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Susan Apr 5th, 2002 09:30 AM

To all of those who have just returned from Italy
It seems that many Fodorites have just returned from a week or two in Italy. I am leaving for my week there in a couple of days. Can you tell me if you needed/brought a medium weight jacket (like a pea coat), or just wore a sweater over a shirt. This question pertains not only to your time walking between sites, but also time spent at outside cafes soaking it all in. I think when you sit still you notice the temperature more. Thanks for all help. Susan

kavey Apr 5th, 2002 09:50 AM

Susan<BR>I think it would probably vary across Italy but we were in Venice for a week from 27th March to 2nd April.<BR>It was in the 50s/ 60s most of the time I think.<BR>To me that felt warm in direct sun but still a little cool in the shade and in Venice, with all its little shaded alleyways and little passages there was a lot of shade.<BR>I needed my regular fleece with me which I wore or tied round my waist (shock horror what horrendous fashion sense and she wore big clump walking boots come trainers too).<BR>I didn't need a warmer coat or jumpers at all.<BR>The only time I felt a little cold even with the fleece was one day on the vaporetti when we followed the entire route of the 82 out and around the West of Venice and I insisted on sitting outside for the wonderful air and sun and views.<BR>I believe the weather is probably even better now as it got warmer and warmer the 6 days we were there.<BR>I would definitely check out a couple of different weather sites (cnn, bbc etc) as they each had different forecasts and the reality was an average of all of them.<BR>Kavey

Barb Apr 5th, 2002 10:10 AM

Susan--I second Kavey's comments about Venice; unless you are very cold-natured, you won't need a real coat. I used a blazer most days, and it was fine. My husband wore a light pullover sweater and at night a very light London Fog jacket. Rome and Florence were much warmer. Buy a scarf while you're there, then you'll have it as a souvenir. Buon Viaggio!

tania Apr 5th, 2002 11:03 AM

Was in Florence March 7-10. Light jacket with no sweater underneath. Had lunch outside.<BR><BR>Was In Venice March 1- 6, 2001. Some sprinkles, one rainy evening. Lightweight jacket with sweater and undershirt. <BR><BR>Was in Rome March 7 - 14. Warm, sunny, often needed no coat.<BR><BR>I would doubt that you'd need anything that a light jacket.<BR><BR>Enjoy

tania Apr 5th, 2002 11:03 AM

Was in Florence March 7-10, 2002. Light jacket with no sweater underneath. Had lunch outside.<BR><BR>Was In Venice March 1- 6, 2001. Some sprinkles, one rainy evening. Lightweight jacket with sweater and undershirt. <BR><BR>Was in Rome March 7 - 14, 2001. Warm, sunny, often needed no coat.<BR><BR>I would doubt that you'd need anything that a light jacket.<BR><BR>Enjoy

Susan Apr 5th, 2002 11:04 AM

Thanks for your comments Kavey and Barb. I got a chuckle Kavey, picturing an attractive sophisticated woman walking across the Piazza San Marco with a fleece tied around her waist! The fashion police must have fined you on the spot! Glad to hear I don't need to wear over, then wind up carrying, a heavier coat. Susan

Amy Apr 5th, 2002 11:05 AM

Was in Rome and the Amalfi Coast Mar 14-21 and only used a very light coat. Was actually hot enough to wish I had shorts at Pompeii and in Rome on the 17th and 18th. You will need a coat at night though, no matter how warm the days get the nights still get chilly. I did read it was frosty in Rome on Palm Sunday though, so it seems pretty changeable.<BR><BR>Amy

Maria Apr 5th, 2002 01:13 PM

It was cooler over Holy Week. I had a light sweater and a light jacket. What I wore varied by the day and amount of wind. At night all was necessary and I even added gloves while walking around Rome late into the night. I just brought light clothing that easily layered and then carried a bag for what I didn't wear. We only went back to our hotel when we were ready to crash.

dan Apr 6th, 2002 06:16 PM

I was in Naples 3/21 - 3/28 and it was unseasonably cold and windy - it even snowed on Palm Sunday! Temperature was in 30's or 40's overnight, 50's during day. Needless to say that's unusual. I took a fleece pullover which saved me, wore it every day. I would think any where in Italy in April you'll still need minimum a light jacket or sweater for at least the evening/morning. gives ten day forecasts for many Italian cities to help your last minute packing. Hopefully you'll have nicer weather than I had.<BR><BR>Ciao!<BR><BR>Dan

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