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Phread May 7th, 2012 05:25 AM

Tourists causing damage in Paris
I don't know if this has been discussed in the Fodors forum, but a few years ago tourists started putting locks on the bridges of Paris (and other cities, I understand). Lovers inscribe their names on the locks, attach them to a bridge and throw the key in the Seine.

I know that this sounds horribly romantic, but it has gotten out of hand and has begun to cause serious damage to precious landmarks. I believe that very few people who are doing this are aware of the risk they are causing. But if you're not the kind of person to deface public property, this is not the thing for you...

You can read more about it here, but I'd ask you all to STOP.
It has become heart breaking. Merci.

Bitter May 7th, 2012 05:45 AM

I can't comment on Paris, but I thought I read that this was a practice of local lovebirds on the Ponte Vecchio .

china_cat May 7th, 2012 05:47 AM

This explains all the locks we saw on the pedestrian bridge in Salzurg. I don't think the locks were actually particularly defacing this bridge, but throwing all those keys in the river is a bad idea.

Christina May 7th, 2012 06:23 AM

Tourists do a lot of stupid things everywhere and cause damage about everywhere they go, unfortunately, but this isn't just a Paris phenomenon and I'm not sure it is just tourists. According to Wikipedia, this is some strange phenom all over the world

I don't think it's romantic at all, but I think stuff like that is stupid.

adrienne May 7th, 2012 06:25 AM

People are affixing locks to a bridge in Wroclaw as well. It's becoming an international trend.

I think this is more the work of young people so perhaps posting on the thorn tree site would be a good idea.

I also think that it's not only tourists who do this but students as well. I can't imagine that Wroclaw gets the number of tourists who arrive with locks to put on a bridge. And Wroclaw doesn't seem to be a particularly romantic destination.

Unless someone is monitoring who is putting the locks on bridges then it's unfair to blame it all on tourists. Where did you get your information that it's only tourists who are culpable? Could it possibly also be people who live, work, and attend school in these cities?

Kwoo May 7th, 2012 06:35 AM

We also noticed this in Prague on Kampa Island on a small bridge - it was near John Lennon's memorial, I think.

michele_d May 7th, 2012 06:36 AM

The first time I saw it was in Bolzano, Italy.

ggreen May 7th, 2012 06:43 AM

My understanding is, as Bitter said, it started in Italy with local lovers, which is where I first saw it.

Phread, I have enjoyed some of your other blog entries in previous weeks, so I mean this in the best way: I think you need to proofread this entry because there are sentence fragments and overall it's not easy to follow what you're trying to say. (Look at paragraphs 2-4.) It seems very passionate but not as articulate as usual. Oh, and that bracelet is great! :)

iffy49 May 7th, 2012 06:46 AM

I'm back from Paris for a week. I did see those locks and thought they looked pretty...not realizing that it was causing damage. Wouldn't it be easy for the local government to squash the habit by taking most of them off and posting signs?

november_moon May 7th, 2012 06:53 AM

So I guess this is the new "carving initials in a tree".

CarolA May 7th, 2012 06:55 AM

Of course the couple I saw doing it last year...

Were French

So "blame the tourists" may be popular, but at least a few of the "culprits" probably aren't tourist, but teenagers who think this is cute (this couple had about 4 of the stupid locks and I was thinking "if you 'love' survives longer then it takes someone to cut the lock off you will be lucky" LOL!)

Mainhattengirl May 7th, 2012 06:55 AM

They do this on bridges all over Europe and some spots in Asia also, but it began in Italy.

It certainly is not just tourists. People get married and put a lock on the bridge. Here in Frankfurt it is simply a popular thing to do on the Eisener Steg bridge.

Phread May 7th, 2012 07:53 AM

ggreen, I really appreciate the critiques, I will get on it now.
china_cat, yes I worry about the fish, too.
ACarol, lots of French tourists in Paris. And non-French, taxpaying locals, for that matter. You point has been well taken.
Be it tourists or locals, it would be great if people got the word out to stop....

annhig May 7th, 2012 08:03 AM

well, i only saw it on a pretty miserable looking bridge in Paris, and compared to the vehicle noise and general pollution in the city, it seems small beer.

that's not to want to encourage this sort of thing, but it's easy to get it out of perspective. and surely it's up to the authorities in these cities to put up some signs, and if necessary, make a few arrests for criminal damage.

word would then get round quickly enough!

bilboburgler May 7th, 2012 08:49 AM

and they are flying around the world burning fossil fuels, destroying the planet.

Your proposal on this is?

Fra_Diavolo May 7th, 2012 09:03 AM

This really looks more like the sort of thing a traveler would do, not a tourist.

kerouac May 7th, 2012 09:29 AM

It gives locals a good reason to not appreciate visitors, so the 'good' tourists are likely to start suffering from reactions to the insensitive tourists sooner or later.

Pepper_von_snoot May 7th, 2012 09:30 AM

I would like to ask Phread a question.

Don't the people you photgraph get angry with you for invading their privacy?

If I was walking down the road with my husband arm/arm and somebody jumped out and snapped a photo of us I would probably throw something at them. (Or I would shoot them if I had my Holland & Holland hunting rifle with me.)

Just wondering.

I think it is different for people like Tommy Ton, Kamel, Garance or Scott because they are photographing the fashion flock and these people love an audience.

Thin--who likes Deux Magots better than Flore because it is next to the windows of Louis Vuitton

Fra_Diavolo May 7th, 2012 10:15 AM

"The danger of going out in public is that you might have your picture taken." -- Diane Arbus

See also the recent documentary "Bill Cunningham New York."

PalenQ May 7th, 2012 10:27 AM

Been to Paris many times and never really noticed the locks like your pictures show - I believe you and perhaps because i have not been to Paris in a few years this is a recent trend. That said I find it rather cute and in no way do the photos you present upset me at all - and if the city of Paris wanted to some strong bolt cutters like Parisian bike thieves have quickly and easily used for years could get rid of the locks in one fell swoop if they wanted to - may even be a work stimulus program Hollande could use to give folks work - I mean those zillions cleaning the streets with medieval looking brooms could easily be put to this task as well.

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