hardly any room. If it's a long trip, I count on buying stuff as I travel.

RM67 Apr 9th, 2016 02:42 AM

If you have really deep pockets then Anya Hindmarch makes a lot of different cosmetic and toiletry cases in a range of sizes, which have labelling to indicate the contents eg suncream, cosmetics, brushes, etc, with leather trim and if you want it, personalised embossing.

For flying though I always just use a clear plastic zip topped bag that I got from John Lewis for under a tenner.

I think the total volume you can take in carry on is still 1 litre of liquids and you can't have any single bottle with more than 100ml unless you have a prescription for it. I know you said you will probably check your bags but I think its worth a reminder anyway.

jubilada Apr 9th, 2016 04:42 AM

I love the Sea to Summit travel cases, available in several sizes and styles. They weight nothing, are very well made and are well priced.
Available on Amazon and in outdoors and travel stores.

annhig Apr 9th, 2016 05:07 AM

When I was last buying a new trolley bag for work I came across this clever idea:

it has lots of places for carrying things securely and fits over the handle of the trolley so as it was in the sale [I would never have paid that much for a toilet bag] I splashed out. Just as well I didn't wait - the shop closed down a month later!

Talking about taking shampoo etc. I try to remember when I am coming to the end of a bottle to leave it and then take it away with me - usually I guess about right and then I throw it away at the end of the trip. Otherwise I buy one of those "travel size" bottles - they usually have a "3 for 2" offer on in our local chemists and I find they last for ages.

nytraveler Apr 9th, 2016 05:13 AM

I have toiletry and make up cases that I got at Liberty of London - in their wonderful prints and lined with a sturdy plastic so even if things spill they can't damage anything else. I went once when they had a sales and got several for me as well as sets for my mom, my SIL and my best friend. My first set finally died (after about 10 years and I'm on my second). For longer trips I carry on very small sizes and put larger ones in my checked bag since I don't like being stuck with different products that I'm used to.

janisj Apr 9th, 2016 05:25 AM

Useful info -- but (<i>Just in case</i> anyone thinks they are helping the OP) - the thread is 9+ years old - was stopped by an advertiser.

flpab Apr 9th, 2016 05:26 AM

zip lock bags, you will alarm the ctx machine with full size bottles and have a bag check. Small bottles are the best. I just use the free bags that come with lancome gift with purchase. My husband has a jack wolfskin kind that hangs over the door but it is bulky so he never takes it. I don't care if you are checking or just taking carry on. I like room for clothing and things I buy. I also love to go to Boots and buy sample sizes of new items. I save tiny containers and use them for my fav lotion and foundation.

flpab Apr 9th, 2016 05:33 AM

still a good topic

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