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Seamus Aug 4th, 2006 07:38 PM

Tio Seamus learns a new skill
OK, after much prodding I have posted a few photos from our recent Paris trip. Yes, they are a bit cliche but mejor que nada, eh? More to come as I get the time to sort and edit. Thanks to fellow Fodorites who turned me on to this.

SeaUrchin Aug 4th, 2006 07:59 PM

yes more than better than nothing! show us some more, I love the one underneath the ETower.

starrsville Aug 4th, 2006 08:02 PM

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.

Oh, and congratulations on your new skill! :-)

Seamus Aug 5th, 2006 10:09 AM

Thanks, folks. It really is pretty easy to use this site - I just added a couple more pics.
stars, do you suppose the addition of this skill to my CV will finally garner me a ticket to Stockholm? :-)

jody Aug 5th, 2006 10:48 AM

WOW! The picture of the ceiling at Ste Chapelle !!!!!!!

stokebailey Aug 5th, 2006 11:55 AM

Muy bien, Tio mio. Not a cliche in sight.

TexasAggie Aug 5th, 2006 12:10 PM

Great pics Seamus! I love the pic of the Eiffel at night

P_M Aug 5th, 2006 12:54 PM

Very nice, Seamus!! I felt like I was looking up the skirt of the Eiffel Tower. :-))

I'm not too happy with the digital camera I have--what kind are you using? I might just get one like yours.

ira Aug 5th, 2006 02:33 PM

Some very nice pix, S.

Thanks for sharing.


moldyhotelsaregross Aug 6th, 2006 09:19 AM

Fantastic photos by my favorite SA food critic! :)

Seamus Aug 6th, 2006 10:07 AM

P_M -
Welcome back - isn't Portland magnificent?
Most of the shots were from a Canon A430, my first outing with it and I must confess without having adequately studied the user guide ("when all else fails, read the instructions"). A couple were taken with my "old" HP 935. The HP was my first entry to digital photography. I think this HP may have some mechanical problems, or maybe it's just a lemon - it was a major PIA trying to keep it in batteries, would randomly say that the card was unreadable, extended time between taking one shot and being redy for the next, and other interruptions in function. After submitting to HP's agonizing customer non-service on several occasions, I gave up and it now functions perfectly as a paperweight. So far I like the Canon, and its battery appetite is nowhere near that of the HP.
The Olympus Stylus 300 that my partner uses produces nice, crisp shots and has a nice compact design. It uses a rechargable battery, so you have to tote along the charger, but it is smaller than the Radio Shack AA charger I have been schlepping.

Wistful thinking: How I wish it were possible to recharge a camera battery while still in the camera, like you can charge a laptop battery while using it.

P_M Aug 6th, 2006 05:02 PM

Thanks for the camera info, Seamus. Portland was indeed magnificent!! If you click my name, you will find a trip report.

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