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dutyfree Jun 18th, 2006 12:32 AM

Top 10 things to bring on your overseas flight!
Its time again for the "things that you need for you summer overseas flights";
1)pen for filling out customs forms
2)sweater or jacket for night flight over when you get cold
3)liter of water per person to drink during the flight and at the airport-arrive hydrated and less jet-lagged
4)snacks for during the flight(between the dinner and breakfast/snack services)
5)make up your own amenity kit if you are sitting in economy-toothbrush/paste,slipper sox,eyeshades,chapstick,ponytail holder or clip,neck pillow
6)at least one travel book in your carryon along with printouts of your hotel's address and phone so you can show people the address in their language
7)extra diapers and changes of clothes for your babies and toddlers along with wrapped small toys to amuse them during the flight/cheerios/books.etc.
8)take an AIRBORNE tablet before you get on the flight and possibly before you land to stay healthy
9)buy a spray bottle of saline water(salt) to squirt into your nose periodically during the flight to keep your nasal tissues moist so you don't catch a cold or other "cooties" from you fellow passengers
10)manners and respect for your other travelers in the aluminum tube across the pond
Have fun and enjoy the journey!

Carrybean Jun 18th, 2006 03:33 AM


kleeblatt Jun 18th, 2006 04:02 AM


Wednesday Jun 18th, 2006 04:07 AM

lip balm

travelbunny Jun 18th, 2006 04:08 AM

..actually, I think your list is good though most airline have pleanty of water so I don't bring any (...every last oz counts). I always have a change of undies in my bag in case my luggage is misplaced. I also carry a list of family meds (generics) as well as the meds in an easily reachable place..I love your comment re manners- a great reminder to all of us!

L84SKY Jun 18th, 2006 05:42 AM

A good page turner. I like to find them at my library book sale, so I don't mind leaving them at the airport when I'm finished.
I don't care what genre as long as the story keeps moving.

jeanne1408 Jun 18th, 2006 05:54 AM

A photocopy of the essential pages of your passport, emergency telephone numbers and a list of your prescriptions.

Plus, patience.

where2 Jun 18th, 2006 06:25 AM

I always carry on my camera, camcorder (if I am bringing it), chargers, DVD player with extra batteries (for my kids to watch - with DVDs) and this tends to take up a lot of space and weight. I wear any jewelry I am taking.

For my small children I bring a change of clothes, tylenol/advil, benedryl, and a carry-on suitcase filled with wrapped presents to open and play with.

I envy anyone who can read a book on a flight - I bring enough energy to play with 2 kids for 10 hours while sitting down. . .

L84SKY Jun 18th, 2006 08:06 AM

Also, earplugs the type that are made for taking off and landing.
I think these would be a good idea for children/babies too.

suze Jun 18th, 2006 08:19 AM

Not so much for use on the flight but because they would be vey difficult to replace, I bring all prescriptions (eye glasses, sunglasses, medications). Also a clean shirt, socks, and undies to change at my transfer airport or in case luggage is delayed.

kerouac Jun 18th, 2006 08:55 AM

1. pen 2. calculator 3. books 4. trashy magazines to be abandoned at hotels along the way.
Do not bring anything to stuff your face out of boredom - it's the biggest mistake that Americans make.

Kate_W Jun 18th, 2006 09:50 AM

+ Lightweight pashmina, instead of a sweater. It keeps you warm and it doubles as a blanket for your top half (do you really want that airplane blanket anywhere near your face? ick)

+ Deodorant
+ Listerine breathstrips
+ Ear plugs

- Don't bring your own pillow - what a huge waste of space.

Robespierre Jun 18th, 2006 10:01 AM

Noise-canceling earphones. They make it easier to hear the movie, your recorded music will sound better, and when you want to sleep they serve as a pretty good Cone Of Silence.

Underhill Jun 18th, 2006 10:06 AM

Copies of The New Yorker that you never got around to reading. Boroleum ointment to put under the nostrils for dryness prevention.

kodi Jun 18th, 2006 10:41 AM

I wouldn't be without my down filled travel pillow. I love it. And it squishes down quite small.

Kate I love the pashmina idea. I'll add it to my list.

ParisEscapes Jun 18th, 2006 11:03 AM

Great recommendations! A few additions to the list:

1. I like to use the Oral B Brush-Ups - little brushes with paste that you put over an index finger to brush my teeth with before departing the flight. Beats standing in line for WC to brush your teeth. I actually discovered these as part of a complimentary business class kit, and now always travel with them. About $1 for two.

2. Rant Alert: I used to never bring extra water on a flight, (ridiculous to haul water on your carry-on), but in the last year I've changed my tune on this one. I've noticed on four flights to Europe in the last year that the flight attendants have been severely rationing the water. For example, for a Diet Coke, I received a large glass/can. When I ask for water I receive a small plastic glass, and they won't leave a bottle, and will only give you one small glass at a time. The kicker is that I fly Business Class. The flight attendants told me that they were afraid that they might run-out.

My friends that fly Coach say that they will never fly without a liter of their own water again. I think it is part of the "cutbacks" occurring on the airlines.

3. Noise cancelling headphones are AWESOME! You don't realize the difference they make until you fly without wearing them.

Robespierre Jun 18th, 2006 11:39 AM

2. Airplanes <u>do</u> carry potable water in tanks - but I wouldn't drink it unless it's been boiled to make tea or coffee.

3. That's funny - I didn't notice the difference until I flew <i>with</i> them. ;)

Danna Jun 18th, 2006 01:16 PM

Moleskin (for use after you land and your daughter has blisters for two weeks).

I'm going to begin bringing wine in small boxes so I don't have to pay so much.

Toothbrush and paste.


Trashy novel

Mab85 Jun 18th, 2006 01:58 PM

Anyone have a suggestion for a good sleep aid? Benadryl, something?

kr Jun 18th, 2006 02:03 PM

xannax or valiums

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